

  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    1600: if I eat this with NO exercise, will I still lose weight?


    Your TDEE is above 1600, therefore anything you eat below your TDEE will cause you to lose weight. It might be slower than you'd like, but you will lose.
  • Active37
    Active37 Posts: 43 Member
    Well I don't really get any exercise unless you count using the vacuum. I am a full time student and a mother of a competitive cheerleader so I am constantly running her to practice, between that,class,homework, and keeping up the house I don't have much time else. I was using the standard calculation for daily calorie expenditures. I am not sure what you mean about food scale. I am using a scale that my mother has at her house that is similar to the ones they have at the doctors office. I am just really unsure what to do even with calculating all this stuff it seems that it what I have already been doing. I am not looking to loose a whole lot 25 max but I feel stuck
  • Active37
    Active37 Posts: 43 Member
    Lol you mean to weight the food not me /blush
  • Active37
    Active37 Posts: 43 Member
    My husband thinks that although I am eating right along with these calculations that I am already at a plateau because my body is used to eating this way therefore it is going to take something else to loose. Although I am not sure what that something else is.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    It is most likely that if you are not weighing and/or measuring your food properly, that you are just simply underestimating what you are eating. Food scales don't cost that much! You can get one for $20 and then you'll be able to see if you're really eating the amount that you think you're eating.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Simple. Your TDEE is 2236. If you eat TDEE you wl stay the same weight. If you eat more you will gain; If you eat less, you will lose.

    How much less? Generally 500 calories or about 20%. 2236 - 500 = 1736. If you eat a flat 1736 calories a day, you will lose at a healthy pace of about 1 lb per week.
  • Active37
    Active37 Posts: 43 Member
    Most of what I eat isn't fresh and comes from a box or can. For example I will eat special K cereal for breakfast with skim milk. I will take out a measuring cup and measure out the servings. Or like for dinner I will eat say a lean cuisine tv dinner which has the servings on the back. Are these calculations on the box usually off? Should I weigh them myself. As I said I am busy a lot of the time and don't actually "cook" much.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    Gotcha! In that case my only other guess would be that you need to reset your metabolism because you were eating too little:

    OR you just need to go see a doctor! It could be that you are just intolerant to something you're eating or you have other underlying issues that you're not going to be able to solve here. When in doubt, a doctor or nutritionist is always the best option. :)
  • Active37
    Active37 Posts: 43 Member
    Well for me I am almost 5"7 155lbs and 30 years old. Looking to hit 130-135 It is saying my TDEE is 1796 and my BMR is 1503. I am already eating around 1450-1500 a day in calories.
  • Active37
    Active37 Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you for all your advice. It may be a metabolism issue, I will definitely look into that. At the moment I am not sure if I should try eating more or eating less. I had a complete physical last year with my reg doc and my gyno cause I was feeling over tired and they said everything in blood work etc. is perfect. They looked at me like I was crazy lol!
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    That would mean you are eating under your BMR, which means you have been under eating and may have damaged your metabolism. You weren't eating THAT much under your BMR, but who knows.

    Also, you don't have that much to lose, so you shouldn't be aiming for more than 1 pound a week. Maybe even half a pound.

    The best advice I could possibly give you is to go ask a doctor! If you don't want to do that, then try following the advice in the In Place of a Road Map thread for at least a month to give your body some time to get use to it and see what happens.
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    Your TDEE must be calculated with what you normally spend in terms of energy in a day or averaged over a week. There are some calculators out there that will figure out in a more detailed fashion what you do daily in terms of activity and include the exercise you commit yourself to doing. The 20% reduction is based on that number so it must be accurate. And as said before, you should never eat below your BMR. That is just asking for trouble.

    It really isn't that complicated.

    Step one: Figure out your energy expenditure for the day. Use various calculators to get a doesn't have to be super accurate. A few calories is not going to make a big difference.

    Step two: Subtract 20% from that number.

    Step three: Eat that amount of calories and do the exercise and activity you said you are doing on the calculator.

    Step four: Watch the weight come off although you might go up the first week or two but don't give up.

    Step five: Recalculate every 5 to 10 lbs.

    I don't think I can make it any more simple than that! (Can you tell I used to teach primary kids? ;-) )

    Thanks for being short and to the point! I was looking for something like this to get started :-)
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    Thank you for all your advice. It may be a metabolism issue, I will definitely look into that. At the moment I am not sure if I should try eating more or eating less. I had a complete physical last year with my reg doc and my gyno cause I was feeling over tired and they said everything in blood work etc. is perfect. They looked at me like I was crazy lol!

    Haha, gotcha. Well, definitely don't eat less! Give the Road Map a try, give resetting your metabolism a try, and see if that gets you where you want to be! It has worked really well for me, so I hope it works for you too!
  • NomNomMom
    NomNomMom Posts: 80 Member
    I've also been adding calories to work my way up to the amount I should be eating somewhat gradually. I still have about 40 pounds to lose. I am eating healthy and this all makes sense to me. I eat well but I guess I need to eat more "calorie dense" foods.
    Can anyone answer this? Is this a huge problem if I continually eat a bit more "fat" than what is set on my macros (even if it comes from healthy fats such as EVOO, coconut oil, and nuts)? I'm set at 40-30-30.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I've also been adding calories to work my way up to the amount I should be eating somewhat gradually. I still have about 40 pounds to lose. I am eating healthy and this all makes sense to me. I eat well but I guess I need to eat more "calorie dense" foods.
    Can anyone answer this? Is this a huge problem if I continually eat a bit more "fat" than what is set on my macros (even if it comes from healthy fats such as EVOO, coconut oil, and nuts)? I'm set at 40-30-30.
    A little more than 30% is fine. Protein and fat should be minimums, then fill in with carbs. I frequently eat 40% from fat or more and have had no problem losing. Healthier fats are best for health, certainly, but really don't matter for weight loss.
  • NomNomMom
    NomNomMom Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks for your comment. I'm still pretty new to all of this - I want to eat healthy and lose weight the healthiest way & gain some lean muscle but for the long term. No fast solutions to many years of obesity but I'm learning and feeling great! :happy: