Birth Control

IS there Any birth control that doesn't make you gain weight, possibly help to lose weight, I have been threw so many and they just make me crave sweets (although im usually a salt eater) .. gain weight and feel like crap


  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    It all has to do with how your hormones are balanced and every one is different :ohwell: I know that doens't help...
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    It is a complete myth that birth control pills make you gain weight. They just sway will power which makes fattening things more tempting due to a heightened appetite. When I was on the pill, it just changed my personality and made me more hostile, rather than hungry. I was losing weight during that time with my own will power, too, so it didn't alter that at all.

    You can see where the myth comes from and why doctors discourage being on the pill during a time of attempted weight loss but it's all about will power. If you want to lose weight enough, it doesn't really matter if you're on the pill or not, it will happen.
  • hrbal1cs
    hrbal1cs Posts: 7 Member
    Have you tried a Birth Control that gives a constant dose all 3 weeks? I use Desogen, and I have all white pills except for the last week, which are green placebos. I only gained about 5 pounds on it when I started (about 1 1/2 years ago). Most of the time, the weight you gain is mainly water, although a hike in hormonal changes can make you eat more or less.

    I will tell you that when I was 18, I went on Ortho Tri-Cyclen LO, and I gained 30 pounds (mixed with the first year of college). That summer, I went off of it because it made me depressed, and I lost all 30 pounds. I do not recommend that to anyone.

    I tried the Patch and that didn't work. I also went on a birth control where there were different colored pills each week, meaning you were given a different dose of estrogen.

    Basically, stick to the one that gives you the most constant dose all 3 weeks. And drink lots of water. And exercise. This may also offset some of the weight gain.

    Good luck!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I'm on Alesse (actually using the generic form Lutera-28 because it's cheaper), and I've never had an issue with weight loss while taking it. I never really had a sweet tooth before being on BC, but after being on BC I didn't get one either. The best part is, my TOM is only 3 days & very light, and the massively debilitating pre-TOM cramps are gone!!
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    There's a thing called an IUD, but I'm pretty sure there has been some kind of contraversey over it. I asked my doctor if I could get on it and he told me no because I haven't had kids...but idk if that's a general rule or if he just didn't do it, plus I have a double uterus so it blew that idea out. here's a little bit about it...
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Have you considered a non-hormonal form of birth control such as a diaphragm?
  • buffalo77
    I love (love, love) my Mirena IUD. It has no hormonal side effects-- no libido loss, no weight gain, and most importantly for me, no weepies. You also get less and less of a period the longer you have it, so now I don't really get one.

    I have had it for six years. The controversy over IUDs are long over. They are plenty safe, and although the risk of "expulsion' is higher for women who have not had children, I know plenty of women who are childless who have them too.
  • PaulaDygert
    PaulaDygert Posts: 148 Member
    I love (love, love) my Mirena IUD. It has no hormonal side effects-- no libido loss, no weight gain, and most importantly for me, no weepies. You also get less and less of a period the longer you have it, so now I don't really get one.

    I have had it for six years. The controversy over IUDs are long over. They are plenty safe, and although the risk of "expulsion' is higher for women who have not had children, I know plenty of women who are childless who have them too.

    I agree.. I get my period about every 6 months and it is just a little spotting. I have had mine for 2 1/2 years now.
  • sweetrevenge
    The Nuvaring is AWESOM and it gives a small constant flow of the hormone only to the uterus versus going through the whole body. I have clinical depression and a severe hormonal imbalance which makes taking ANY kind of hormone impossible for me. Hormones make me extremely ill and completely out of my mind. After YEARS of searching I finally found the ring and LOVE it. I feel no side effects, no weight gain, no moodiness. Ask your doctor about it for sure.
  • Diaz07fam
    Diaz07fam Posts: 43
    thanks that really helps i was worried about IUD and kinda threw the thought out but i think i might just consider it i think between the nuvaring and mirena..... i hate pain tho does the mirena hurt when they put it in... :noway:
  • Rokssana
    Rokssana Posts: 14
    I thought about the IUD last year when I switched my method of birth control but as a college student, it was just too expensive. I've been on depo provera (the shot) for almost a year now and although it was rumored to induce weight gain, I didn't gain any weight. Actually I've lost 25 pounds and I'm still on depo provera so I am being honest when I say its all about watching what you eat, exercising, and planning your meals ahead of time. I am a sweet fiend! But I've learned that I can't blame my birth control for any weight that I gain when I can control what I put into my body.

