Birth Control



  • jurgitafit
    jurgitafit Posts: 112
    Please please please, do not use any hormonal birth control pills for your own good. I am asking you to consider any other options, because I've read about these pills so much that if you knew, you would never look at them again. Please consider, it is very important. And the worst thing is that (most) doctors don't really care for your health, they only care as much as money goes. Not all, but many. There is enough evidence to prove that birth control pills wreck your natural body functions. There is much more of the bad than of the good taking the pill. I am serious. Talking from my own experience.

    I've been on birth control pills forever and they haven't harmed me in any way. In fact, they have been nothing but great! I'm not pregnant. I have clear skin. I get my period 4 times a year and it only lasts for 3-5 days. I haven't gained any weight from it and I'm not an emotional wreck.

    I'm on Yaz. There's a lot of controversy over it but I have never experienced ANY of those side effects and I have been on it for years.

    I agree you may have not notice anything bad right now. But the negative effects may follow later. That's why there is lots of controversy right now-- it will take a decade or two to show... Some studies show that women have a hard time getting pregnant if they have used pills for years. I know it's a personal choice, however, why one would ever choose something artificial versus natural? Just like with foods!

    Here is just one of the articles (out of hundreds) to prove. There are many more.... do the research.

    ["The problem with the pill is that it is such a money spinner that the money gets in the way of the risks," Penman said.]
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Please please please, do not use any hormonal birth control pills for your own good. I am asking you to consider any other options, because I've read about these pills so much that if you knew, you would never look at them again. Please consider, it is very important. And the worst thing is that (most) doctors don't really care for your health, they only care as much as money goes. Not all, but many. There is enough evidence to prove that birth control pills wreck your natural body functions. There is much more of the bad than of the good taking the pill. I am serious. Talking from my own experience.

    I've been on birth control pills forever and they haven't harmed me in any way. In fact, they have been nothing but great! I'm not pregnant. I have clear skin. I get my period 4 times a year and it only lasts for 3-5 days. I haven't gained any weight from it and I'm not an emotional wreck.

    I'm on Yaz. There's a lot of controversy over it but I have never experienced ANY of those side effects and I have been on it for years.

    I agree you may have not notice anything bad right now. But the negative effects may follow later. That's why there is lots of controversy right now-- it will take a decade or two to show... Some studies show that women have a hard time getting pregnant if they have used pills for years. I know it's a personal choice, however, why one would ever choose something artificial versus natural? Just like with foods!

    Here is just one of the articles (out of hundreds) to prove. There are many more.... do the research.

    ["The problem with the pill is that it is such a money spinner that the money gets in the way of the risks," Penman said.]

    I read the article and it seems pretty onesided with no real proof that BC pills are any worse than other prescription drugs, they all have side effects. For most healthy women the pill is a good option in preventing pregnancy.

    I was on the pill for 6 yrs before I had my first baby and about 2.5 yrs before my second. I've never had any side effects from it and I'm 50 now. I did not have problems getting pregnant either time I went off, I did not gain weight.

    In chosing a form of BC a woman should talk with her healthcare provider about what is right for her. It will depend on her current health sitiuation, does she have a history of high blood pressure, blood clots......
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    Just wanted to weigh in on the IUD discussion. I had the copper IUD (Paragard) inserted last year about 8 weeks post partum. I wanted a non-hormonal version of BC. Looking back, I wish I had chosen the Mirena instead. My periods while on Paragard were horrible (I never had super heavy periods prior to becoming pregnant), the first 2 days I was leaking through super plus tampons every hour. After 6 months I opted to have it removed. I was still breastfeeding at that point so chose to go on progestin-only BCP. Once I weaned my daughter I converted to regular BCP (Loestrin). I have had no side effects from the pill whatsoever (I was also on it for 15 years prior to becoming pregnant and had no problems with it), and have continued losing weight. I am having a tubal ligation in a few weeks so will be off BCP permanently. I rather enjoy the light periods on Loestrin but $30/mo for BCP is pretty salty to think about until I hit menopause. :tongue:

    The idea of the copper IUD was appealing to me but the monster periods were just too much for me to deal with. If you are considering IUD, I would encourage you to look at Mirena, it is a very low dose progestin-only option.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Just wanted to weigh in on the IUD discussion. I had the copper IUD (Paragard) inserted last year about 8 weeks post partum. I wanted a non-hormonal version of BC. Looking back, I wish I had chosen the Mirena instead. My periods while on Paragard were horrible (I never had super heavy periods prior to becoming pregnant), the first 2 days I was leaking through super plus tampons every hour. After 6 months I opted to have it removed. I was still breastfeeding at that point so chose to go on progestin-only BCP. Once I weaned my daughter I converted to regular BCP (Loestrin). I have had no side effects from the pill whatsoever (I was also on it for 15 years prior to becoming pregnant and had no problems with it), and have continued losing weight. I am having a tubal ligation in a few weeks so will be off BCP permanently. I rather enjoy the light periods on Loestrin but $30/mo for BCP is pretty salty to think about until I hit menopause. :tongue:

    The idea of the copper IUD was appealing to me but the monster periods were just too much for me to deal with. If you are considering IUD, I would encourage you to look at Mirena, it is a very low dose progestin-only option.

    It all depends on your body whether or not you have those problems that you are talking about. My periods have picked up in flow but I would not consider them to be "monster periods". When I had mine put in I spotted but I didn't leak through anything and all I wore was a pantyliner. So like with anything else it really depends on your body. Every persons body is different. Also if the OB puts it in wrong then you are going to have problems as well.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    The Nuvaring is AWESOM and it gives a small constant flow of the hormone only to the uterus versus going through the whole body. I have clinical depression and a severe hormonal imbalance which makes taking ANY kind of hormone impossible for me. Hormones make me extremely ill and completely out of my mind. After YEARS of searching I finally found the ring and LOVE it. I feel no side effects, no weight gain, no moodiness. Ask your doctor about it for sure.

    DITTO. DITTO. And one more DITTO!

    I had horrible periods (7days, 5days heavy, bad cramps). Tried Depo-Provera and turned into a raging b*tch. Tried Alesse (low hormone and not progesterone) and wanted to puke. Switched to the ring, which is the lowest dose of hormone out there (the patch is the highest, from what I know), and I'm thrilled. I still have control over my period. No horrible cramps. No week long period. No more heavy period. It's fantastic. But, you do have to be comfy with your body. Again, I'm so happy I found the ring!

    As always, this is a great place to get some suggestions, but you should really talk to your doctor. Your physician is the one who knows your health history and can explain the possible issues you may encounter with different drugs.
  • buffalo77
    It feels like a big pinch, but it takes less than 30 seconds I would say. I think it hurts more for women who haven't had children, but for me, after training to relax for childbirth, it really isn't that bad. They numb your cervix first and if you take a couple of advil before (and I took a xanax too, but mostly that just made me tired!), so it is kind of like a regular annual exam.
  • cfischer81
    cfischer81 Posts: 111 Member
    Just wanted to weigh in on the IUD discussion. I had the copper IUD (Paragard) inserted last year about 8 weeks post partum. I wanted a non-hormonal version of BC. Looking back, I wish I had chosen the Mirena instead. My periods while on Paragard were horrible (I never had super heavy periods prior to becoming pregnant), the first 2 days I was leaking through super plus tampons every hour. After 6 months I opted to have it removed. I was still breastfeeding at that point so chose to go on progestin-only BCP. Once I weaned my daughter I converted to regular BCP (Loestrin). I have had no side effects from the pill whatsoever (I was also on it for 15 years prior to becoming pregnant and had no problems with it), and have continued losing weight. I am having a tubal ligation in a few weeks so will be off BCP permanently. I rather enjoy the light periods on Loestrin but $30/mo for BCP is pretty salty to think about until I hit menopause. :tongue:

    The idea of the copper IUD was appealing to me but the monster periods were just too much for me to deal with. If you are considering IUD, I would encourage you to look at Mirena, it is a very low dose progestin-only option.

    It all depends on your body whether or not you have those problems that you are talking about. My periods have picked up in flow but I would not consider them to be "monster periods". When I had mine put in I spotted but I didn't leak through anything and all I wore was a pantyliner. So like with anything else it really depends on your body. Every persons body is different. Also if the OB puts it in wrong then you are going to have problems as well.

    I also had really bad periods on a Copper IUD. I had it for 5 years because I was too nervous to try anything else. I am on YAZ now and even though I have to remember to take a pill everyday it's 100 times better then the copper IUD was TOM wise! That's just my experience though.
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    I was just thinking this morning about starting a thread regarding BCP. I am currently on Loestrin 24. I didn't notice a weight gain but I have noticed it seems very difficult to get any weight off. I don't know if I can contribute that to the BCP or that I am not handeling food and excercise like I should. I was on the nuva ring for several years and I really liked it, but I do believe it caused my gall bladder failure. When I was in the process of switching to Lestrin I was a complete emotional wreck all the time. This lasted about 3 full weeks. My boyfriend about killed me, luckily he is a very patient, understanding guy! I've been on this BCP for about 3 years and I still find myself highly emotional. I never really considered myself an emotional person in the past but since being on this pill I cry at the drop of a hat. Just thinking about something emotional makes me tear up. It's very frustrating to me and my now fiance that I am not able to control my emotions.

    I have called my OBGYN this week to discuss a different form of BC. I tried ortho trycyclen for about 6 months when I was younger but could not get over the nauseated feeling I had. I would prefer not to have a to take a BCP b/c of some other medical issues I have to be on one.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    IS there Any birth control that doesn't make you gain weight, possibly help to lose weight, I have been threw so many and they just make me crave sweets (although im usually a salt eater) .. gain weight and feel like crap

    I use a Non - Hormonal IUD ... Pros: Haslle Free Sex ... worry free sex... NO HORMONES - no weight gains or more crap going into my body

    CONS: PAINFUL insertion and Extraction ... I'm on my third ...
    another con, I get puke worthy cramps for a few days before my period, lIke I mean so bad that I am grabbing the end of my chair ... I suggested it to my friend, and she was gaining weight on everything else, and couldn't handle the pain

    I for one will stick to it until i try for a baby
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Barrier methods and FAM charting here. It's nice but certainly not without worry...

    Everything hormonal had rotten side effects for me - not just discomfort, but dangerous - blackout migraines, for one. Blech, no thanks.

    I'm hesitant to get the Paragard and my doctor is fairly deadset against giving it to anyone who's never conceived. Honestly, I'd rather just get a permanent procedure (Essure) done and nip the problem in the bud, but any doctor I've ever went to absolutely refuses out of liability concerns. And yeah, it makes complete sense as to why they would (having never had children; nor wanting any), but it's disappointing nonetheless.
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    Barrier methods and FAM charting here. It's nice but certainly not without worry...

    Everything hormonal had rotten side effects for me - not just discomfort, but dangerous - blackout migraines, for one. Blech, no thanks.

    I'm hesitant to get the Paragard and my doctor is fairly deadset against giving it to anyone who's never conceived. Honestly, I'd rather just get a permanent procedure (Essure) done and nip the problem in the bud, but any doctor I've ever went to absolutely refuses out of liability concerns. And yeah, it makes complete sense as to why they would (having never had children; nor wanting any), but it's disappointing nonetheless.

    I discussed the Essure procedure with my OB/Gyn yesterday. He is no longer performing it. His clinic found that when women would come back for the 3 month checkup post-insertion (that is the length of time the mfr recommends for the scar tissue to form in the tubes), they were finding that 10% of patients were still not blocked. This follow up procedure requires an HSG (pushing dye through the tubes to determine full, partial, or no blockage). If the patient is not completely blocked at 3 months, they must continue on alternate BC and undergo another HSG at a later date, until it confirms full blockage. He felt that a 10% failure rate was too risky and too high to recommend it to his patients so he is only doing tubal ligations for permanent BC now.
  • tristan83
    tristan83 Posts: 51 Member
    Barrier methods and FAM charting here. It's nice but certainly not without worry...

    Everything hormonal had rotten side effects for me - not just discomfort, but dangerous - blackout migraines, for one. Blech, no thanks.

    I'm hesitant to get the Paragard and my doctor is fairly deadset against giving it to anyone who's never conceived. Honestly, I'd rather just get a permanent procedure (Essure) done and nip the problem in the bud, but any doctor I've ever went to absolutely refuses out of liability concerns. And yeah, it makes complete sense as to why they would (having never had children; nor wanting any), but it's disappointing nonetheless.

    Do you not want kids ever? I don't ever want kids and my doctor will not do anything except give me the pill because she thinks I will change my mind. I wanted assure (?) done and she won't even consider it. :grumble:
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    Barrier methods and FAM charting here. It's nice but certainly not without worry...

    Everything hormonal had rotten side effects for me - not just discomfort, but dangerous - blackout migraines, for one. Blech, no thanks.

    I'm hesitant to get the Paragard and my doctor is fairly deadset against giving it to anyone who's never conceived. Honestly, I'd rather just get a permanent procedure (Essure) done and nip the problem in the bud, but any doctor I've ever went to absolutely refuses out of liability concerns. And yeah, it makes complete sense as to why they would (having never had children; nor wanting any), but it's disappointing nonetheless.

    Do you not want kids ever? I don't ever want kids and my doctor will not do anything except give me the pill because she thinks I will change my mind. I wanted assure (?) done and she won't even consider it. :grumble:

    You should find another doctor then, there are doctors out there that WILL give you an IUD and you have no kids. It also depends on age, they're more reluctant to do it when you're young.
  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    Another Mirena user here and LOVING every minute of it!! I've heard bad things about the copper one (can't confirm any of it since I've never had one) and opted for the Mirena, going on 6 years and my 2nd Mirena I don't regret it at all!
  • tristan83
    tristan83 Posts: 51 Member

    Do you not want kids ever? I don't ever want kids and my doctor will not do anything except give me the pill because she thinks I will change my mind. I wanted assure (?) done and she won't even consider it. :grumble:

    You should find another doctor then, there are doctors out there that WILL give you an IUD and you have no kids. It also depends on age, they're more reluctant to do it when you're young.

    I can't have an IUD because my uterus is too tiny for one. She doesn't want to permanently fix me (LOL) because I am married and 27. Oh well... Pills it is! I love my doctor as she is an awesome doctor but we definitely disagree on this.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member

    Do you not want kids ever? I don't ever want kids and my doctor will not do anything except give me the pill because she thinks I will change my mind. I wanted assure (?) done and she won't even consider it. :grumble:

    You should find another doctor then, there are doctors out there that WILL give you an IUD and you have no kids. It also depends on age, they're more reluctant to do it when you're young.

    I can't have an IUD because my uterus is too tiny for one. She doesn't want to permanently fix me (LOL) because I am married and 27. Oh well... Pills it is! I love my doctor as she is an awesome doctor but we definitely disagree on this.

    It’s the same story here. The doctor advised against IUDs not only because of the non-childbirth thing but also because she feels I have a higher risk of insertion / puncture issues with a smaller uterus. I know there are a couple local doctors that will give them to women who have not had children, but I’ve got another problem with the puncture risk. I’m also leery of plunking down that much money with a risk it will have to be fully removed in short order. My health insurance doesn’t cover the procedure and eh, that’s too much of a gamble at this point. It does, however, cover permanent surgery like Essure or tubal litigation. I don’t want kids. I’ve asked myself that question since I was quite young and have never had the desire to be a parent. My fiancé has also never wanted children. I’m hoping that by the time I’m 30, married with zero children maybe then maybe I may be able to find a doctor who will perform Essure without an onslaught of questions or a complete refusal to do so in the first place. I have a friend, 29, who had the procedure performed and she has no children. Maybe there’s hope. Or maybe my fiancé should go get a vasectomy!

    Not to go all Feminazi, but just as much as I’m RIGHT ON about rights to having children, I’m all for as equal of rights as possible to NOT have them. Somehow our medical establishment is still a bit behind the times and doesn’t always share my zest about not having them. I had a former doctor basically question my sanity at age 23 for stating I was interested in Essure.
  • MsRitz
    MsRitz Posts: 15
    Not to go all Feminazi, but just as much as I’m RIGHT ON about rights to having children, I’m all for as equal of rights as possible to NOT have them. Somehow our medical establishment is still a bit behind the times and doesn’t always share my zest about not having them. I had a former doctor basically question my sanity at age 23 for stating I was interested in Essure.

    Unfortunately, there are too many cases of women swearing they will never ever want kids, only to change their minds later in life. Something about turning 30 and realizing that you may have only 5 years left to have kids does weird things to people.

    The doctors are terrified that these women will sue them in 10 years for ruining their lives/marriages, but I agree with your point.

    Add me to the list of FAM charters too. I'm one of the rare statistics that had the horrible birth control side effects. For me at least, my quality of life has gone way up since I got off the drugs. :tongue:
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    When I went in to a tubal ligation consultation the Doctor stated that he doesn't like to perform the procedure even if the person is sure that they don't want to have anymore children. The reason for that is that he has had many women sit in his office and swear that they don't want to have anymore or even not have any period. Then he finds out later that they decided that they wanted to have more and it was pretty much too late. I am sure that is why the Doctor is refusing to do it is because he wants to make sure that you are for certain. I decided not to go with the tubal or the essure, when I was set that I wanted it done, for me it just didn't feel right. However there are those that get it and don't regret it. Good luck I hope that it works out in your favor!