jillians micheal ripped in 30

Hi Guys

Hope you are all well!!! :-) Just wanted to ask is anyone doing the jillians micheal ripped in 30? Has anyone seen any results from it?

I am on week 2 at the moment, I don't think I'm seeing any results just yet due to not changing my diet enough! But today is a new day :-)

How are you all finding it???

Join me in doing it! I will probabaly repeat the whole program a few times before i get to my ideal weight lol

Add me :-)


  • Hi!

    I just started ripped last monday- i'm on day 6 of week one and I am already noticing results! Kepp in mind, I wasn't working out much before, but even after six days I not only feel stronger but I think I am beginning to see change...maybe it's all in my head though! Lol....I love the program though- only 35 mins a day, it gradually changes before you get bored and as you progress, and it's quite tough! Love Jillian!

    Edited to add- I am not trying to lose weighI anymore, I'm at goal and am just trying to add muscle and tone up! I eat relatively clean.anyways, add me if you like! :)
  • racerchick31
    racerchick31 Posts: 91 Member
    Hello! =)

    I started last Monday as well and just completed Day 6 of week 1. I also just completed Jillian's 30 Day Shred (last Saturday) and had pretty good results and have moved on to this one. I'm not sure if I am having results yet and may measure tomorrow. lol I did lose 1.6 pounds this week tho! =) YAY! So far its not killing me. I feel pretty great after the workout..now week 2 may be a different story...I haven't sneaked a look at it yet...lol

    I loooove Jillian's workouts. These are the first dvd workouts that I have actually seen results quickly and make me want to keep on going. lol
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i have done 30ds twice and rin30 twice before. I am re doing it again, i started yesterday. I seen better results with 30ds but i like rin30 better, well level 1,3 and 4 .. i hate level 2 it's too awkward for me with some of those moves...i never seen huge results with any of them as i only had 25 lbs to lose... i also am pretty much at my goal weigh now and i am doing it just to tone up a bit and get some definition back.
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    I have it and I did the first workout but I felt like it was too easy.. I only did level 1 but I felt like it didn't give me the same kind of burn as my own circuits at the gym do. Its very leg intensive which I liked about it and her strength cardio abs method works really well for all round workouts. I use her workouts more as an inspiration for my own workouts, I have ripped in 30, 30 day shred and 6 week 6pack and I've enjoyed them all

    I love her personality and I think she puts a ton of thought into her DVDs and I love when she picks on the girls in the background it makes me laugh haha
  • ciru123
    ciru123 Posts: 4 Member

    I just started Ripped in 30 this morning. I enjoyed it, and due to reading up on it before, I felt that it wasn't as challenging in Level 1, but I have been on a lazy spurt for about 2 months so I know Level 2 will hurt, so I am trying to appreciate that I can do Level 1 with just a bit of sweat.

    How many calories are you entering that you are burning approximately for the different Levels?

    I am trying to stick with doing it 4-5 times a week in the mornings, with some cardio (outdoor running) on some of the days that I do not do the DVD. I have previously done P90X Lean (about 2 years ago) and I use the P90X DVDs still but not following the program. For the past year, I was mostly doing training for running long distances (furthest so far was a half-marathon), but its winter now, and I dont seem to have my old energy to go outside if the temperature is anything below -5C.

    I have taken before pics (mostly heavy through my stomach) and I am trying to watch what I eat, although I eat ok, probably about 1500-1800 cals. Trying to reduce that to the 1200 she recommends, but with my own ingredient list.

    Good luck, and you can add me too.
  • shannie23
    shannie23 Posts: 22 Member
    I just started 30Day Shred today! I'm going to go hard and be committed for this 30 days! I hope you start to see the results your looking for!
  • sararixe
    sararixe Posts: 36 Member
    I did L1 yesterday and wow! I have 7 of Jillians dvds and do a differant one each time i work out(3-5 times a week) I just did L2 of Ripped in 30 could NOT keep up lol. I think i'm burning more than what MFP has.. I need to get a HRM!!! I've yet to see a drp on the scale but i know with time it will come off.

    ps: My start weight was high because of my monthly foe
  • mswize
    mswize Posts: 113 Member
    I will be finishing 30 day shred in 5 days. planning on doing ripped next. Lots of great info in this thread!
  • bogden78
    bogden78 Posts: 172 Member
    i have done 30ds twice and rin30 twice before. I am re doing it again, i started yesterday. I seen better results with 30ds but i like rin30 better, well level 1,3 and 4 .. i hate level 2 it's too awkward for me with some of those moves...i never seen huge results with any of them as i only had 25 lbs to lose... i also am pretty much at my goal weigh now and i am doing it just to tone up a bit and get some definition back.
    I think I have to agree with this. I did 30DS in December and saw some great results. I started RI30 this January and just started level 4 yesterday. I am seeing results, losing weight, feeling stronger and can see more muscle definition in my legs. I think overall I saw more with 30DS, but I don't know if it's better, just what I did first. I do enjoy RI30 a whole lot more, except level 2 for some reason, lol!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    haha i also hate level 2, i find it awkward for a lot of the moves.... i think i seen better results maybe juts b/c it was the first dvd i did and had the most to lose at that point? i never had huge results doing any of them though.... i do like rin30 better for some reason, not sure why? I am going to get 6w6p hopefully this weekend and try that out.
  • sararixe
    sararixe Posts: 36 Member
    Just did L3 and oh boy is it hard...i had to stop a few times lol
  • sararixe
    sararixe Posts: 36 Member
    How is everyone doing? anyone in pain today?
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    nope no pain at all since starting it. I think i am just that much better in shape now :)
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    I started week 2 yesterday... I felt like week 1 wasn't enough of a challenge for me to see results BUT week 2 is way harder for me, so I'm hoping with new clean eating, running, yoga, and RI30 I will start seeing results soon. Good luck!
  • for everyone feeling like lvl 1 is too easy - just really push into it. I thought it was too easy the first day too, so the second day I really focused on form and going all-out. for example, when you squat, squat as low as you can, even more than 90 degrees. I was SOOOOO sore! LOL It was a great workout that way ;-)
  • mschleg
    mschleg Posts: 28 Member
    HI, I started doing the RI30 a couple weeks ago. I'll be starting level 3 on thursday. This is my first workout dvd I've ever tried and so far I feel like it's really doing something. I'm a sweaty mess when I'm done. I was pretty out of shape before this. after the first 2 days on level 1 I was so extremely sore. Just walking hurt. I feel like my body is getting more toned. I'm only down a couple lbs, but I feel a lot slimmer due to toning
  • sararixe
    sararixe Posts: 36 Member
    I am going to atempt L4 today :sad: I am in need of a good burn!! Do any of you use a HRM? I need to get one!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    yes i use one. i burn anywhere from 150 - 200 cal depending on the level.
  • This is probably a stupid question but is week 1 made up of 6 different exercises? Or do you do the whole week 1 section 5-6 times a day? It doesn't specify when to stop for the day and I'm a little lost as I never work out. Thanks!
  • ciru123
    ciru123 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Alikay1990 - on the DVD menu, under Workouts you shoudl see it showing you four weeks of exercise, Week 1, Week 2 etc. You do 5 days of Week 1 - so the exact same exercises for 5 days in a row, then move on to Week 2 and repeat that etc, till you get to Week 4.

    The point is that say on Day 1 of Week 1 you may have difficulty doing say 5 push ups, but by Day 5 of Week 1, you can do 5 push ups easy, and even an additional 5! (I am optimistic!) and you can see how your body adjusts within 5 days.