Need Opinions On Something Doctor Said



  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    I almost went that route. I'm so happy I did not. It takes time, tools and hard work but you can do it =)
  • baja572
    baja572 Posts: 94
    go! the advice is great and according to your weight, surgery should not be option. good luck!
  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    IMO You can do it without surgery. Just be super honest with yourself about if you are logging everything. You can do this if you keep it simple. Eat less, exercise more. You got this! We are all cheering you on!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I am a need to stick to a diet....its really just a matter of finding the number of calories that result in 0 net weight loss or gain and go from there....
    Its hard work!!!!!.... but just a matter of how many calories you eat vs how many you burn
    if you are not losing weight its simply because you are not operating at a net calories loss
    its really that simple!!!
    it you want a doctor to give you an easy option, then do surgery
    otherwise, speaking as a doctor, we really have no advice to offer other that what you already know (healthy foods, moderate portions, calorie count, exercise, etc...)

    I think this is very good advise. Including that surgery is an easy option. It was easy to lose weight after my husband had the surgery and it has been easy to keep it off. What was not easy was making the desision, going throught the surgery and recovery. My husband tried many things including going to a gym 4 days a week for a whole year and medications that gave him high blood pressure. Yea, I would say it has turned out to be ideal for him. You hear a lot of bad stuff about WLS because its sensational to hear about the things that go wrong. But that is not always fair. He would do this again in a heart beat. It gave him back his life!
    I have never heard of this cronic bad breath that someone else mentioned either.

    This is a choice only you can make. I don't think this surgery is for everyone, of course but it can be a God send for the right people and the right reasons.

    I am losing weight like the doc above has described and I think you can do it too if you make up your mind.
    Good luck in your choice. But please don't let the negative comments you hear here about WLS scare you away from even concidering it.
    Best wishes.
  • disdatdude
    Well, I think you will need to workout more. That's easier said than done when you have a small child to run around after. When you join the gym you will be alright if you work on your cardio.

    Also, I would suggest some more aggressive dvds (workout programs) for when you have to workout at home. Even a serious step aerobic program.

    3 meals may not work for you. You may have to shift to 4 or 5 meals a day. You're body could be in "storage mode" and perhaps that's why you aren't seeing the weight loss you desire?

    Perhaps you can find a personal trainer who will help with your diet and exercise. That would be my suggestion if money isn't an issue. Sometimes verbal motivation isn't enough. We all need a little "foot to the buttocks" every once in a while.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    go! the advice is great and according to your weight, surgery should not be option. good luck!

    This post just prompted me to look at your profile. And I agree you don't even qualify for WLS. Your doc must have meant the non-WLS option. Besides, you are soooo young.
    (My husband had 150 pounds to loose)

    You can do it!!
    Best wishes again.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    You are very young to go in for something so drastic. Are you morbidly obese? If not, I would run away from advice like that!

    From your page, you would seem to weigh over 200 lbs, after having had two babies. I am so sorry that you lost one of your babies. Grief can make us do strange things that over-eat. So you need to heal yourself from one of the most terrible losses any of us might ever have to face.

    Focus on being as active as you possible can, with a young child. This is when most of us who were in excellent shape lose it, because we have to slow down to a little child's pace. Look into an aqufit class. Aquafit is great for us big girls because it allows us to move freely in the water without risk of injury. You'll find that exercise is a great cure for depression.

    If you need grief counselling make sure you get us. Some burdens are just too heavy to carry alone.

    Get good nutritional advice. Set up a good healthy meal plan that covers all the food groups. Cook from scratch as much as you can. And use MFP to track your activity and your calories. The biofeedback really helps.

    You can find great nutritional advice here:
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    Just my opinion: my husband is a doctor, and from what I can see, most of them know very little about weight loss. When he has wanted to lose weight, he consults ME, not the other way around. Through this site I found that I really was overestimating how much I was burning through exercise and underestimating how much I was eating. Once I hit 40 (and I know you are much younger), the weight did not come off as easy. So, I just buckled down. You might decrease your net calories to 1300 or 1400, but more important, you need to do higher intensity exercise. That is what did it for me. I don't really lose unless I exercise 7-10 times a week. I thought 30 minutes 3 times a week would do it, but it didn't move the scale or change my body any. Once I increased the intensity and frequency, things moved quickly.

    Also, without seeing your diary, I don't know if you eat well for your calories or not, but that made a difference for me, too. I avoid processed stuff, sodas, and simple carbs as much as possible. Even keeping the calories in check wasn't enough on my diet if some of those calories were junk.

