Need Opinions On Something Doctor Said

On Friday I called my doctor and told him I've been having trouble losing weight. I told him I've been watching what I eat, counting calories, and exercising at least a couple times a week but haven't really been having any results other than gaining and losing the same 5lbs. I asked him what he thinks I should do different or change. He recommend me to a doctor's office that specializes in surgical weight loss procedures. But they do have one doctor that helps from a non-surgical standpoint. My question is should I do what my doctor said and make an appointment with this other office or should I keep doing what I'm doing but up my exercise?


  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I'd go to at least see what they have to offer. Good luck!
  • Cori_Nichols
    I agree. I'd at least go and see what a specialist has to say.
  • disdatdude
    Please tell us a little about your goals, diet, workout and how much disclipline you do or do not have?

    I'm always against surgery, but sometimes I think it can be a good thing. Unfortunately, people do it and since they don't have discipline and the right mindset...they're back to where they were they started. I say put forth 150% first, then if that doesn't work out you can consider giving your money away to a doctor :wink:
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    There's no harm in talking to the non-surgical doctor. He may have some suggestions. You may need to change up your diet, eating a bit more and change up your exercise.
  • SLBry6024
    SLBry6024 Posts: 43 Member
    I go but if you really don't want surgery then let them know.

    it does not hurt to talk to someone who know what they are talk about.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Start with a nutritionist before you talk about any kind of surgery, pills, etc.
  • mmgavitt
    mmgavitt Posts: 82 Member
    I think that before going the surgery route I would SERIOUSLY recheck my diet and exercise. The smallest things that you don't count can add up a LOT. And alcohol too. I would maybe even invest in a food scale (I LOVE mine and use it for EVERYTHING). Try cutting out eating out for 2 weeks and seriously measuring and weighing everything you put into your mouth and see if you still have the same problem.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I would definitely see a doctor, but I am not sure I would see one at a surgical weight loss center. If you are truly counting your calories accurately, eating the right types of food, getting plenty of water, rest & exercise- you may need to see if you have some sort of underlying medical condition.
  • susanprows
    susanprows Posts: 10 Member
    Why don't you just get real serious about losing weight the right way -- eating less ( a LOT less) and moving a lot more (a LOT more). Trouble now is that you think you are eating a small amount and being active enough... but you are fooling yourself. I did that too. Just use MFP and stick with it. Be honest about what you eat and how much you eat. Be honest about your activity. If you come in UNDER your daily calorie goal by 400-500 calories each day, you will lose weight. Just get a few friends and support each other. Lot cheaper and safer than surgery. Of course a doctor who does weight loss surgery is going to tell you that surgery is the solution -- as they say, when you have a hammer in your hand, everything looks like a nail! Best wishes!
  • janecl
    janecl Posts: 121 Member
    I have been overweight all my life. I went to a dr that referred me to an office for weight loss surgery. I went and listened to the pros and cons of the options. I choose to go to a dr to do medical weight loss without surgery. Along with that they have a psychologist that I will start seeing to help me deal with emotional eating. I feel that if I can't discipline myself to do it on my own now, I probably won't discipline myself to stay on the regismen after the weight loss surgery.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    You told the doc all the things you are doing and they sound right on the money. You asked his opinon and he gave it to you. SO I would go and see what this program is all about. You don't have to go through with any of it if its not something you are into. What can it hurt? If you don't respond to weight loss like the usual person maybe you need something a little more specific.
    Good luck.
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    My doctor is pushing surgery on me too, but I really don't want it. So many things could go wrong. I convinced him to let me try losing weight the regular way this year.
  • rwhyte12
    rwhyte12 Posts: 203 Member
    If it's a non surgical intervention of some sort, I'd definitely go. I've heard good and bad stuff about surgical weight loss interventions. For example, chronic bad breath. But I've never heard anything either way about a non surgical intervention.
    Best would be to get all your options on the table and then decide from there.
    I've done that with my jaw. The dentists told me one thing way back. The new dentists told me something. The orthodontist told me a 6000 dollar surgery and braces intervention. I finally got tired of wondering what to do so I went directly to the oral surgeon who does jaws. He told me for a millimeter, it wasn't worth potentially having a jaw that gets messed up in surgery. He helped me to get the symptoms under control as well. He really helped me to put it in perspective. Point being, lots of options were out there but in the end, I had to choose who to believe.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    I think surgery is a good but last resort option for the morbidly obese. Just remember that after surgery, you will be on a verrry strict 600-800 calorie/day diet for many, many months until your insides heal, then it's a slow introduction to normal eating. Surgery is NOT a quick fix by any means.
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    I am not an advocate of surgery. Having said that, it can't hurt to go and hear what they have to say. I have lost 70 pounds through a lifestyle change which included exercise and calorie management, and understanding to which foods my body reacts negatively. If you want some more specific feedback, you would need to open your diary for others to see.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I have been overweight all my life. I went to a dr that referred me to an office for weight loss surgery. I went and listened to the pros and cons of the options. I choose to go to a dr to do medical weight loss without surgery. Along with that they have a psychologist that I will start seeing to help me deal with emotional eating. I feel that if I can't discipline myself to do it on my own now, I probably won't discipline myself to stay on the regismen after the weight loss surgery.

