Are you attacking the SUPREME 90 DAY CHALLENGE?



  • daveclrk58
    daveclrk58 Posts: 258
    Tabata is CRAZY!! I'm not looking forward to doing that one again. I just finished legs this morning. I love the way this program is layed out. Just follow the chart, and eat right. I don't follow thier meal plan exactly, but rather use MFP to monitor my calorie, carb, and protein intake. I can't wait to see what I look like after day 90!!!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I've tried the Supreme 90 Day Challenge but I ended up having to put it down because I do not have dumbbells in the wide range of weights I would need to go through with the program. I do like the use of a balance ball over a pullup bar because most of us only have those iron gym doorframe mounted pullup bars at home and I find those extremely awkward to use since the doorframe itself interferes with ROM. I do not think that any home fitness program that requires use of a pullup bar is viable for many people for this reason.
  • mrowrmeowmrowr
    mrowrmeowmrowr Posts: 288 Member
    Anyone who is thinking about this, it's now at Big Lots for $4.
    Purchased my set yesterday.
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Anyone who is thinking about this, it's now at Big Lots for $4.
    Purchased my set yesterday.

    That's where I bought mine yesterday too. I love the way I feel today after doing day one yesterday, and the workout length is just about perfect.

    But now you guys are scaring the bejeezus out of me with Tabata... =)
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Did "Ultimate Ball" on Tuesday, but I didn't start really feeling the effects until last night. I'm still feeling it today.

    Tonight is Tabata night. Pray for me. :laugh:
  • Elenuska
    Elenuska Posts: 3
    Hi everyone, I am super new to the site! ;-) I would like to do that, but I live in Europe. How can I get it? I am doing my "own" 90 day challenge. Started Monday, but I am not sure exactly what to eat or what/how much to do as exercice. I have the impression I stay hungry and "attack" some fruits during the day but that adds calories and I am getting over the 1200 allowance every day....Some advice? Thanks!
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    I have 4 more days of S90 left. It can be done. I love the system. I started out not even being able to do a full pushup and falling off the ball so many times on Ultimate Ball. And I hated the burpees and plank rotations.

    I can now do all of those moves fairly easily. This is a solid program if you stick with it.
  • I have 4 more days of S90 left. It can be done. I love the system. I started out not even being able to do a full pushup and falling off the ball so many times on Ultimate Ball. And I hated the burpees and plank rotations.

    I can now do all of those moves fairly easily. This is a solid program if you stick with it.

    Have you seen major results since the start of the program?
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    I unfortunately didn't take my beginning measurements. I'm just going by a combination of NSV's. I've dropped 2 pant sizes even though I've only lost 3 lbs according to the scales.

    I couldn't do a full pushup when I started. I can now do them as well as the plyo pushups. It eliminated my muffin top and saddle bags. I find that an additional routine is needed if you really want to work on your abs. Adding some cardio (walking, elliptical, etc) helps.
  • jhyde78
    jhyde78 Posts: 14 Member
    Im on day 4. Just did the inferno and it kicked *kitten*, but i felt sooo good when it was over! I cant wait to start seeing results!
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    Im on day 4. Just did the inferno and it kicked *kitten*, but i felt sooo good when it was over! I cant wait to start seeing results!

    I love Tabata Inferno. As you said, it is one of those "so bad but so good" feelings. Finishing it is a great confidence booster as well.
  • Do you have to be in decent shape before even beginning this?
  • jhyde78
    jhyde78 Posts: 14 Member
    Did total body today, wasnt near as bad as i thought it would be!
  • jhyde78
    jhyde78 Posts: 14 Member
    Yes! How are you doing on your fitness journey?
  • raneylfrick
    raneylfrick Posts: 380 Member
    What is it??
  • MontanaDiva
    MontanaDiva Posts: 16 Member
    I am a totally out of shape computer geek. I have not done more than gone for a walk with the dog for years. I bought Supreme 90 Day, for $10 on Amazon, and have been doing it now for over a week.. It kicks my *kitten*, and sometimes I can not complete all the reps in an exercise. But all they ask is that I do MY best, not keep up with the people on the screen. You even have permission to pause it and take a breather if need be..Tom Holland the guy that is doing the talking on the DVD, even gives you permission to pause the DVD..sometimes I do..

    I am loving this and my spousal equivalent (20 year boy friend) is also loving this work out and does his at a different time of day than I do.

    I highly recommend this. It is challenging and the price is right, if you buy it on Amazon. They also have a diet plan as well to help you drop the pounds. I LOVE IT..