Strange Eating Quirks, Anyone?



  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    i eat pizza with a all stems back to 8th grade when i got parents took us out that night for pizza and my teeth were still sensitive from just getting my braces on...its like second nature to this day...i have to have a fork ready when i eat pizza.
  • Nichole23225
    Nichole23225 Posts: 38 Member
    I hate it when I order a burger in a restaurant and they put the "toppings" under the burger. They are called toppings for a reason! They have to go on TOP. So I disassemble my burger and put them on TOP in their rightful position.
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    Any candy bars (Three Musketeers, especially), must have the outer chocolate peeled off and eaten prior to eating the center.

    I can't figure out the mechanics of this. I'd think it'd just end up a gooey mess.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I don't like when my food touches, and I only eat one thing at a time rather than a bite of this and a bite of that until the meal is done.
  • zCarsAndCaloriesz
    i CAN NOT have my food touching.
    This bugs everyone I know who has ever been to a buffet with me.
    My salad, MUST NOT touch my potatoes.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    The biggest challenge for me is sauces. If I have something on a plate with sauce or gravy, I hate it when it touches any other food. Gravy is the easiest because I can make potatoes into a little volcano and put the gravy inside. Salads are the hardest if there isn't a separate salad plate.

    I have a friend who is extremely fussy about food. He won't eat potato, rice, or macaroni salad because "those foods can only be eaten hot." No hot and cold foods can be served together. And that's just the beginning.

    My question for some people here is what you do when someone invites you for dinner? Do you tell them about your food quirks, or do you just suck it up and be polite? I recently asked my fussy friend what he does and he said "I ask what the menu will be and I tell them whether or not it will work for me." I don't mind because I've known him for decades and just make fun of him (mostly), but if I didn't know him well and invited him for dinner I don't think I'd be too happy.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member

    Any candy bars (Three Musketeers, especially), must have the outer chocolate peeled off and eaten prior to eating the center.

    LOL, I do this too. My husband always makes fun of me for it, but that's just how I roll.

    This is a fun thread:drinker:
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    i have to eat each food in order, one bite at time, so that the same amount is on the plate the whole time. and i have to eat the same thing for breakfast.
    My biggest thing is textures of food. like anything mushy like bananas, cant do it. makes me gag. I will force myself to eat them... but its a huge deal and takes forever lol
  • amcoltlghgirl
    I eat the crust off of my Pizza first. I never used to but it started when I was in ninth grade. Now I can't eat pizza without eating the crust first. I also refuse to have dressing on my salads unless it is one of the spray dressings; that's really because it has less calories.
  • hobbitgrrl
    hobbitgrrl Posts: 67 Member
    I also must remove all of the peas from my soup before I can eat it. I do not like peas at all and will not eat them. Everything else in the soup is welcome to stay.

    ^^ I do this too. I pick peas out of everything. Can't stand 'em!

    I have a real issue with consistency of foods, especially "chunky" food. It's only been recently that I've been able to eat salsa without running it through a food processor first.

    Until recently, I picked raisins out of everything too. They remind me of dead flies, LOL. I've since gotten over that, somewhat, as I've developed a sudden liking for toasted raisin bread. :huh:

    I also sort Smarties/M&M's by color and eat them in the order of the least appealing colors, saving red & blue for last.

    When I used to eat fast food burger/fry meal combos, I always, without fail, ate the fries before the burger. Didn't touch the burger till the fries were finished. Come to think of it, I still eat the burger last - I always eat the salad first.

    Enjoying this thread! Glad to know I'm not the only one who has food "rituals" lol!
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    My question for some people here is what you do when someone invites you for dinner? Do you tell them about your food quirks, or do you just suck it up and be polite? I recently asked my fussy friend what he does and he said "I ask what the menu will be and I tell them whether or not it will work for me." I don't mind because I've known him for decades and just make fun of him (mostly), but if I didn't know him well and invited him for dinner I don't think I'd be too happy.

