Strange Eating Quirks, Anyone?



  • KittyViolet
    KittyViolet Posts: 220 Member
    I love to mix my corn with other things. My favorite way to have it? Get ready for this, I doubt there is another like me... with KRAFT DINNER. My parents regularly made supper that consisted of a cut of meat (steak or pork chop), canned corn, and Kraft Dinner. I don't know how I discovered the magickal taste of KD and corn but ever since, I absolutely crave it!

    My boyfriend's family has a habit of attempting to make "shepard's pie", but they ridicule the dish by making it as a "mash". This drives me up the wall! It's. A. PIE. Layer it properly! Don't just throw mashed potatoes, corn, and hash meat on a pot and call it a day! HMPH.

    The proportions of a PB & J sandwich are very important, too. Needs to be about a 1:2 ratio of PB to jam. If there's too much peanut butter, take it away. I can't eat it. I also can't have just jam on toast for breakfast. Needs butter first, let it melt into the toast, and THEN apply the jam. Ooey gooey deliciousness. :)

    And more on proportions: hotdogs. I like a little bit of ketchup and a lot of mustard. I don't appreciate restos that do not take my request seriously. Stop flooding my hotdogs with ketchup!

    I'm a big pepper monkey, too. My eggs and especially my potatoes must be BLACK once I'm through with the pepper shaker. I just love the kick it gives to otherwise bland food.

    Cookies must accompany milk at all times. Store-bought cookies anyway, because they're pretty crunchy. I have to dip them in milk for at least 3 seconds to thoroughly saturate them before eating, so they're nice and soft.

    Speaking of soft, I hate soft cereal. HATE. IT. For cereals like Mini Wheats, Shreddies, and Fruit Loops that get soggy FAST, I pour my milk, lightly sprinkle with a layer of cereal, eat, and then repeat until the milk is gone. Seriously, soggy cereal is just nasty! Used to drive my mother crazy because I'd "leave the milk out to spoil" while I ate.
  • dandandee
    dandandee Posts: 301 Member
    I eat the crust off of pizza first, so I can focus on the yummy, melty, cheesy part for the remainder of my meal. :laugh:

    I'm the total opposite, I LOVE the crust of the pizza, like when it's got a nice thick crush at the end. yummy. but don't go filling it up with cheese or hot dogs like Pizza Hut does. I've never tried it but it sounds gross to me.
  • rgohm
    rgohm Posts: 294 Member
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    i dont and wont eat salad dressing ..i dont find it weird but everyone else seems to . most people seem to be finding my habit of no salad dressing shocking and are amazed ..i feel lucky ive been able to really enjoy a healthy salad with no dressing ..i cant even bring myself to eat it any other way anymore .,it drives me nuts if im at a banquet and the salads are premade and i get mine with dressing on it . its almost embarrassing to ask the server to get me a dry salad
  • Darlene4prayers
    Darlene4prayers Posts: 148 Member
    When my hubby makes a sandwich of any kind he has to smash it with his hands till it is flat. I asked why he does this and he doesn't know why because he has been doing this since childhood. After thinking about it and driving me crazy he thinks it was easier to get the sandwich in the mouth when he was little. He doesn't do this when we eat out!
  • ShaniWulffe
    ShaniWulffe Posts: 458 Member
    I almost always eat my foods in reverse alphabetical order... For example, I would eat my salad before I ate my macaroni before I ate my apple haha
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    I can't eat sandwiches unless I just made them.. which means if I want to bring one for lunch, I have to bring half the kitchen with me and assemble it at work.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I always, always, always have to sit on the end side of a large table, where my left handedness won't interfere with others when I cut my meat. I cannot sit on the inside of any large table gathering. I come from a big family and I was the only lefty, so that's where I was told to sit as a child.
  • Cordy1228
    Cordy1228 Posts: 245 Member
    I cannot, will not eat yogurt with a metal spoon. Plastic spoon only. My kids are school-aged, and I purposely kept some of their plastic cutlery for my yogurt habit.

