What Food Did You Eat as Child That Would Gross You Out Now?



  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    Hey all!

    Since I started the Strange Food Quirks post and got a lot of positive responses, I thought I'd introduce another topic that is similar: Childhood Foods You Would Never Eat Now.

    Three of mine were:

    Peanut Butter and Dill Pickle Sandwiches
    A hot dog cut down the middle with melted butter poured down the center
    Fluffernutter sandwiches

    I for one would still love a Fluffernutter.....forgot all about them...need to save that for a major cheat day
    And you?
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Tinned meatballs in gravy with instant mashed potato was my absolute favourite :sick:
  • citizencrp
    citizencrp Posts: 228 Member
    Kraft Mac & Cheese with Ketchup AND Frenches mustard mixed in.
  • Freshstartingmyhealthylife
    As a kid i would eat:

    A box of 20 chicken mcnuggest and 4 pots of sweet & sour sauce to myself (sometimes two boxes)
    Warmed up sausage rolls or huge traditional pasties with tomato sauce for breakfast
    Thick white toast with loads of butter & either ham or chicken roll on top
    Ready salted crisps dipped in tomatoe sauce
    Microwaved pizzas & pot noodles

    I couldn't eat any of these now
  • ShellyJKFIT
    white bread with nothing but ketchup and a piece of american cheese. YUCK!!!
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 354 Member
  • hmaddy84
    fried food! I grew up with mom frying everything! I cant even stand the smell anymore. *barf*
  • Beckycm1971
    Beckycm1971 Posts: 40 Member
    Sandwich with just butter and Kraft American cheese slice. Also bread with heavy butter and heavy sugar. Blech!
  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    Goat Testicles.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    For some reason my sister and I used to love eating sugar mixed with shortening. Yuck!
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    Peanut butter and sugar sandwiches
    Hostess swiss rolls, twinkies and chocolate cupcakes...although I'd probably still eat one of those cupcakes now...
    Little Debbie brownies
    Pop Tarts
    Chef Boyardee junk
    Hamburger Helper
    Ramen noodes

  • elyseology
    elyseology Posts: 44 Member
    Sardines (NASTY!) and Kid Cuisine Frozen Meals. You could not pay me to eat those again!
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    Rice with butter on it. I can't stomach even the idea now.

    i used to eat pasta with butter, and i would still eat it now

    I've not tried just pasta with butter. That doesn't sound too bad, actually!

    Add a couple pieces of sliced cheese, num num!!!! Haven't had that in FORever!
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    vienna sausage (you could not pay me to eat that now!)
    fish sticks
    any wild game (deer, rabbit, squirrel, duck, etc) ugh!
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    It's the other way round. Everything grossed me out as a kid, but now I eat anything as long as it's not moving.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Pickle and mustard sandwiches, bologna, ramen noodles.
  • kvachon
    kvachon Posts: 24 Member
    Mayo sandwiches with a piece of lettuce but i might still eat that lol and scrambled eggs with ketchup( would never do that now)
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    Flour and sugar mixed.
    Kina which is a sea urchin.
    I have to go with some of my mother's cooking. She boiled the goodness out of all the vegies and was kind of bland due to very little seasonings

    Love spaghetti on buttered toast with a touch of salt and lots of black pepper. Got my daughter hooked on it too..
  • GlassSlipperGurl
    GlassSlipperGurl Posts: 117 Member
    Spaghettio's, Steakem, Hungryman Dinners (loved the friend chicken and fake mashed). Oh, and Mom used to make that gross frozen turkey "breast" loaf...Could throw up thinking about that one.
  • mdgloden
    mdgloden Posts: 2 Member
    vienna sausages - too mushy with that weird jello gloop.

    my dad used to make fried bologna sandiwches or fried hot dog sandwiches. Can't stand the smell now.

    Pickled pigs feet. Me and grandpa would eat them.