    I recommend that you don't see even the non-surgical doc unless you have given it 100% for a month. Bust the cardio and dump the junk. If that doesn't move the scale in a month, see the non-surgical doc.

    Good luck!
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Please, please, please do not have the surgery - don't even entertain the idea! It's not worth the health complications and the risk of death.

    I wouldn't even attend the appointment - I would go see a nutritionist instead, and get a different doctor. It seems most doctors these days are so quick to suggest the surgery (most likely to make $$$?) when there so many better options out there.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I don't feel like I need surgery, not do I want it. I'm 23, 5'6", 225lbs. Before I got pregnant with my oldest daughter (so July of 2010) I was 150. All the weight I gained came from that pregnancy (I did not watch what I ate while I was pregnant with here, and gave in to ALL my cravings :/ ) I want to get back down to 150. Based on my BMR and TDEE I was put at 1540 for calories a day (custom from a website recommended in the Roadmap post). I eat 2 small meals a day and then my dinner is usually around 550 calories. My workouts currently consist of at home DVD's (currently Jillian Michaels), walking outside 1.23 miles a few times a week, and playing outside chasing after my daughter. I also am planning to join a gym hopefully this week, and want to make that a daily habit. As far as discipline, I'm just getting this back and buckling down to see changes.

    The obvious solution is to investigate why you are not losing since you don't want surgery and you are feeling determined. Are you weighing and measuring all your food, have you checked the MFP entries you are using are accurate? Have you considered using a pedometer or heart rate monitor to check your activity levels are correct? Can you get your bodyfat tested to be more sure of your BMR? Have you had any blood tests to ensure there is not an underlying problem with your thyroid say?

    Not sure if 1.23 miles is a typo, but you should be doing 10,000 steps a day for basic health which is several miles, less than about 6000 is classed as sedentary so maybe increase this - it should help you recover from your formal exercise days. If you join a gym consider studio classes like BodyPump, Spinning, Boxercise or circuit training and work HARD - like someone had a gun to your daughter's head, so you get to the last fifteen minutes are are not completely sure you can go on. That will boost your metabolism for a few hours up to a couple of days. Don't train daily, maybe four times a week or you won't be working at the correct intensity.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    I would see an endocrinologist. But I wouldn't go with surgery
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Unless you want (and have the money for) surgical weight loss, this does not seem a good avenue (much as I usually recommend following doctor's advice).

    Perhaps he could refer you to a nutritionist who could help you if you want more professional help.

    I also agree with the above poster. People in general are lousy at estimating portions. Go the basics - measure everything, log meticulously, go for a solid recommended diet of less processed food (there are several recommended diets out there from the National Institute of Health, Harvard, and the Mayo Clinic), and a reasonable number of sustainable calories.

    Do this at least another month.

    Take all that information with you when you either see a nutritionist or go to the mds specializing in non-surgical weight loss. This will make a very good starting point for a discussion.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    On Friday I called my doctor and told him I've been having trouble losing weight. I told him I've been watching what I eat, counting calories, and exercising at least a couple times a week but haven't really been having any results other than gaining and losing the same 5lbs. I asked him what he thinks I should do different or change. He recommend me to a doctor's office that specializes in surgical weight loss procedures. But they do have one doctor that helps from a non-surgical standpoint. My question is should I do what my doctor said and make an appointment with this other office or should I keep doing what I'm doing but up my exercise?

    Leave everything alone EXCEPT, cut your carbs down to 100g net per day ( that is total carbs minus fiber and any sugar alcohol) for a few weeks. You may feel like you have the flu ( they sometimes call it carb flu), but your weight should change. I had an issue similar to yours...I gave the reduced carbs a chance for a month, and I lost like 8lbs! the second month I lost 6lbs, and the 3rd month I lost 4lbs.
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    Here's what I have learned....don't lie to MyFitnessPal, and it won't lie to you. Be brutally honest with portion sizes, and record everything.
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    I wouldn't even look into surgery. If anything, I would consult a nutritionist. Maybe they have one at the clinic your doctor referred you to? Chances are you don't have a medical problem that's stopping you from losing weight, but it would be good to get this ruled out.

