I don't like water...

I was lying in bed last night with a terrible headache, and I realised, I had nothing to drink all day but 2 cups of tea.

I HATE drinking water, I don't know why, but I really struggle to drink it. The only think I normally drink is Vimto cordial, but it's full of sugar, and I get addicted to it and consume far too much. :(

Have you guys got any ideas to make water more bearable? (without using cordial that's full of sugar!)

Thanks :)


  • SquidgySquidge
    SquidgySquidge Posts: 239 Member
    Oh God I'm so with you on this - i HATE drinking water and I can go a whole day without drinking anything, or just 1 cup of tea.

    I never feel thirsty but I have bad skin so I know my body wants it.

    I want to drink more as I have a feeling it will speed up my weight loss but I just can't get it into me!
  • JOYOUS62
    JOYOUS62 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm the same as you, hate drinking water, I normally get the no added sugar diluting juice and just add enough to take the plainess out of the water, makes it a bit more bearable but I dont think I could still drink the recommended amount in a day.
  • I'm not keen on plain water, but I use sugar free orange or blackcurrant squash and now it's pretty much all I drink. I thought even Vimto did a sugar free version?

    At work I drink too much sugar free red bull - need to start cutting down on those.
  • Izabera
    Izabera Posts: 28
    I drink squash(no added sugar) summer fruits
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    I was that way until about 3 weeks ago. I'm sitting in the hospital bed, after having my 4th child....and drinking water like crazy. No flavorings, not filtered...just tap water (warmed from ice cold...I want it room temperature..not hot, not cold...)

    Anyways....I'm sitting here drinking this and realized that if I could do it while in the hospital, I could do it at home. I even get this nifty cup that measures amounts for me (hospital issued cup). And since then I've been drinking alot more water. I do better when I'm at work, because I don't have temptations around me, like Dr Pepper.
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    Mmmm Vimto....

    But they do make no added sugar vimto too!

    I only seem to drink tea as well but have started pushing in a glass of water every time I make a brew. It doesn't rock my world but it's good for me!

    You could try getting a really big mug (my husband's got one from Sports Direct) that takes at least a pint - then you'd automatically be drinking loads each time you have a cuppa.
  • JULIEdance
    JULIEdance Posts: 139 Member
    Me too! I have an almost non-existent perception of thirst and I struggle to drink enough. I mainly dring tea and (I know it´s bad, but...) diet coke and coffee. For water, try to add a bit of lemon juice. Or a slice of orange. I also sometimes add a few leaves of mint in the bottled water I carry with me to work or dance studio, great especially in summer. In winter I fo for hot mint tea.
  • lozadee
    lozadee Posts: 89 Member
    Could you not grin and bare it...for example before i eat i try and make a point of finishing the water in my glass (close to a pint sometimes) i cant always say i want to but ive built it up and formed a habbit of it now

    What about sucking small ice cubes, adding water to sauces, if your increasing from one cup of tea, any slight addition should show improvements quickly

    Its always easier for people to suggest things like that than actually do them, but once the benefits are apparent its even more encouraging - good luck with finding what works for you :)
  • Jessie169
    Jessie169 Posts: 14 Member
  • Kjohnk
    Kjohnk Posts: 1
    Hi, I struggle with water also, so I put chlorophyll into the water and it has made it so much easier to remember and tastes ok. In fact I am now hooked and drink at least 1.5 liters every day. The benefits also include helping the digestive system and have found it assist in my weight loss.
    I have converted about 10 in my workplace because of my results and health benefits. Give it a go..nothing to us. I use the Swiss brand and put 20 ml in my water every morning.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I don't understand why people don't like water, it doesn't taste of anything
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member

    lol thanks for putting it in perspective :smile:
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    I am not a fan or water either and can go a whole day only drinking a couple of cups of tea but what I do to make myself drink more is when I get to work I pour myself a large water and have it sitting beside me at my desk and just keep sipping at it throughout the day. When I get home I pour a glass of water and leave it on the kitchen worktop and just takes sips everytime I go by. I find now that I do feel thirstier and will actually go and get myself a glass of water to drink. I am still not a massive fan but if I can manage about three glasses then I am happy. I am never going to manage 8, so I don't stress about it. 3 seems to work for me anyway :smile:
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I cant stand it. after pregnancy and drinking a gallon for 9 months. no. I still drink it cause I have to, but I like the carbonated ones

    also helps me stay away from too many sodas
  • ianthebunny
    ianthebunny Posts: 4 Member
    How about drinking fruit or herbal teas hot or cold. Better than fizzy drinks and squash.
  • iambabygoose
    iambabygoose Posts: 42 Member

    Try adding a fresh lemon slice or two. Try it with either boiled water or cold tap water see which one you prefer. Personally i like it hot :)

    Its alot easier to go down and its really refreshing! And the lemon will boost your metabolism to no end, especially first thing in the day! Try it! :)
  • Please don't take this the wrong way but if you're serious about getting healthier water is something you will have to get used to.
    It's not just a matter of calories but more to do with the kind of stuff you're fuelling your body with.
    Treat it as a medicine if needs be but I don't think squash, fizzy drinks and tea is the way to go.
  • jamie610811
    jamie610811 Posts: 1,735 Member
    I couldn't drink water at all , tried carbonated water . I now drink 2 ltrs a day
  • I absolutely hate it too, but what works for me, or at least gets me through 3 or 4 glasses a day is adding lemon juice to my water. Some days I just squeeze fresh lemon juice into a glass, or if I'm feeling lazy I have ice cubes in the freezer that I already added lemon juice too and it helps make the water go down easier, gives it a flavor and before anyone asks no its not sour, I only put enough to give it a nice fresh tastes. Really tastes great after a workout too. :)
  • ianthebunny
    ianthebunny Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the tip re. chlorophyll - I'll give this a try.