
  • JenLosesIt
    JenLosesIt Posts: 50 Member
    What Zumba do you do?
  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    My two cents (because I'm so quick to lose motivation):

    I keep a journal by my bed and I write 3 things in it that I would like to accomplish for the week. This week they are: 1) No soda. 2) Fast food no more than 4 times this week.<-This is pretty big for me since I'm on the road all the time. 3) 30 minutes of exercise 3 times.

    I write what I accomplished and what I didn't every night. At the end of the week I kind of tally up how well I did. I'm not making this about weight loss and I'm not super-restricting my diet. I'm just not ready for that yet. But I am ready for my above goals and they are completely doable. Maybe you could try something like that. It's still early, but it seems to be working for me because I'm still here and still logging.
  • RhondaBagley
    RhondaBagley Posts: 25 Member
    You look great! You look like you have been working very hard.
    We all struggle with weight loss. Sometimes we slip. What's important is that you keep moving forward.
    You/we do that by starting over everyday!
    Don't you allow anyone to take away all that hard work you've done.
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member

    Here's a few things that helped me:

    IMMERSION: Fully immerse yourself in knowledge. Knowledge on Health, Weightloss, Physiology, Energy, Food ETC. You can do so by the internet, books, documentries, finding people you know in your life that are "healthy" or manage to manage their weight. Grab knowledge from these people and ask questions!

    LEARN ABOUT YOUR FOOD: Learn where it comes from, how it's made, how it affects your body, and what it does for you. This may help you steer away from certain foods.

    MOTIVATION: I regularly go on things like youtube and watch videos of transformations, or even on MFP for success stories and PICS. When I'm needing some extra umph or drive or hope even!

    UNDERSTAND THAT EVERYONE DOES IT DIFFERENTLY: We each have our own views on virtually everything including food and how to effectively lose weight, we each also have our own preferences. Try it and if it doesn't work move on. Try Try Again! Find what helps you!!!

    SURROUNDINGS: Try to find people in your life that will BUILD you up, not tempt you to give up so they can feel better about themselves. Put motivation around your house. Pics out of mags or positive words! Anything that helps to motivate.

    KNOWING NO ONE IS PERFECT: We ALL have good and bad days. If i have a bad day or make a poor choice I start by making a better next one. Tomorrow is a new day. And you can even start with your next meal. "See it as it is, but not worse than it is" and then see it better :)

    BE ACCOUNTABLE: Like this site or an IpHONE APP, track EVERYTHING. Makes you aware and you don't just mindelessly eat.

    These are things that have helped me, this is my first attempt at weight loss and today i reached my first goal of 30 pds down :)
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    It's really sad that the closest people are choosing to discourage you rather than build you up.....But hey, you can't make others support you or be happy for you....

    Sooooo I guess all you can do is use it to fuel yourself!!! it's awesome that you're on here cause here you have sooo many people rootin for ya! So go ahead and tune out the people who are making you feel this way!!! Jealousy and resentment are ugly emotions!!! And when you've reached your goals you'll be even more gratified :) And those ppl can eat those words :)

    Yea I'm use to it.. I have lost 6 lbs since working out and they keep telling me it all went to my ankles and stuff like that

    That's horrible. Tune them out girl. Maybe you need to consider spending less time with those people. As sad as that it. Everyhting in life is about FOCUS. Maybe you need to direct your focus to people who are going to cheer for you.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    HAAAA!!! My new best friend!!! Lol... I'm an instructor now!!! :happy: LOVE LOVE LOVE MY ZUMBA!!!:heart:
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    HAAAA!!! My new best friend!!! Lol... I'm an instructor now!!! :happy: LOVE LOVE LOVE MY ZUMBA!!!:heart:

    Dang it! I forgot to quote again!!! Lol
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I know it seems like such a long, hard journey, but seriously, set some smaller goals for yourself. Try for 10 or 20 pounds at a time. Also, I'm going to keep spreading the word, because I believe in it so much....ZUMBA! I love it! I love to dance and always have. I didn't care what I looked like when I started, and neither should you! Just get in there n give it your all. It is so much fun. It's better than any other workout, and it's addicting! Just stick with it CAN do this!!! I did! In the last year, I've lost 60 lb's, and at one time, I weighed as much as 260! I'm now 150! And keep this in mind....there's no better feeling than proving someone wrong!!! :happy: :wink:


