question for parents



  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    The real question for all of us to consider
    is whether cartoons and playing with
    Pokemon cards is of the devil. It is. Just like
    Dungeons and Dragons.
    Why is Dungeon and Dragons of the devil? Have you ever played D and D? Half my role play group are Christians and so am I!
    My pastor gave a
    sermon about it
    last week with a
    PowerPoint presentation.
    He's a bit out of date then, Dungeons and Dragons is so 30 years ago! What did he have to say about Vampire the Requiem?
    He did not mention
    anything about that
    but he did tell us
    to stay away from Rush albums
    as they have the
    sign of the beast
    on them

    I'd agree with that. Rush are pants. Better to listen to Yes or Pink Floyd or early Genesis.

    but not TOO MUCH genesis, because phil collins will rot your brain
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    PatrickSwayzesGhost Posts: 300 Member
    The real question for all of us to consider
    is whether cartoons and playing with
    Pokemon cards is of the devil. It is. Just like
    Dungeons and Dragons.
    Why is Dungeon and Dragons of the devil? Have you ever played D and D? Half my role play group are Christians and so am I!
    My pastor gave a
    sermon about it
    last week with a
    PowerPoint presentation.
    He's a bit out of date then, Dungeons and Dragons is so 30 years ago! What did he have to say about Vampire the Requiem?
    He did not mention
    anything about that
    but he did tell us
    to stay away from Rush albums
    as they have the
    sign of the beast
    on them
    I'd agree with that. Rush are pants. Better to listen to Yes or Pink Floyd or early Genesis.
    but not TOO MUCH genesis, because phil collins will rot your brain
    Genesis is the first
    book in the Bible.
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    The real question for all of us to consider
    is whether cartoons and playing with
    Pokemon cards is of the devil. It is. Just like
    Dungeons and Dragons.
    Why is Dungeon and Dragons of the devil? Have you ever played D and D? Half my role play group are Christians and so am I!
    My pastor gave a
    sermon about it
    last week with a
    PowerPoint presentation.
    He's a bit out of date then, Dungeons and Dragons is so 30 years ago! What did he have to say about Vampire the Requiem?
    He did not mention
    anything about that
    but he did tell us
    to stay away from Rush albums
    as they have the
    sign of the beast
    on them

    I'd agree with that. Rush are pants. Better to listen to Yes or Pink Floyd or early Genesis.

    but not TOO MUCH genesis, because phil collins will rot your brain

    I did specify 'early Genesis'!! Surely a pastor can't deny Genesis?
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    No I don't think it is. I have a 15 yr old boy too. Sounds normal to me. He could be doing much worse at that age!
  • coffee_rocks
    coffee_rocks Posts: 275 Member
    For the OP - I have a 12 year old, and while he plays with Lego, and Minecraft and other stuff 12 year old boys play with, once in awhile he hauls out his Thomas trains and plays with those. I think what your son is doing at 15 is fine.

    For Rush being evil - bite your tongue. They are good Canadian boys and we all know there are nothing but happy, friendly people in Canada.

    Pink Floyd, however, is truly of the devil.
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    i have 2 girls ages 11 and a half anf 14. they both... BOTH still play with barbies, pokeman, watch disney movies ... do all the things that kids should do. let them do it. they are only young once. hell i think of what i was doing when i was 14 and thank goodness they didnt follow in my footsteps.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    For the OP - I have a 12 year old, and while he plays with Lego, and Minecraft and other stuff 12 year old boys play with, once in awhile he hauls out his Thomas trains and plays with those. I think what your son is doing at 15 is fine.

    For Rush being evil - bite your tongue. They are good Canadian boys and we all know there are nothing but happy, friendly people in Canada.

    Pink Floyd, however, is truly of the devil.

    Tear down your wall, dude.
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member

    Pink Floyd, however, is truly of the devil.

    Wash your mouth out with soap! I will not have such bad language on the forums!
  • PatrickSwayzesGhost
    PatrickSwayzesGhost Posts: 300 Member
    I have a 12 year old child
    that plays with Scrabble tiles
    to help build vocabulary.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    Your fiance has a problem with it. Perhaps there is more to the story than we understand. If he's sitting in front of the tv for hours watching cartoons and playing card games instead of studying, doing school work, and some school extra-curricular activities, maybe there is cause for concern.