    I gained 30 pounds when I was a freshman and I could easily blame it on being on the pill at that time, but I know that the real reason I gained weight was because I ate TONS of sweets and huge food portions. With all that being said, good luck with finding the right method for your body and I hope this helps...
  • jurgitafit
    jurgitafit Posts: 112
    Please please please, do not use any hormonal birth control pills for your own good. I am asking you to consider any other options, because I've read about these pills so much that if you knew, you would never look at them again. Please consider, it is very important. And the worst thing is that (most) doctors don't really care for your health, they only care as much as money goes. Not all, but many. There is enough evidence to prove that birth control pills wreck your natural body functions. There is much more of the bad than of the good taking the pill. I am serious. Talking from my own experience.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I know they say it's a myth but I've also read that high levels of estrogen (which most BC has high levels of) will make you gain if you believe the myth (I do), opt for a birth control that doesn't have estrogen. I'm on the NuvaRing and it's not estrogen, it's a different hormone. I haven't gained weight on it and the only problem I've had with it was being really emotional the first couple months while my body was adapting to it.
  • BrandyHuff
    I have the Mirena IUD and I love love love it! I did not have a period for over 2 years, except for a little spotting now and then. But the last 2 months I have had one and it hasn't been pretty! Cramps, mood swings, heavy flow, the whole nine yards! I think my body must be in shock since I have been very physically active and have totally changed my eating habits. Anyway, I would definitely suggest the IUD. I heard lots of bad stuff about it before I got mine, but I have never had any problems. The best part is you don't have to worry about birth control for 5 years!
  • lydiarosesmom
    I am getting ready to get an IUD. My doctor recommeded it, and after much research and many Q&A sessions with my doc, I have decided to get it. I have a few friends that have one, and they love it. I was somewhat skeptical about it, because of the things I have read. But after thinking hard, I realized that if I let my doctor deliver my baby by c-section, I should trust her on this too. I am nervous and excited to get this done. I hope you find what is right for you. OH.. I also have been on the depo-shot. It made me gain almost 30 lbs in 3 months. BUT it is different with everyone. You just need to find what works best for you. Good Luck.
  • jessicajoy87
    It is a complete myth that birth control pills make you gain weight. They just sway will power which makes fattening things more tempting due to a heightened appetite. When I was on the pill, it just changed my personality and made me more hostile, rather than hungry. I was losing weight during that time with my own will power, too, so it didn't alter that at all.

    You can see where the myth comes from and why doctors discourage being on the pill during a time of attempted weight loss but it's all about will power. If you want to lose weight enough, it doesn't really matter if you're on the pill or not, it will happen.

    I honestly don't agree about dieting being about will power. I think its about changing your lifstyle and making healthier choices. If you depend on willpower alone you are setting yourself up for failure. Thats how I used to feel and now I know that I can't just "diet " for a little while and use willpower, I have to make it a lifestyle change and develop better eating and exercising habbits.

    Birth control sucks. I am not much help there because I can only take certain types of birth control. I was on a birthcontrol that only had one hormone in it and I did not have any issues with it until I developed disfuctional bleeding. But only a few people get that. Maybe trying a one hormone birthcontrol or one that has low hormone doses in it will help you.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Please please please, do not use any hormonal birth control pills for your own good. I am asking you to consider any other options, because I've read about these pills so much that if you knew, you would never look at them again. Please consider, it is very important. And the worst thing is that (most) doctors don't really care for your health, they only care as much as money goes. Not all, but many. There is enough evidence to prove that birth control pills wreck your natural body functions. There is much more of the bad than of the good taking the pill. I am serious. Talking from my own experience.

    I've been on birth control pills forever and they haven't harmed me in any way. In fact, they have been nothing but great! I'm not pregnant. I have clear skin. I get my period 4 times a year and it only lasts for 3-5 days. I haven't gained any weight from it and I'm not an emotional wreck.

    I'm on Yaz. There's a lot of controversy over it but I have never experienced ANY of those side effects and I have been on it for years.
  • Mary_Burris
    Mary_Burris Posts: 120
    I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE my Mirena IUD I have had my 5 year IUD for 4 years now and I havent had to worry about a thing! I didnt get my period for almost 2 years and then when I started losing weight and eating healthier I started getting mine regularly again even with it but it only lasts for a couple days and is very light. My insurance paid for mine, and it hut like a cramp when they attached it but after about a day or 2 it stopped hurting and it was all in office during my yearly visit. I LOVE it and will be getting a NEW one when this one "runs out" in January!
  • Diaz07fam
    Diaz07fam Posts: 43
    Well that defiantly makes me want to get a IUD im not a good pill taker, and i really dont want to use any bc but i know I HAVE TO i dont want any more kids for a long time maybe no more at all, i love kids but they are alot of work and i finally am taking time to lose weight and be healthy like i never was since i was 12. so most of yous say about this mirena, now i know theres a paragaurd one thats copper and completely natural why did yous choose the mirena instead?
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    I have the copper IUD. I have had it for 7 months and I am loving it so far. There are absolutely no hormones with it and you can have it up to 12 years! The Mirena has a little bit of hormones and you can have it for I think 6 years. You had asked whether it hurt, it did hurt me but some people say it didn't hurt them. So I think that it depends on who is putting it in and also your body. For me I could feel something there for the first 1-2 weeks but now I don't feel it at all. The best part is that I don't have to worry about taking any pills and/or worry about putting on anything. I have had a diaphragm as well and that wasn't bad but sometimes it was a bother to have to put it in.