    I'm super picky about my foods, but I realize that not everyone is *as* picky as me, so I opt for just not eating the certain foods I don't like (like not putting mayo on my sandwiches or eating any cold picinic casserol [too much mayo and not willing to take the chance if it's not haha] or pick off the veggies on a pizza). But usually, when I go over to someone's place for dinner, we've consulted ahead of time what we should have, and agree on something we both like. :)
  • losingweightfindingme
    I love this thread! Glad to see I'm not the only quirky eater. I have a couple quirks. First - everything I eat is consumed with the help of utensils...this includes pizza, fried chicken, any meat on the bone, barbecue ribs, raw veggies, and chicken wings. I can't stand touching my food then consuming it. The only exception is french fries, nachos, and potato chips. Those are meant to be finger foods. Second - texture plays a huge part in my food choices. I can't stand the texture of pudding or yogurt. The texture actually makes me gag. I don't know why. I've tried working through it but I just can't. So as healthy as yogurt can be as a snack...I have a feeling I will never be able to eat it. I wish I could. I don't miss pudding though....I have never liked the concept of gelatinous chocolate. Chocolate mousse also falls in this category. I can't stand the texture so I just don't eat it. I also can't stand pickles. If anything comes with pickles on it, I won't eat it. I can't eat tomatoes on sandwiches, but I love having tomatoes in salsas and I love eating tomato slices on their own. I don't like the tomato texture in sandwiches.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I like to eat all or most of my food in one big meal. It has nothing to do with a diet plan even though I know some people do this deliberately and lose weight, I just like to eat one big meal and be done with it.
  • kateneyxx
    kateneyxx Posts: 59 Member
    Ok, confessing this on here i am totally going to be shot .... but ... here goes ...

    I love ketchup! have it on every dinner basically (yep, even on roast and Christmas dinner when it mixes with the ketchup - add it to mash potato and it goes pink ....mmmmmm)

    Cut me and my blood will be at least 70% ketchup....

    suuuuppppp! :tongue:
  • kateneyxx
    kateneyxx Posts: 59 Member
    pfffft a sausage or bacon sarnie with no sauce = no eating :wink:
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    I don't know if this is a quirk or plain common sense but if I receive a meal in a restaurant or someone's house and it isn't as hot as it should be I will ask them to microwave it.same if cook something for myself and it isn't hot enough because I've left it out for a few minutes.
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    Anyone that can't have their food touching on the plate, how do you cope at a restaurant? Do you disassemble it before you eat it?
  • rgohm
    rgohm Posts: 294 Member
    How are you getting nine servings of bright and dark coloured fruits and veggies in the full rainbow of colours - blue/ purple, red, green, yellow/ orange - when not mixing some combinations or having a whole plate full of beige food? IMO that is more than a quirk if it affecting how nutritious your diet is.

    Agreed! I'm trying to "taste the rainbow", but the Skittles company keeps threatening a lawsuit for copyright infringement and theft of a really stupid tag line.

  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    I love ketchup! have it on every dinner basically (yep, even on roast and Christmas dinner when it mixes with the ketchup - add it to mash potato and it goes pink ....mmmmmm)

    I love ketchup, too >.> Maybe not QUITE that much - I put it on mashed potatoes sometimes, but not to the extent of them getting pink. But I WILL put it on eggs and any fritatta or breakfast casserole that I make. Also, mac and cheese. And when I was a kid I used to get yelled at by my grandfather for putting ketchup on pot roast/roast beef. But in my defense, I've since grown up and learned to cook, and discovered just how dry the old family roast beef was.

    My only other eating quirk that I can think of is with fast food hamburgers. I ALWAYS eat around the edges first, and save the center bite for last. I don't do this with actual restaurant or homemade burgers, though, just fast food...
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    If I am eating anything that has a hard chocolate shell (like some stick ice creams) I have to pick off all the chocolate, eat it, then eat the ice cream/filling

    When I eat oreos I scrape off the cream and throw it away

    I feel really uncomfortable not eating dinner at a table. Any other meal is fine for me to eat on the couch/in the kitchen/ on the floor but not dinner