    But that is the beauty of the surgery, you HAVE to listen to the new rules your body has set with its new limitations. Less food capasity and no hunger pangs. There are great weight loss strategies with both options.

    Original poster, If you want any first hand insite to this weight loss surgery, I would be happy to give you my experience in being the wife of someone who had the surgery almost 9 years ago. Just PM me. I'd be happy to share the happy results in detail with you.
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    Start with a nutritionist before you talk about any kind of surgery, pills, etc.

    ^^ I'm with this person. I could never lose weight until I spoke with a nutritionist. No gimicks, no surgery, no magic pills or fancy things that come out of a bottle. Better eating for a better me. Good luck!
  • chamo24
    chamo24 Posts: 2 Member
    I am a need to stick to a diet....its really just a matter of finding the number of calories that result in 0 net weight loss or gain and go from there....
    Its hard work!!!!!.... but just a matter of how many calories you eat vs how many you burn
    if you are not losing weight its simply because you are not operating at a net calories loss
    its really that simple!!!
    it you want a doctor to give you an easy option, then do surgery
    otherwise, speaking as a doctor, we really have no advice to offer other that what you already know (healthy foods, moderate portions, calorie count, exercise, etc...)
  • TheDarlingOne
    TheDarlingOne Posts: 255 Member
    Hi ya! I was looking at your profile and I saw your ticker for the weightloss you need to have. I know one thing I'm doing different this time and it seems effective - is breaking my weightloss up into more manageable sections. Grand total I need to lose over 200lbs!! but who wants to think about that? With the ticker weightloss on my profile - it's fun, because it looks like I only have a mere 12.5lbs to hit goal - and I do - my 1st goal that is woohoo. Then I'll cut it to 25lbs at a time to chip away at this blob of person that is me lol. Well it's not me, the real me is trapped somewhere inside haha.

    But that's just a suggestion you may want to try - and it couldn't hurt to try the dr's referal - do they have free consultation? I just am pretty stoked that in my 1st week of serious trying - i lost 4lbs - which tells me I only need 12lbs and I'm at goal woohoo. Mind set. Mind over matter kinda thing.

    Bah - hope that helps - it's late and I'm sleepy already haha.
  • AniyahsMommy324
    AniyahsMommy324 Posts: 104 Member
    Please tell us a little about your goals, diet, workout and how much disclipline you do or do not have?

    I'm always against surgery, but sometimes I think it can be a good thing. Unfortunately, people do it and since they don't have discipline and the right mindset...they're back to where they were they started. I say put forth 150% first, then if that doesn't work out you can consider giving your money away to a doctor :wink:

    I don't feel like I need surgery, not do I want it. I'm 23, 5'6", 225lbs. Before I got pregnant with my oldest daughter (so July of 2010) I was 150. All the weight I gained came from that pregnancy (I did not watch what I ate while I was pregnant with here, and gave in to ALL my cravings :/ ) I want to get back down to 150. Based on my BMR and TDEE I was put at 1540 for calories a day (custom from a website recommended in the Roadmap post). I eat 2 small meals a day and then my dinner is usually around 550 calories. My workouts currently consist of at home DVD's (currently Jillian Michaels), walking outside 1.23 miles a few times a week, and playing outside chasing after my daughter. I also am planning to join a gym hopefully this week, and want to make that a daily habit. As far as discipline, I'm just getting this back and buckling down to see changes.