    Other than that, I would suggest opening your diary and letting people here critique it.
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    Given those stats and your age, I'd never consider surgery or other last-ditch efforts. I believe you can tackle this with restricting calories and moving more. Our biggest mistakes are over-estimating the amount of exercise we do and underestimating the amount we are eating. You need to weigh and measure your portions. It's a drag until you get used to it. You'll be shocked at how little we should eat. We can't eat based on what we observe other people eating. Your husband or boyfriend can easily eat twice as much as you, for example. He can also lose weight twice as fast. Unfair, yes. The small amounts of food you eat should be selected for their ability to satisfy you. They should be filling healthy foods. Examples for breakfast would be oatmeal (not presweetened), skim milk, and fruit. There's no reason you can't eat that every day. Simple healthy and filling. Your health is vital and your instincts are sound (as evidenced by your asking for others' opinions on this whole idea of going to a doctor for weight loss). No doctor can really help you lose weight. They really don't learn that in medical school. And, cut way down on going out for meals. Restaurants give you two or three times as much food as you should be consuming. Just because they put in on your plate doesn't mean you should give yourself permission to eat it. Good luck to you. Trust yourself.
  • MissDarlaDoll12
    MissDarlaDoll12 Posts: 27 Member
    On Friday I called my doctor and told him I've been having trouble losing weight. I told him I've been watching what I eat, counting calories, and exercising at least a couple times a week but haven't really been having any results other than gaining and losing the same 5lbs. I asked him what he thinks I should do different or change. He recommend me to a doctor's office that specializes in surgical weight loss procedures. But they do have one doctor that helps from a non-surgical standpoint. My question is should I do what my doctor said and make an appointment with this other office or should I keep doing what I'm doing but up my exercise?

    Leave everything alone EXCEPT, cut your carbs down to 100g net per day ( that is total carbs minus fiber and any sugar alcohol) for a few weeks. You may feel like you have the flu ( they sometimes call it carb flu), but your weight should change. I had an issue similar to yours...I gave the reduced carbs a chance for a month, and I lost like 8lbs! the second month I lost 6lbs, and the 3rd month I lost 4lbs.

    Agree. The white stuff (sugar, bread) and salt will keep me from losing even if I am UNDER my daily calories. Drink lots of water. It has taken me years to figure this out and I have been overweight most of my life. I too couldnt figure out the reason I was not losing or gaining weight when at 1200 cals. There is not a magic pill or procedure. I had to learn how to eat and what to eat and most importantly portion size. I would suggest a dietician or nutritionist and show your food diary. They will be able to tell you if you need to change your eating, or if you need a specialist or surgery.
  • Ebelina07
    i think you should lose weight the right way this year. eat healthy....they are sooo many organic foods in your country. count your calories and exercise more. do not be impatient in the course of your journey because u feel you aint seeing instant results. please its a gradual process. do not starve yourself as well. you can get many healthy recipes from myfitnesspal members.i mean be motivated and inspired by those who have been on "biggest loser". people who undergo gastric bypass still have layers of extra skin but if you eat healthy, count your calories, exercise and walk alot, your skin firms up and you look younger. you'll be sexy not to worry. i am also on the same road trip.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    On Friday I called my doctor and told him I've been having trouble losing weight. I told him I've been watching what I eat, counting calories, and exercising at least a couple times a week but haven't really been having any results other than gaining and losing the same 5lbs. I asked him what he thinks I should do different or change. He recommend me to a doctor's office that specializes in surgical weight loss procedures. But they do have one doctor that helps from a non-surgical standpoint. My question is should I do what my doctor said and make an appointment with this other office or should I keep doing what I'm doing but up my exercise?

    Leave everything alone EXCEPT, cut your carbs down to 100g net per day ( that is total carbs minus fiber and any sugar alcohol) for a few weeks. You may feel like you have the flu ( they sometimes call it carb flu), but your weight should change. I had an issue similar to yours...I gave the reduced carbs a chance for a month, and I lost like 8lbs! the second month I lost 6lbs, and the 3rd month I lost 4lbs.

    Lowering carbs is an option - but not necessary.

    OP, I started at 230lbs. I'm 5'6" and I'm 29 years old. I've lost 46lbs so far - the only thing I've done is stay under my calorie goal.

    How many days a week are you exercising? I find it hard to think that using the roadmap gave you a calorie goal of 1540. My calorie goal is about 2000 - and that's exercising 3-5 times a week (and I have a desk job). How did you calculate your numbers?
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. If I wanted help with weight loss, my Dr. isn't necessarily the 1st person I would go to, because, unless there's a health problem involved, it's not really their area of expertise. Check with a nutritionist or a personal trainer. If those things fail, then you might want to look to a Dr.

    Just my .02.