30 day shred starts tomoro!

I am starting Jillian Michael's 30 day shred tomoro ( 21/01/13 ) if any one wants to join me!!! I have started it many times before but always given up after about day 3! last time I gave up was cos I had knee pain any1 else suffered with this whilst doing this DVD? also does any one do the DVD constantly every day or do u have rest days every other day? I will complete it this time!!!


  • I've been doing 30 day shred for a bit under a week and haven't had knee pain but I can see how it could happen. Be careful during the leg exercises that your knees are not sticking out over your feet. puts a lot of strain on them if they're sticking out too far. good luck! I hope it goes better for you this time around.
  • RedwoodCoast
    RedwoodCoast Posts: 107 Member
    Hi there - I did the 30-Day Shred for the first time last August, and the tendons behind my knees got really, really sore. I finally realized that I had to do a LOT more warming up before taking on those explosive movements, so i started walking on the treadmill (it's person-powered, no motor) for about 20 minutes before starting the Shred. That really helped. Since finishing the Shred the first time I did Ripped in 30, then 30 DS again, now into week 2 of Ripped in 30 again. I'm 60 now, so a lot older than you -- but taking extra time to warm the legs up thoroughly can't hurt at any age and will probably help.

    In answer to your other question, the first time through I did 30 DS every day for 30 days. Same with Ripped in 30. Could not believe the change in my strength, endurance, and muscle appearance. The second time around for both was/is mostly every other day. I'm right about at my weight goal and am figuring out what maintenance will look like.

    Stick with it. You'll amaze yourself.
  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 269 Member
    wow day 1 was brutal! but I will carry on!!!
  • I had the same problem did to day 5 and gave up on day 3 today but feeling determined also doing the 6week 6 pack but have no idea wether a rest day would be good or not because im doing both.
    Also to anyone whos done it, do you find your arms get so sore to the extent that they cramp or is that just me :S
  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 269 Member
    feeling determined also doing the 6week 6 pack but have no idea wether a rest day would be good or not because im doing both.

    wow that is dedication!!! good luck!
  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 269 Member
    I had the same problem did to day 5 and gave up on day 3 today but feeling determined also doing the 6week 6 pack but have no idea wether a rest day would be good or not because im doing both.
    Also to anyone whos done it, do you find your arms get so sore to the extent that they cramp or is that just me :S

    I meant to quote u! just saying that is dedication!!!
  • Thank you very much, I felt I needed a good kick to start me off
  • denisek80
    denisek80 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm on Day 8 at the moment and am having knee pain at the moment - just one of them is really stiff but I will persevere!
  • sarabeth120
    sarabeth120 Posts: 172 Member
    Today is actually day 9 for me! I measured myself yesterday because it was exactly a week after I started and I already have lost 2 inches (or less) in my waist, bust, hips, thighs and calves. I lost two pounds and I also have more noticeable muscle in my arms than I did when I first started! Also, I can tell that my waist is smaller (it doesn't stick out as much as it did) and I look more toned than I did before. It's no a huge difference, but it's definitely noticeable!

    The first three days I was so sore I could barely move the next day! Day five was actually the first day that I was not sore. It's definitely a hard workout, but if you keep it up, you will see results! Just imagine how you'll look and feel once you're through with it. That's what gets me through it everyday! :)

    ETA: Also, I haven't taken a break yet, but that's because I feel like doing it everyday, but it's okay to take a day off every week if you need to in order to give your muscles a break! You don't have to finish this in 30 days. I know I probably won't since I won't move onto level 2 until I can do every exercise in level 1 and I'm still unable to get through three of them completely.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I've done the 30 Day Shred four times so far. I was using it as a warmup for Brazil Butt Lift and I did find that it bothered my knees even more so than the BBL program. Really watch your form when you do it. Make sure when you're doing squats and lunges that your knees are NOT going further than your toes. That can really hurt your knees. I'm on day 2 of the Ripped in 30 one now!

    STICK WITH IT. The results are so worth it.
  • Shikonneko
    Shikonneko Posts: 187 Member
    Day 5-ish for me and I'm not sure what I'm going to do... it tears up my lower back something fierce which interferes with my lifting schedule :\ Going to keep trying though. More power to everyone!
  • RachMartin
    RachMartin Posts: 44 Member
    Hi I started the 30 day shred today too - I've started many times before but never finished - got to about day 7 or 8 in the past.
    My hubby does the 6 week 6 pack and I shred - I think one is enough I can't believe you are doing both lol :)
    Add me as a friend and we can motivate each other - just finished day 1 today and it was hard but I'm determined to do the whole 30 with no rest days
    I also started a 30day shred facebook support group and it has over 750 members now so click the link if you'd like to join that for extra support
    Rach x

  • I had the same problem did to day 5 and gave up on day 3 today but feeling determined also doing the 6week 6 pack but have no idea wether a rest day would be good or not because im doing both.
    Also to anyone whos done it, do you find your arms get so sore to the extent that they cramp or is that just me :S

    If you're cramping try adding more potassium to your diet, just need a small boost. Try one banana a day for a week and see if they get any better or go away completely. Sounds stupid, but try it.
  • Restlessme
    Restlessme Posts: 191 Member
    Hey! I'll start today as well :)
    I have never been able to complete it because...I just forget, but I need someone to kick me in the butt.
  • victoria090
    victoria090 Posts: 82 Member
    well....I may as well start today as well. Whats there to loose....besides the obvious lol
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    i am very overweigh so i place a pillow under my knees when i have to kneel on the 30ds & my knees have been fine ever since. Was going to start today too but was waiting for a delivery (that was suppose to be here yesterday) and has now been cancelled :angry:
  • Hi, I'm on day 11 of the Shred and I feel good. It takes your body some time to adjust to the sudden intensive exercise. Jillian has a short warmup and it was hard for me to get into for the first week- I just felt sore and tired. Definitely working out of that now.
    We tend to remember and find time to do the things that are important to us personally.
    If weight loss, exercise, health are truly a goal, than it needs to become a priority.
    My suggestion would be to do some sort of exercise on the days you feel Jillian is too much. You are still getting your daily exercise and it feels good knowing you pushed through and did something.
    I did Pilates one day because my back was so sore and there may be other day like that to come. Hang in there!
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    I started day one of level two today. I've done the 30ds a few times already in the past and believe me, it is worth it to stick it out and complete the whole thing. You will see a difference in the way you look and feel, not to mention how your clothes fit! I also like the Ripped in 30, 6 week/6 pack, and Kickbox Fastfix workouts. They are all great workouts! Good luck! :smile:
  • Annieapple12
    Annieapple12 Posts: 122 Member
    I am doing day 5 tonight. I’ve had no breaks so far but I am swimming and aqua-aerobics tomorrow and dancing on Wednesday so I might well have two days off it.

    I don’t think Jillian stretches anywhere near enough afterwards and she doesn’t stretch your calfs at all so I do an massive stretch after and haven’t been too achey at all. I can feel I’ve done exercise but I’ve not had the crippling agony that a lot of people on here seem to have had and it’s not as if I was super-fit before I started.
  • I bought the dvd a year ago and never done it. Guess I can begin today too...