    Just because he isn't out murdering someone and getting high every night, doesn't mean that anything "less than that" should be allowed if it's not in moderation. My teenage sons like to use that "logic" by saying, "At least I'm not out doing XYZ". Hold him accountable if there is reason to be concerned.
  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member
    What time is it!?

    Haha, I am 23 and i enjoy watching cartoons and anime. Though at that age i did sports/played music and stuff. It's just finding a healthy balance of everything, same with now.
  • cwggraham
    As long as they are not demanding older kids' privileges. i feel more responsibility earned, more privileges. Many of us boys regressed to cartoons and toys for many many years..haha
  • Momwasix
    Momwasix Posts: 664 Member
    Nah my son does his work and really is a okay kid.he does show a defiant side but nothing major. The whole issue is my fiancée has no kids. He's a scorpio if your into astrology. He feels that with him being the oldest and my next child who is 13 i should have him exposed to opportunities for growth being that my 13 is more mature than he is. My 13 yr old is your average do good kid. Very respectful and does good im school. My 15 YR OLD is okay but still acts immature in solving problems .He's a teenager most teens are immature but that takes time and growth. I don't want to say oh cause he doesn't have kids he don't know what he talking about so i try to find the positive in what he trying to get across.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I'm 31 years old, still watch cartoons occasionally and I have a toy millenium falcon. I'm a functioning member of society. I hope those are my worries with my son when he's that age.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Trust me guys i agree with each and everyone of you .My fiancée seems to think its babying him and he needs to do activites that are maturing him instead of babying him.I said the same thing he could be doing worst drugs. sex thank god he's not into that so far that i know of and my fiancée feels he needs to let that go and maybe collect baseball cards instead. My fiancée is from the old school era so the things kids do today are not to his liking.

    This may be my bitterness talking, but I take issue with someone who is coming in "new" to a family and complaining about crap that does not impact them. Seriously, how is pokemon directly affecting your fiance? lol

    I would tell your fiance that he's not in Kansas anymore sweetheart! LOL Seriously, there's adults that still collect Pokemon cards, watch cartoons, etc... As long as his chores, school work isn't being neglected than leave the kid be!

    I just saw the OP posted her fiance doesn't have children. He should take a parenting class or three, being a or step parent - or having to co-parent teenagers is no easy task!
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    hell no! I still watch it and have my yu-gi-oh cards :)

  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    No!!! Ask us again in 10 years when he/she is living in your basement. Lol. My 19-year-old daughter at 15 used to be obsessed with Disney Channel. She's now in her second year of college, has a job, and has her own apartment. She used to come home with horror stories about what kids in her school were doing (drugs, sex, smoking, drinking). It could be so much worse!!!
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I'm 37 and watch cartoons daily. Whether or not my kids are home. Actually I watch them more than my kids do (13 and 14) because I really just don't like reality shows and a lot of other stuff they show on TV (and sometimes just for noise so I can do things without getting too sucked into a show/movie). Mine don't do the pokemon thing, they were never into it but they play video games and play sports in school. I figure as long as their grades are decent, they're not hanging out with the "wrong" crowd, they have friends, and they aren't anti social there's nothing wrong with it.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Sage advice from my 17-year-old daughter:

    If it is not causing problems, you should let him/her do their own thing for now, because at this age you are caught between these two worlds where they are supposed to start acting more mature, but at the same time they are told they are too young for this or that. If you try to force anything, they will just hold onto it even more.

    My advice: Pick you battles.

    Good luck! Kids go through some awkward phases...

    Edited to add: We do still watch certain cartoons that we really enjoy, and we are not total nerds! . :)
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    Question is it wrong to allow your 15 year
    old to watch cartoons and play with
    Pokemon cards? honest answers no

    I have 5 children and a husband. My husband is very intelligent, and still watches cartoons. My adult children still watch cartoons at times and they are doing well in life. My two teenage children also still watch cartoons, with My Little Pony Friendship is Magic being one of their favorites. They are doing quite well too. So, to answer your question: No, it's not wrong. Let your 15 year old enjoy their teen years as long as they are doing their school work, household chores, and spending time with friends too. That was a good question, by the way.