Breakfast and Morning Workout



  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
    There is no one right answer here. Everyone does what is best for them. I personally prefer to do cardio in the morning before I eat. Most recommend if you are going to eat before cardio, to do it at least an hour before and most don't have that kind of time available in the morning.

    I'll also mention it depends on what your goal is. To burn fat it is more effective to go on an empty stomach and eat about 30 min after your workout. To improve your time/distance for a race then having the energy from a meal is best.

    Some can't work out on an empty stomach, some can't work out after eating. What works best for you is right, just keep it up!
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    Food commonly takes 4-5 hours to fully digest (most of them at least). That means it doesn't matter when you eat (before or after). If you eat before you're only using a bit of the digested food towards your workout, not all of it, and the rest will help in your recovery after. If you eat after, pretty much same thing.

    I prefer not to eat at all before or after (i work out at around 6am). My first meal is usually 1pm everyday and I hate breakfast. That's just when I get naturally hungry.

    Prioritize total calorie intake over a day over when and how often you eat. Unless you're one of those people that swear they get hypoglycemic and cant get through a workout on an empty stomach...then have a snack before so you're mentally not handicapping yourself.
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    Hi! I like to do my cardio first thing in the morning and I typically eat right afterwards. It may be a myth but I have always heard to eat after your cardio due to the fact that you're still burning calories from the workout. It has worked for me.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Try it different ways-I usually eat a protein bar (or half) before I work out then will have breakfast after I get to work. If I don't have a little something and I push myself, I tend to either get sick or faint since I do more now than I used to.
  • moment_to_arise
    moment_to_arise Posts: 207 Member
    i usually have half an english muffin with some jelly on it before i work out, then afterwards i have a green protein smoothie to replenish...
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    Everyone is different. I say personally listen to your body. I usually find that working out before I eat works better for me. Like I said though everyone is different.
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    I workout mostly in the morning...I've been doing it for a long time now.

    For me.... If I have to do Cardio...It's not THAT important to eat before.... or a little will be fine.
    If I need to do weights etc.... I need to eat an hour or 45 min before.....carbs and protein to give me a boost not to crash.

    It's my opinion here....
  • Xhell_on_heelsX
    I had a Biochemistry professor tell me to ALWAYS eat before a morning workout giving the food a little time to digest. His rationale was that you are coming off of a 12 hour fast because you usually haven't eaten since dinner the night before. Most of your glycogen has been used up, so your body has to break down fat or muscle to provide energy. Unless you are in a starvation mode your brain primarily uses glucose as it's energy source. Your body cannot produce glucose from breaking down fat, it has to break down muscle to do that. So you may be breaking down muscle to feed your brain, which is counterproductive. Once again, this was a guy with the PhD, so I trust him.

    ^^ Absolutely agree..I am a nursing student so this all makes perfect sense = ] I also find that if I don't eat and then do a vigorous my 30 day shred..I feel like puking lol so even if you get a little something on your stomach, it's better than nothing.
  • nml2011
    nml2011 Posts: 156 Member
    I had a Biochemistry professor tell me to ALWAYS eat before a morning workout giving the food a little time to digest. His rationale was that you are coming off of a 12 hour fast because you usually haven't eaten since dinner the night before. Most of your glycogen has been used up, so your body has to break down fat or muscle to provide energy. Unless you are in a starvation mode your brain primarily uses glucose as it's energy source. Your body cannot produce glucose from breaking down fat, it has to break down muscle to do that. So you may be breaking down muscle to feed your brain, which is counterproductive. Once again, this was a guy with the PhD, so I trust him.

    You should probably stop listening to him! I don't think a single thing of what you said is remotely correct!

    Your body won't canabalise muscle after a mere 12 hours;

    The body actually prefers using fat for it's energy source;

    The brain can run just fine (maybe even optimally) on a blend of ketones and minimal glucose;

    It doesn't have to break down muscle for anything especially not for the brain!!

    Please at least check some of what you are saying before posting.
  • numsquat
    numsquat Posts: 133
    Plenty of studies show unless you are doing some very strenuous/long time cardio (like running a half marathon or longer) there is no NEED to eat beforehand if you have a good diet. Those that posted about digestive time and fat breaking down before muscle for energy are correct based on research. So whether to eat or not is more based on how it makes you feel versus any benefit/non-benefit factors. I know people before running that eat nothing to eating more than I ever would at a regular meal and everything in between. Personally I don't eat before most workouts (LSD's over 10 miles are the exception) but have 8-12oz of an electrolyte drink. I do get nauseated eating anything within 2 hours of running (and I will eat something small 2 hours before a longer LSD) but I can handle eating during a run fine. Everyone's a little different, just find what works for you.
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    I have to workout on an empty stomach. If I eat before I go to the gym, it ends up looking like a scene from The Exorcist.