    I can, however, eat ice cream with a metal spoon. Go figure.

    And while we're on the topic of ice cream, when we're at a birthday party, I will only have cake OR ice cream. Not both. Ever. Even if they're on separate plates. The temperature difference is NO BUENO for me.

    I don't like anything chunky in my brownies. That means no nuts, obviously, but also no chocolate chips or chunks. The only time I will actually turn down a brownie is if it has add-ins.
  • theblackbirdtree
    I prefer smaller spoons when eating. If there isn't a clean small spoon at home, I wash one.
    Also with bowls. I'll easily consume 2-3 bowls of dinner in a 1/2 cup size bowl. :P

    I just like tiny dishes :)
  • jesekelynne
    Any candy bars (Three Musketeers, especially), must have the outer chocolate peeled off and eaten prior to eating the center.

    I can't figure out the mechanics of this. I'd think it'd just end up a gooey mess.

    I totally do this! My favs to do it with are Butterfinger and Reeses cups...It's not as messy as you would think.
    I also eat the outside of any sandwich or burger and then eat the middle...It always has the most filling and tastes best, so I save it for last!
    I also do the small spoon thing...the smallre the spoon the better HAHA!
    I'm wondering what people do when eating fruit rollups? As a kid I wrapped them around my finger and licked them off.
  • vhallrob
    vhallrob Posts: 8 Member
    I'm a no food touching on my plate person.

    Also, when I eat french fries, I eat them 2x2 and they have to be same 'kind' of fry - same size, same shape. If I end up with an uneven number, I save a long fry and break into 2 matching pieces and then eat it.

    I also hate to touch raw meat - makes cooking a challenge as I have to force myself to ignore what I'm doing.

    Scrambled eggs - I make 'flat eggs'. I don't like my scrambled eggs all chopped up in little pieces so I cook the eggs flat like and omelet and then flip it to brown the other side.
  • vhallrob
    vhallrob Posts: 8 Member
    Anyone that can't have their food touching on the plate, how do you cope at a restaurant? Do you disassemble it before you eat it?

    I just move it on the plate so it no longer touches.
  • JCam8383
    JCam8383 Posts: 77 Member
    I dont like my food touching.
    I eat all the toppings and then the cheese off the pizza before eating the pizza itself, lol
    I think ketchup on anything with cheese is just gross (cheesesteak, cheeseburger, etc..) I dont know why just the idea of ketchup/cheese together.
    When I get a burger I wind up taking the whole thing apart and reassembling it (it's gotta be perfect! lol)
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    I like to do the alphabet


    I Freestyle

    I see what you did there... :laugh:
  • san0322
    san0322 Posts: 58 Member
    I eat one thing on my plate at a time. If I have a meat, veg and starch- it doesn't matter what sequence I eat them in, but I will only start the next item if the previous one is completely done.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    my meal times are usually set in stone. delaying them unnecessarily results in some degree of anxiety for me. also, i dislike being interrupted mid-meal with phone calls or work questions.

    these quirks make me feel like rain man sometimes, lol. however, i suppose that's just how i'm wired, so i have to go with it.
  • chubbychristianchick
    1 I eat very fast. I dont know why but I inhale my food as quickly as possible.
    2 I can not drink while I'm eating. Before and after yes. During no.
    3 My food can not touch
    4 I have to eat all of the same food before moving to the next food. Sadly I can't enjoy a salad like normal people who cut it all up and mix it together. If i get a grilled chicken salad I will eat the chicken, then each topping, then the lettuce. People usually find this odd but in my mind although I enjoy all the flavors and want them I can't get past the idea of them being in my mouth at the same time.
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    I can't eat meat on the bone. If it has a bone, I refuse to let it touch my mouth. I am gagging just thinking about it.

    Also, runny yolk in egg. GROSS. Needs to be cooked all way through.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I've thought of a couple more:

    The yolks of fried eggs must be broken and spread around the white, and cooked until the whites are entirely hard. I gag if I taste or SEE runny eggs.

    No meat on a bone.