New Years Resolutions kept???



  • volleygirl1980
    volleygirl1980 Posts: 121 Member
    My general goal is to eat healthy and workout..and no drive-thru food except coffee (with just milk)..but I'm setting mini-goals each week:

    W1: No junk food - accomplished
    W2: 6 glasses of water a day - accomplished
    W3: Workout 3X a week for 30 mins - accomplished - I blew that one out of the water!
    Not sure what my goal will be for week 4..I'm thinking maybe trying to cook a dish with a vegetable I've never tried before..

    I'm also aiming to only weigh myself on the 1st of each month (although I caved on Jan 11 - hence the 7 pound weight loss to date) - I realized that I'd probably step on the scale if it's in the house - so, I dropped it off at my parents..I find that if I don't know how much I'm losing, I tend to eat better/exercise more..although I'm really excited to see my progress on Feb 1st!
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    I just realized I never made one!
  • mncmom3
    mncmom3 Posts: 42 Member
    I kept mine!! This is a first for me.
    1. No Soda
    2. Stick to low calorie diet including lean proteins, whole grains and produce
    3. Log food every day
    4. Work out at least 3x/ wk
    I am down 13.5 lbs so far! It is working :)
  • Sherman7057
    Sherman7057 Posts: 88 Member
    Congrats to all of you! ! Keep going! !
  • annbuschur
    annbuschur Posts: 4 Member
    No NY resolutions for me this year. I had myself on track in early Dec. & am sticking to it. I have noticied the traffic in my gym has decreased tremendously this week. But I am still there, 6 days/wk.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I made my resolution to lose weight January 1st 2012 and stuck to it! and I'm keeping the ball rolling in 2013 :smile:
  • Szkx45
    Szkx45 Posts: 12 Member
    Giving up soda .....I call it rough all by itself! I was a 15 can a day Diet Coke drinker and have pretty much given it up. I do still have one every other week or so, but I feel SO much better without it!
  • Fitmom4boys
    Fitmom4boys Posts: 36 Member
    Try to eat 'cleaner' meaning cook or prepare foods not just heat up dinner for kids, not eat fast food until at goal weight...restisted pizza, burgers and fries often...and get to goal by may si i can bike swim and run in the spa girl my swimsuit!!
    Great check in post! Thanks!
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    I had three goals this year:

    1) Get outside with my daughter more. It's been so darn cold I haven't even been able to get started on that one. :(

    2) Get (and stay!) below 135lbs - I'm working on it!

    3) Learn all 60 sets of kata for my karate class so when I more this year I can continue to train on my own, and maybe open my own little class wherever I wind up. I'm at 50/60, so I have confidence I can manage this one. :)
  • Tsunami79
    Tsunami79 Posts: 122 Member
    I never made one.

    I guess I should now.

    1. Make my bed everyday.
    2. Clean my apartment every week.
    3. Eat healthy, and exercise more ( have been very lax with that, but still lost 1 pound, not sure how though)