Need support and encouragement to loose 160 pounds.



  • mremington4
    mremington4 Posts: 11 Member
    Well made it through my first day. Stayed away from sugar and pop today. Kind of had a headache but feel pretty good. Didn't get all my water in but I'm not use to drinking that much water. Will try tonight to drink more. Also trying to eat every 3 hours so I don't bing. I lost 1.8 pounds and I know it is water weight but I've been retaining water so it is a good thing to get it off.

    I hope all is well with everyone. I'm on night 5 of my 6 day stretch of 12 hour shifts at the hospital. Only one more to go and then 8 wonderful days off.

    Take care and have a wonderful day. Thank you for all of the encouraging words and support.
  • Keeshamedina96
    Keeshamedina96 Posts: 15 Member
    Great job, today! Let us know how tomorrow goes!
  • babymine55
    babymine55 Posts: 127 Member
    Welcome to MFP :) This site and all it's information and support can be a wonderful tool to keep you going. I know when I started my weight loss journey, it was an overwhelming number. I felt defeated before I even started. But, one day at a time, one choice at a time, YOU can do this. Not for hubby, not for friends or family-but, because YOU DESERVE IT! Remember what keeps you motivated, goal clothes, a photo, or whatever keeps that fire burning!

    Best wishes to you! :)
  • projectkristy
    projectkristy Posts: 29 Member
    I'm also a night shift nurse with a 120 pounds to lose. I got back in the game yesterday with losing weight and tracking my calories. I go back to work Thursday evening and am not looking forward to the array of food that is always present. I know what you mean about the 3am snacks coming out to keep you awake. We're going to Disney World in July and that is my motivation to sticking to plan. I would love to be your friend and we can support each other as we knock off these pounds forever!
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    Hi there! I'm going to start by saying do NOT diet! This is now a lifelong journey and you need to be happy and enjoy the ride. There may be tears, there may be tantrums but you do what it takes to keep going.

    I just sent the following to a new friend.

    My best tips are to make sure you eat all the calories allotted to you. Never eat under 1200. Enjoy your foods, find a way to make the naughty foods healthy or don't eat them. However, don't deprive yourself of foods you love, just eat them in moderation. Always fill half your plate with veggies.

    Find exercises that you enjoy, so you look forward to doing them.

    Take lots of pictures during your journey to share your success story to inspire others.

    Take all your measurements and record them every 10 pounds.

    Don't be discouraged if you don't lose one week or have a slight gain. Always keep moving forward.

    Don't use the words, I fell off the bandwagon, or I got off track. You just make a better food choice next meal and try and do a bit of exercise to burn it off.

    If you ever need any help, let me know!


    I have lost 62 pound and my total weight loss should be about 130! Set yourself small goals and rejoice with a happy dance. I don't reward myself but nothing wrong in doing so. My current goals are 3 pounds to my halfway point! 18 pounds to get me out of the obese range! 49 pounds to get me into the healthy weight range! 180 pounds by my husband's and my wedding anniversary, 160 for our holiday and when we go to our church bible week, I should be 100 pounds less than I was last year. After that, 30 pounds left to get to my goal weight.

    Please don't think you have to she'd loads of weight in a short amount of time. Slow and steady wins the race. Actually, it's not a race.

    Blessings to you! You can do this!
  • mremington4
    mremington4 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello everyone. I can't believe all of the wonderful words of encouragement I have found here. THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!

    Today is the start of day 3 and I'm down 3.4 pounds so far. I understand that it is all water weight but like I said before I have been retaining a lot of water so it is a good thing. I really believe with all of the support I can do this. It is finally the right time for me to do this for me.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day or night.

    Thanks again,
    Michelle :smile:
  • mremington4
    mremington4 Posts: 11 Member
    Yesterday was one week. I lost 10 pounds. I'm so proud of myself. I have gone through withdrawals and sickness and over come it still on track and loosing. Today I wake up with a sore throat and stuffed up head but I will try and stay right on track. I'm going to do it this time.

