Smoothie With greens

jujuky Posts: 26 Member
I love fruit smoothies, but have never tried adding spinach or kale... How does it taste?
Any recipes?


  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I just bought some Kale yesterday because I want to try juicing and have the same question. I don't have a clue where to begin with it... Good question! Sorry I cannot be of any help... :)
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Frozen spinach in a berry smoothie doesn't taste any different to a berry smoothie without spinach. Some recipes here including spinach or kale
  • Tinker_and_Bash
    Tinker_and_Bash Posts: 39 Member
    I actually put CANNED spinach in a smoothie this morning and could barely taste it. I had 1 cup spinach, 1 banana, 3 strawberries, 1/2 jar of pear/pineapple fruit mix, 1/2 cup milk & a splash of OJ. it was delish!
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    I LOVE IT!! Two of my favorites are:

    Green smoothie- 2c fresh greens, 1 kiwi with no skin, 1/2 c frozen pineapple, 1/3 cucumber, water as needed (usually 1-2c)
    Red smoothie- 2c fresh greens, 1/4 c canned pumpkin, 1/2 c carrot juice, 1/4 inch of ginger root, and 1c frozen mixed berries, water

    Just play around with combinations. Pineapple it the best for hiding bitter flavors, canned pumpkin makes it a great consistency. I use cucumber a lot because it neutralizes bitter flavors and adds water. I also like to add frozen blanched green beans when I need neutral flavor.
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    I actually put CANNED spinach in a smoothie this morning and could barely taste it. I had 1 cup spinach, 1 banana, 3 strawberries, 1/2 jar of pear/pineapple fruit mix, 1/2 cup milk & a splash of OJ. it was delish!

    For some reason I have always been put off by fruit and dairy combos except flavored yogurts. Maybe I'm weird, but I feel like it makes me digest funny. I've heard almond milk is good, or I use canned pumpkin to get the consistency.
  • Here is a blog post I did last month on one of my favorite green smoothies:

    To be honest (and more cost-effective), a simple frozen ripe banana, spoonful of nut butter, plenty of baby spinach (literally, pack it in there... the 'nana and nuts will cut the taste), and some random milk (either conventional or nut milk) or water (if using a creamy-ish protein powder) is always delicious.
  • Try hemp milk -- super creamy and delicate on the tummy.
  • annamorrison90
    annamorrison90 Posts: 33 Member
    I love making smoothies. I put almond milk in mine and vanilla extract and make a milkshake sometimes. I'll try it with a little bit of veggies. good idea!
  • nadziega
    nadziega Posts: 11 Member
    I used to make some smoothies with spinach, celery, parsley, kale, and frozen pineapple.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    If I have spinach, I always throw a big handful into my smoothie and as others said, the taste is barely noticeable.
  • My brother makes a delicious smoothie with Kale, ice, pineapple, coconut water and apples it is delicious! Sweet and refreshing no need for artificial sweeteners or nothing!
  • leahj4
    leahj4 Posts: 7
    I love smoothies! but,! Ive never been able to make any that I enjoy though. Wish I could help.
  • shanmackie
    shanmackie Posts: 194 Member
    spinach i think is best - just start out with a tiny amount and add a little bit each week until you get used to the taste. kale is still good too but i think spinach tastes less "green" if you know what i mean. :)
  • BoboGritt
    BoboGritt Posts: 72 Member

    Hello I have had the above. It doesn't taste bad. Would say try to use sweet apples. I felt energetic on it's influence.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I tried my first smoothie with greens. I used half an avacado and cup of springmix/spinach...delish. Tried more greens with fruit and same thing.

    It does not change the taste at all.
  • soaringspring
    soaringspring Posts: 2 Member
    As long as you don't turn it into a spinach smoothie, you won't even notice it. My standard is handful of fresh spinach leaves with blueberries, strawberries, almond butter, flax seeds, a little lemon juice and some pineapple orange juice, with some water too. Pureed until smooth. Kale is stronger, but I alternate with whatever is on hand. No sweeteners.
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    Honestly? It taste pretty bad, kale is a fairly harsh green. That being said you can hide the taste if you want because I will tell you after having Kale shakes for some time, they make you feel incredible and it is worth the off putting taste...

    I use this one..
  • I put 2 cups of fresh organic spinach in all my fruit smoothies and the taste is just fine. A great way to get some dark green veggies in for the day! I recently purchased the Magic Bullet little blender for my smoothies. Love that little blender! Perfect for one drink smoothies!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,863 Member
    1 cup spinach, 1/2 a banana, 1/2 an apple, 1 cup almond milk (or whatever you want) cinnamon to taste

    blend it up and yumminess, you can barely tast the spinach
  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    Bump =)