    How long have you been doing it for??? :love:
  • ny2298pdsgt
    ny2298pdsgt Posts: 62 Member
    I am trying to lose a little over 80 pounds.. I have lost all of my drive to accomplish this goal. I have no one to workout with and I have no support in my family.. they keep telling me that ill end up giving up and I wont make it till the end. How do you beat temptation? I am trying to eat healthier... buttttt I keep falling into my old habits.. I never knew how hard it was... ughhhhh.. need some help

    I don’t have as much to lose as you (I’m hoping to lose about 30 lbs), but I know what you feel like with having “no one” to workout with (I am currently deployed so my fiancé is who I normally work out with when home, but he’s not here). I had been working out with a civilian co-worker who is deployed with me, but she has recently gotten very lazy and keeps coming up with “excuses” to not go work out. First she had gotten the flu, ok your sick, stay home, rest, get better, cool. But now it’s been 3 weeks since she was sick, and every time I ask if she wants to go workout with me, it’s one excuse after another. I still go and do my own thing, but I lack the motivation to push myself because I have no one to keep me honest. The worst part is listening to her talk about how she “needs to start working out again and lose weight again” but when I try to provide the motivation for her, she backs out, which reduces my motivation (I’m one of those people that needs someone else to help hold me accountable. If I have someone depending on me, I’m there, but if it’s just myself, I sometimes give in to laziness).
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    For me personally, I realized that I have to be completely honest with myself... A lot of people I know are actually very supportave, but of course not all, you just have to push through that and tell yoyrself it will happen for you!!! Reading these success stories, especially girls that started out bigger than me and ended up smaller than me, helps me know that I'm not the only one and it is possible....and I look forward into putting my before and after pictures up on the foroums!!!
  • That's terrible that your family would say that to you, and I'm sorry to hear it. Even if you slip up while trying to lose the weight, you should just get back into the swing as soon as possible, and not beat yourself up. It's hard, and nobody should fault you for slipping up. It's been hard for me, too, I've tried a few times, and haven't gotten far. But I'm ready now, and I'm finding this program to be EXTREMELY helpful. You can still eat good foods, you just have to count them in and alter what else you eat that day. Try to plan your meals out at the beginning of the day or week, and try your hardest to stick with it. That's helping me a lot. Actually seeing what I'm eating and what it adds up to is keeping me from putting that "little bit" of extra cheese on my food, or "just having a little bit more" peanut butter or whatever! Also, the best exercise is the one that you'll actually do. I slack off with going to the gym, and it's bad, because I could have lost my 40+ pounds by now if I'd been going regularly. BUT, I have an exercise bike at home, and have been using it while I'm watching tv. I also use the Wii Fit program, which is easy and fun to do. Whatever you can squeeze in is better than nothing, and honestly, you'll lose weight without even exercising much, it will just take a bit longer.
    Also, I've started eating the Weight Watchers Smart Ones/Lean Cuisine/Healthy Choice foods. I don't cook, and this is something really easy for me. It's a no-brainer. The food is decent, and it's all about the portion control. (I highly recommend the Lean Cuisine French Bread pizza! It's almost as good as Stouffer's!) Weight Watchers makes desserts, also, and the Skinny Cow desserts are delicious. You feel like you're cheating. I also feel like it keeps me from obsessing over food. I don't have to sit and think about what the heck I'm going to have for dinner, and end up at the pizza place around the corner. I just throw something in the oven/microwave and I'm done.
    Keep up the good work, and most important, DON'T beat yourself up. You need to be ready to take on the challenge, and not feel terrible about yourself for being human. Just try to remember the mantra I use when I'm tempted... "Nothing tastes as good as losing weight feels!". Good luck!!! :-)
  • xraygrandma
    xraygrandma Posts: 11 Member
    I know this may be silly or redundant on my posts but I tell myself Baby Steps, Baby Steps. I did not put it on overnight so it is going to take many baby steps to get it off. Sometimes that baby step may be just making myself go outside and water the plants, do some laundry, etc. I battle with depression so just staying out of bed is milestone at times. I have been really excited about how I have felt the last week. I have logged everyday and started exercising. Not a lot but at least I am doing some. I had a trainer tell me once that if you can lose 5lbs then you can lose 10. That helps me keep going. I have 80 lbs to lose. Hang in there. Read the posts. Look at the success stories. Good Luck.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    If you want it bad enough, you'll find the gumption to do what it takes. You won't have to search for motivation, it'll just be inside you. It'll consume your life and everything in it like a fire.

    If not, nothing we say will help you find the drive you are looking for. And if you quit you'll find yourself right back here, probably with even more to lose. It's your choice.
  • robinmoore3
    robinmoore3 Posts: 22 Member
    What Zumba do you do?