    We went to town for a day of shopping and going out to dinner. We went to the Buffet and I was surprised how easy it was to stay on track. I had a large salad and different kinds of meat. I had jello for dessert. I wanted all of the other junk but I just walked away. I didn't even have a pop. That is my weakness. I had a 1/2 cup of milk and some water.

    On the way home we always stop and McDonalds for Milk Shakes. My husband and daughter got what they wanted and everyone was waiting on me to order. I was mentally struggling...... I finally ordered a coffee with cream. That was my treat. I'm glad I stayed the course.

    Tonight I go back to work for one night then I'm off for 2 more. Then the horrible 2 weeks begin. I work 5 twelve hour shifts then 2 off and then 6 twelve hour shift before I get 8 off. I hope to stay on plan the entire time and loose at least 6 pounds by the end of this nightmare. I work night shift so I can home school my 16 year old daughter in the morning when I get off of work. I know.... Crazy right.

    I might be crazy but it is my life for now and I have to deal with it.

    Thanks again for all of the support and encouragement.

  • jenhanke
    jenhanke Posts: 24 Member
    Hello! My name is Jen and I'm in a similar situation - I have about 120 pounds to lose, and finally feel like I'm *beginning* to get on the right track. I'm so inspired to hear that you lost 10 lbs in a week! You must have been working your *kitten* off (literally!)!!

    I just wanted to say - without being too forward, although I know I come off that way - counseling, girl. We all need it. Anybody who depends on any substance for emotional support needs counseling. Whether it's a group, an individual psychologist, or a community of church members, ANYTHING... you're going to need to find that person who cares deeply about your success.

    That being said - any man who demeans you, calls you names, thinks you should be able to "just do it already," or looks down on you for not being thin... That man doesn't deserve you. Once you do lose the weight, you might just realize that, and go find someone who will support you 100% in all of life's endeavors.

    Keep something else in mind, if you can! Weight loss surgery is definitely a way to get the pounds off. However, it does not fix the emotional part of the problem, which is what caused the obesity to begin with. Those people you're going to see that have all gotten surgery...don't let that intimidate you. You're stronger than them, both physically and mentally, for putting in the hard work and finding the motivation inside of yourself.

  • skinnyiverson
    Hi Jen. I sent you a friend request. I also have alot of weight to loose and a husband that doesn't understand how difficult it can be. Maybe we can help motivate each other.
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello there and welcome. I've been a member on here for a few months and this is the longest that I've ever tracked my food and exercise. This site is wonderful. That's a tricky situation with your husband. I can't comment much on that since I don't have one and my son who is 19 is very supportive of my weight journey. Is there anyway you can talk to him about how he can support you more and how it makes you feel when he gets on you like that? The gym isn't for everyone. I work out at home, I prefer it actually. I don't like being distracted while working out. It's just me and Leslie Sansone and her girls...hahahaha. Getting healthy isn't about starving yourself, its about just eating more the right things and getting off of the couch.

    Is it possible for you and your husband to take walks together? Maybe if he do something with you instead of getting on you to do it, his attitude may start to change. All in all, I just ask you to stay strong and remember you are doing this for you. Even if you have a bad day with calories and working out, you still need to remain strong. Trust me all of us have bad days with staying on track. It's how you deal with it that counts. I just get up the next day starting off fresh. So you can't let your husband or anyone else who may say "I know you couldn't it" when you eat something sinfully wonderful get to you.

    You will lose your weight. Just remember the normal weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week. I would just set up a goal. Like maybe going with 5 lbs to lose for February and then go from there, if you lose more that's wonderful but if you don't, then you know you lost 5 pounds. I know it takes about 2-3 weeks of me exercising in order for me get into my program mentally to work out. I don't do well with meal plans. So I try not to fry things as much and eat more fruits and vegetables. I would look up to see how many fruits and vegetable servings you need to eat daily. That's what helps me. I keep 100 calories snacks in my drawer at work, a long with 1 serving fruit cups.

