recipes for this diet?



  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Thank you for your input. Appreciated.

    Hope you've got a thick skin as most people on this forum don't have a very good opinion of HCG (I have none as living in the UK it's not one I've ever come into contact with).

    By all means ask for advice, but be prepared for some negativity... and if it doesn't work/makes you feel ill/you put all the weight back on etc etc then do come on and ask for advice on losing weight the way most of us are doing it (simple calories in, calories out, not dipping too low on food each day and getting in some exercise). It's not fancy, it might seem boring, but it does work (and is cheap!).
  • OzarkMountainMan
    Yikes! May want to get a professional second opinion on that diet. :smile:

    Any diet that requires me to inject myself with a needle each day I would run from so fast I wouldn't need a diet!
  • AllisonStrickling
    I would have to agree with this one. That diet is not only dangerous, it is unsustainable. Any weight you lose you are going to put on as soon as you stop the diet. You should try making a lifestyle change. it will take longer but the results will last.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Yikes, from what I've just read about HCG, you couldn't pay me enough to try it. I'd rather be fat. Of course you're going to lose weight - you eat 500 calories a day! And some of it just seems a tad outlandish to me - the fats they use in skin lotion seep into your system and help make you fatter??? That's why you can't use lotion??? Really???? Eating well and exercise is the way to do it. Sure it's a slower process, but there are no quick fixes. Messing around with metabolism and things - who knows what that might do in the long run. Nope, couldn't pay me to try it.
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    Are you serious or trolling?
    Hello my name is Lisa and I have been researching this diet for about 6 months. I just picked it up yesterday. So thrilled!!
    I don't know anyone who had a good experience with HCG. I would rethink your choice to do that diet if I were you.
    I have 1 son who is 22
    and recently I had a tummy tuck and breast augmentation while recovering i have put on a few lbs.
    Sounds to me like you have some major body issues and that you like to take the quick way out instead of the best way. I'm assuming you made your chest bigger not smaller right? And the tummy tuck wasn't medically necessary either?
    I have always been active but ever since my 40's its been a up hill battle,
    I'm younger but yeah, it gets harder as you get older. I don't think it's worth going under the knife for though.
    im sooo tired of killing/ injuring myself. I hurt every where shoulder, knee, foot... im over it...
    Have you considered seeing a counselor for your body image concerns? What about a dietican or personal trainer?

    If your 1st instinct has always been to get something cut or take a pill instead of a healthier route... I think you need to reconsider your choices.
    Im not considered obese but My BMI is over 25 thats a lot for me I want it to get to a healthy 18%. I am 5-2 maybe 5-3"... 150. I am going to get to my goal weight of 120.
    18% is the LOWest end of healthy for an adult woman. Why not aim for a more modest goal instead of an extreme? You're in your 40s for crying out loud!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Any doctor who tells me to eat 500 calories and to stay away from lotion gets a punch in the berries.

    ....and needs to have his medical license revoked. I just looked up this diet and I can't believe any real DR would agree to it.
  • Quannicab

  • lisalisa808
  • lisalisa808
    My calories will be at 1,000 to 1,200 a day because of my activity level.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    My calories will be at 1,000 to 1,200 a day because of my activity level.
    Please read through this link. It might help you understand a bit more about how a caloric deficit works, and make you realize that vastly undereating like that is far from necessary. You can eat significantly more and lose weight the healthy way.
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    I did HCG (as did my MIL with me). Indeed, I was never hungry following the diet and taking the injections, however she and I both put the weight back on and about 20 extra lbs afterwards....even following the "phase 2" and "phase 3" or whatever.

    Totally not worth it. I'm here now, and this is forever sustainable.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I am trying the HCG Diet. Yes Doc says stay away from lotion.. bizarre.

    From a previous post, it looks like you are trying to lose about 30 pounds and that you are already in (or near) the healthy range for BMI. This much can easily be done without the HCG diet. And, if you do it the "hard" way, it'll last a lot longer than results from HCG.

    Setting the benefits/risks/controversy of HCG aside for a second, I believe it was developed for people who were seriously overweight - morbidly obese. It was never intended to for those who have a few pounds till their idea weight. Please reconsider!
  • ChocoMello
    ChocoMello Posts: 74 Member
    If you have any activity level at all you will need more then 1000!
    Even if your only activity would be your beating heart you would need more.

    Care for your body. Dont walk around blind thinking only about loosing some fat.
    Look at all the people here having great progress from eating right and training hard.
    Then look at thoose would followed these kind of diets you wanna try.

    See the difference?
  • LuckyStarrGal
    LuckyStarrGal Posts: 66 Member
    Hey hun,

    Best way is to eat healthy fresh foods, exercise, drink lots of water and you can even have a piece of chocolate here and there. You just have to stay in your calories for the day. Just think before you put anything in your mouth. I like to log my foods prior to eathing them that way I'm required to eat only what I've prepared for myself. Good luck and I hope this helps you on your way. Also, I recommend becoming friends with people on here to help you along the way. So friend me if you like!

