Dizzy Spells...



  • Pariah
    Pariah Posts: 97 Member
    You're really not fooling anyone at this point. You've been playing this game on here for a while "wah wah wah, i can't eat that much. how do i eat more? i don't know what to do." and everyone tells you exactly what you need to do. and you say that you'll apply that. What do you do instead? You changed your daily calorie goal from 1200 to 1000. Most days you don't get over 600. Yet you continue to ask stupid s*** like,"why am I getting dizzy?" pretty soon you'll be asking,"Why does my chest hurt?" hopefully you realize what you are doing to your body before you have a heart attack. We can keep spoon feeding you advice, but at this point we are just beating a dead horse, because you aren't taking it. Why do you even ask for it if you aren't going to listen to it?

    So here's some advice, go to a doctor. You're sick. You're headed down the path of an eating disorder, if you aren't there already. Several people on here, including my self have battled an eating disorder before and we can tell you it wasn't fun and it wasn't glamourous. It stole our lives from us, we are lucky enough to still be alive, but my eating disorder stole years of my life that I can't ever get back. So seriously, get some help before you find yourself somewhere you really don't want to be.
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    You're really not fooling anyone at this point. You've been playing this game on here for a while "wah wah wah, i can't eat that much. how do i eat more? i don't know what to do." and everyone tells you exactly what you need to do. and you say that you'll apply that. What do you do instead? You changed your daily calorie goal from 1200 to 1000. Most days you don't get over 600. Yet you continue to ask stupid s*** like,"why am I getting dizzy?" pretty soon you'll be asking,"Why does my chest hurt?" hopefully you realize what you are doing to your body before you have a heart attack. We can keep spoon feeding you advice, but at this point we are just beating a dead horse, because you aren't taking it. Why do you even ask for it if you aren't going to listen to it?

    So here's some advice, go to a doctor. You're sick. You're headed down the path of an eating disorder, if you aren't there already. Several people on here, including my self have battled an eating disorder before and we can tell you it wasn't fun and it wasn't glamourous. It stole our lives from us, we are lucky enough to still be alive, but my eating disorder stole years of my life that I can't ever get back. So seriously, get some help before you find yourself somewhere you really don't want to be.

    OK. So first of all you have only given me a few days since I first asked about this. Have you not noticed I've managed to hit 700-800 the last 3 out of 4 days? I am trying! I stopped checking this forum a couple of days ago and I'm really shocked by your frankly rude message. I have sought medical advice and it has been suggested that I should try increasing my iron intake. I am not suddenly going to be able to start eating what has been suggested- 2 or 3 times as much as I was before- give me some time, will you? Geez. I'm going to make my diary only visible to friends, I don't need people like you PUBLICLY RIDICULING me. I changed my daily goal to 1000 AGES ago, it's not like I read everything that people said and then thought I would do the exact opposite. I have tried to drink more water and I am trying to increase my portion size. I don't know why you've taken this so personally, I am sorry that you have suffered from an eating disorder but I feel utterly humiliated by your last post- I'm actually crying as I write this because you don't even know me or my lifestyle. I see people on this site drinking nothing but protein shakes. I see people eat 1500 calories and burn off 800 of them from exercise. Their average is the same but you are not treating them so maliciously.

    Thank you to all of you who have genuinely tried to help me; looked at my food diary and suggested changes etc and Pariah, shock tactics don't always work if that's what you were trying to do: often they have the complete opposite effect. I still welcome any new advice and I will increase lunch portion as suggested also.
  • Sunshinechic
    Sunshinechic Posts: 31 Member
    If you wait till you're thirsty to drink, that means that your body is already suffering from dehydration. You drink to keep your body hydrated. Anything under 1200 calories is harmful to your body. Your dizziness is your bodies way of crying for help. Up your calorie intake, and I think you will feel so much better. If not get to a Dr,:smile:
  • If you are dizzy that is your body telling you that you need to eat something like an orange or apple or banbana some fruit or drink OJ and get more water in your body. See a doctor.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    There is nothing new I can add to this thread. You have heard the eat more, drink plenty of water, etc. I'm sure you get it now. But, I wanted to come in here and tell you that you are a gorgeous, absolutely stunning lady. Lose weight the healthy way and live a good healthy and strong life. There is no need in starving yourself to lose weight. One day (if you don't already) you will want to have kids (i'm assuming lol) and if you're body is not healthy, it's going to be very hard. You don't think about all of this stuff right now, but everything you do to your body now will effect (affect, frick, I can never use the right one) you in the future.

    Good luck girl, you can do this the right way!
  • littlespongy
    littlespongy Posts: 4 Member
    If you are drastically dropping your calories you could become anemic. This happened to me when I was in my teens and thought if I quit eating meat I would drop weight quickly. I became very anemic and started getting dizzy spells quite often. I even fainted a couple of times. By the time my mother took me to the doctor my hair had started to get thinner - so please, please don't fall into this trap! The doctor gave me iron pills to take and it took a few weeks, but I felt much better.
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    yeah, I've started taking iron and vitamin supplements- hoping that will help but only started a couple of days ago! Thanks x
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