    Please feel to add me as your friend. You will discover on here, you are loved and liked. You will find you will have more support than you can handle with a lot of people who are passionate about their own weight loss struggles and helping others. Please don't be shy about asking for help and motivation, that's what we are here for.
  • mremington4
    mremington4 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks Jen,

    I know that I can do this now. For what ever reason the time is right. My husband loves and supports me but is very frustrated because he has tried everything to help me. He has just given up over the 18 years we have been married. He will come around if I stick to it this time. Like I said I have started this journey about 20 times over the 18 years and have failed all 20 times.

    Unfortunately we go to counseling. My daughter just got out of residential care and was diagnosed with a personality disorder. She struggles everyday to just want to exist. I need to do this for her too. Maybe if she sees me succeed she will try too.

    Anyway.... life can and will only get better in 2013 !
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    what you NEED to get started is self-discpline, determination and will-power, to get off the internet and start creating your own momentum.

    You want people to sit around and talk about exercise and healthy eating with? Then you better get out there and do something to contribute to the conversation later.

    No motivational friends are going to want to hear you constantly moaning about how you are always restarting, they are gonna wanna see consistent workouts logged and exciting adventures in cooking... not 'oh well tomorrow is a new day'.

    Cause it's not.

    Prove you're actually serious this time.
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    Welcome!!!! Your story tugs at my heart. I obviously don't know you, but I know you deserve happiness, and I am so sad you are so bogged down in all of this weight mess!

    You have joined this site, and so you already doing something about the issue. Be strong. Dig deep. Work hard, and be patient.

    Everyone is right. You have to take this journey for yourself. The critics will ALWAYS be there. You can't pay them any attention.

    Feel free to add me!
  • mremington4
    mremington4 Posts: 11 Member
    Look I don't want sympathy I just want people to talk to. If you don't like what I write then don't read it. I thought I was being positive and said I had a good week even with the temptations of going out to dinner.

    Thanks everyone for the positive support it is much appreciated.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    ok - i was just letting you know - that if you want supportive, healthy, active, encouraging friends, you have to be one as well. Otherwise, they are getting the rotten end of the deal. That wasn't about sympathy. Venting is fine - but if you wanna lose 160 pounds and you need people here to help you, you're going to have to give as good as you get.
  • aprildurel
    aprildurel Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with the previous positive posts...set realistic goals for yourself, take it day by day, and be as consistent as possible. You can do it!!!! Feel free to add me as a friend. :-)
  • mremington4
    mremington4 Posts: 11 Member
    Lost a total of 12 pounds so far and it will be 2 weeks on Monday. I'm very proud of a few things...

    ~ Cold turkey on soda and diet soda's
    ~ Cold turkey on Artificial Sugars
    ~ Dropped my carb intake
    ~ 2 tablespoons of milk a day
    ~ small amounts of juice and fruit

    I also have been keeping my calorie intake between 1200 and 1500 per day.

    I have a cold but other than that I'm feeling pretty good.
  • Food4Fuel
    Food4Fuel Posts: 37 Member
    Hey I just read your thread and I get it. I've tried and failed before and worn out my friends and family saying that next times going to be different. But you know what., we're both going to do it THIS time. This is your life, don't quit, you're on your way and you deserve to be healthy. Please keep me posted, I look forward to seeing you succeed.
  • dancinnik
    WOW, I just started on here this past week and it amazes me that there is so much support out here to help keepseach of us on track! I know that we have to do this for ourselves, that it's my job to get up off the couch and exercise, to eat the right things and whatnot but its wonderful to know there are people who are there for me when I have a bad day so thank you.
    I am just starting this adventure. Since starting it I have lost 1lb, not much when you 160 to go but its a start. I've always overweight (execpt a couple years when I was a teenager), so if any would like to add me feel free, we can help support each other! Have a fantastic day and the best of luck on our journeys!
  • mremington4
    mremington4 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you Jonathan..... I know there are a lot of us out there trying to do it one last time. I really believe I'm at that point. Yesterday was a bad day for me and I did fail but today I'm doing much better and I'm moving on. That is all I really can do at this point. I hope you keep fighting the fight this time too. Good Luck and I'm here for you if you need to vent.