    I do zumba core now that its out and I do zumba rush
  • kcallas88
    kcallas88 Posts: 192
    HA! I WAS IN THIS SAME BOAT!!!!! My roommate was so negative saying i couldn't do it and going to the gym daily wasn't going to do anything. I lost 15lbs since June (i stopped working out July-Oct). She claims she lost 15lbs and that she went from 130 to 115, all without working out at all and changing her diet. Which she really didn't. not trying to be rude but she can barely fit in size 4 jeans and has huge rolls over her jeans. Its just her being negative and wanting to put me down and stop MY progress.

    Use the negative comments and everything else negative and use it to fuel your workouts. My roommate just recently started asking if she could do p90x with me and how do you tone certain areas. I have trouble giving her advice because her diet is horrific and she hates cardio, yet wants things toned. Ha, good luck. She's still a good friend but i used her negative comments as something to make me workout and want to prove her wrong. its been a long process but her asking me for help gave me a huge sense of accomplishment. Now my goal is to show her up at the beach. May sound immature but 15lbs are gone off my body, i feel better, and i still have 10ish more to lose!!!!
  • My reply to you isn't very inspirational but...

    Some simple things motivate me - I look at Before and After pictures on Tumblr, this helps because you can physically see a person’s changes and it is so inspiring!! The other thing I do is look at pinterest; specifically I look at the Health & Fitness section and look at pictures, read diet tips and workout routines. I hardly EVER incorporate the things that I read/saw BUT it gives me support and motivation for my next workout or meal. It actually makes me excited about going to the gym in the morning!

    Hope this helps and best of luck to you. You can do it, it is hard & rough, easy to quit and hard to finish but if you want it bad enough you will find the strength to get through it. :)
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    Do it to prove your family wrong
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Honestly, just take it one day at a time and one decision at a time. Don't beat yourself up if you "fall"... just get back up the next day.

    You say you love Zumba and do it everyday? Ok. That's a great start. Now just try and change something else... just keep changing one thing at a time and before you know it, you will be pounds lighter, much happier, and much healthier.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Do it to prove your family wrong

    This was my first thought as well. When I announced that I was rejoining Weight Watchers 3 years ago, my brother just rolled his eyes and said "here we go again". I was super peeved and vowed to myself that I was going to prove him wrong! And I have!!

    You really can't let anyone else's opinions get into your head. I know that's much easier said than done but keep practicing and you'll get there eventually. When they make comments, kill them with kindness and say "gee, thanks guys, that's so sweet" and leave the room. They're trying to get you going, get you to defend yourself or whatever - don't let them get what they want!

    As far as "needing" someone to workout with, I'm sorry but that's just bull crap. I used to think that too and had a couple gym buddies that were wishy washy about going and I LET them hold me back from my goals. For the sake of full disclosure, I do have a gym buddy but I go more to motivate her than for my need of support. She wasn't with me today and I rocked that workout! You have to just go do it for yourself and forget about relying on someone else for support. Who cares that you're going alone? Just plug some music in your ears or turn on a good movie and get moving!

    Now as far as your food goes - same thing. If you don't have much control over what's being served for food in the house, that's a tough spot to be in but you can still make some improvements.
    1) avoid junky snacks - just because they're there doesn't mean you havet o eat them. Bring your own healthy alternatives into the house like fruits, nuts, protein bars, etc. and keep them in your own cupboard or space in the fridge. Those spots should be the only place you go for snacks from now on.
    2) if you can't avoid the junkier foods, work on reducing portions. Say pizza for instance, if you can control the toppings and crust, go with thin crust and skip the meat. And try eating a couple slices less than usual. if you're still hungry have a salad or something healthy to fill up.

    Not sure what you usually eat but you can apply these kinds of rules to your life, just think more about what you're eating, what your choices are and keep working on it.
  • KEAVES13
    KEAVES13 Posts: 90 Member
    I am trying to lose a little over 80 pounds.. I have lost all of my drive to accomplish this goal. I have no one to workout with and I have no support in my family.. they keep telling me that ill end up giving up and I wont make it till the end. How do you beat temptation? I am trying to eat healthier... buttttt I keep falling into my old habits.. I never knew how hard it was... ughhhhh.. need some help

    I have problems with keeping myself motivated and trying to tell myself I don't have to fail this time..Just keep reminding yourself that this is all up to YOU to decide and noone else..only YOU can do the work and then YOU will reap the benefits of a happier healthier you! Good luck to you! You can do it!! =)) :flowerforyou: