Yo's successful carb cycling routine with diet and regime!



  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I see this video of "Yo" and I don't even have to watch the whole thing.

    In fact, I stopped it 7 seconds in, and had seen enough.

  • Jodi827
    Jodi827 Posts: 40
    Wow - totally impressed. She looks amazing!!
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    Bump. She looks amazing! Thanks so much for the tips & for posting this !! :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Agree with Joe.

    Now I know why Jefit has 1/4 squat in the database. I thought it was a joke.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Nope, neither. But I know how tough it is for a woman to build muscle naturally just in general . For you to actually put on size like you have just looking not only at your Before / After pics, but also your traps development on page 1 of the thread, I'm expecting to see 2+ years of work with perfect training and diet.

    When I see Matt say "6 months", you aren't going to tell me you made that transformation AS A WOMAN, NATURALLY in 6 months.

    With all due respect, that's not natural. Now I could really care less if you weren't natural, but for your man to come in here and spout things like carb cycling and how this "worked for you", etc. I know enough about the nutrition and bodybuilding industry to know that carb cycling doesn't work miracles of putting on muscle while cutting bodyfat to get in contest shape in 6 months.

    Wtf is wrong with you? Go away. Kudos to Matt for being classy with this, because i would be irate right now. Go post your own thread detailing your training and contest prep during techniques and we'll all stop by to compare results.

    Just because you use the phrase "all due respect" doesn't mean you are being respectful. And i don't have to agree with every aspect of someone's program to be able to appreciate them sharing it openly.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Lets play nicely now!
  • ShrinkingShona
    ShrinkingShona Posts: 218 Member
    On behalf of us MFPers that aren't perfect or expert body builders, thanks Matt & Yo for sharing and inspiring others. Takes a lot of time and consideration to bother putting together post like this together. Good luck with your competition and future transformations.
  • Yo_Lazarov
    Yo_Lazarov Posts: 56 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Thank you for your comments and feedback. It has been one incredible bedtime read after a long day on duty.

    Your comments have been humbling and motivational, indeed.

    Brought a tear of happiness in my eyes, so I had to stop for a moment.

    Matt and I are very happy to receive such an amazing support and well wishes. We are both humbled and delighted to have you by our side in this personal and amazing journey.

    On our Team Wild Facebook page we post everything from videos of our training, to regular updates on my progress and condition. As you probably know we post my current condition review every Sunday, so if you would like to have the first row seat to my preps progress feel free to join us. We welcome you with open arms.

    I also appreciate I am not everyone's image of 'perfection' - whatever that represents to one, nor do I strive to be. All I do is pursue my dream and share it with you, if you would like. You may chose to give of our day kindly and respectfully and share your own progress and goals with us, or continue in your path.

    Both Matt and I thank you for all your input and look forward to hearing your thoughts!

    You can find our Team Wild Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/TEAM-WILD-Matt-Wild-UKBFF-Gaspari-Rep-Yo-Lazarov-The-Newbie/416793921724418?ref=hl
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Yo, thank you for that last message - I love how you are taking the criticism on the chin and coming out of this as the better person.

    I'd really love to get some more details on your diet and how I can apply in to my needs. If you or Matt would be willing to give me some advice sometime I'd be eternally grateful.

    Either way - I'm following your lead on the diet information added so far.
  • justgowithit17
    justgowithit17 Posts: 1,392 Member
    I see this video of "Yo" and I don't even have to watch the whole thing.

    In fact, I stopped it 7 seconds in, and had seen enough.


    okay mr. joe smo, since you obviously know everything, can you please give me a good lifting/diet plan so i can achieve similar results to yo's body?
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Same here!
  • surferfreak07
    surferfreak07 Posts: 221 Member
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Thank you for your comments and feedback. It has been one incredible bedtime read after a long day on duty.

    Your comments have been humbling and motivational, indeed.

    Brought a tear of happiness in my eyes, so I had to stop for a moment.

    Matt and I are very happy to receive such an amazing support and well wishes. We are both humbled and delighted to have you by our side in this personal and amazing journey.

    On our Team Wild Facebook page we post everything from videos of our training, to regular updates on my progress and condition. As you probably know we post my current condition review every Sunday, so if you would like to have the first row seat to my preps progress feel free to join us. We welcome you with open arms.

    I also appreciate I am not everyone's image of 'perfection' - whatever that represents to one, nor do I strive to be. All I do is pursue my dream and share it with you, if you would like. You may chose to give of our day kindly and respectfully and share your own progress and goals with us, or continue in your path.

    Both Matt and I thank you for all your input and look forward to hearing your thoughts!

    You can find our Team Wild Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/TEAM-WILD-Matt-Wild-UKBFF-Gaspari-Rep-Yo-Lazarov-The-Newbie/416793921724418?ref=hl

    You are a class act. You're an inspiration to many on here and no matter what there will always be haters. Goes to show you're beautiful inside and out!
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I see this video of "Yo" and I don't even have to watch the whole thing.

    In fact, I stopped it 7 seconds in, and had seen enough.


    okay mr. joe smo, since you obviously know everything, can you please give me a good lifting/diet plan so i can achieve similar results to yo's body?

    I actually can if you like, but you won't achieve Yo's body in 6 months. It will take atleast 2-3 years of hard work, a great training regime, and hitting your macros through bulk and cut cycles to achieve it.

    I can put something together for you if you like. I also won't try to sell you videos or any supplements from Gaspari Nutrition. Just take a multivitamin, fish oil, and eat food. =)
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Nope, neither. But I know how tough it is for a woman to build muscle naturally just in general . For you to actually put on size like you have just looking not only at your Before / After pics, but also your traps development on page 1 of the thread, I'm expecting to see 2+ years of work with perfect training and diet.

    When I see Matt say "6 months", you aren't going to tell me you made that transformation AS A WOMAN, NATURALLY in 6 months.

    With all due respect, that's not natural. Now I could really care less if you weren't natural, but for your man to come in here and spout things like carb cycling and how this "worked for you", etc. I know enough about the nutrition and bodybuilding industry to know that carb cycling doesn't work miracles of putting on muscle while cutting bodyfat to get in contest shape in 6 months.

    Wtf is wrong with you? Go away. Kudos to Matt for being classy with this, because i would be irate right now. Go post your own thread detailing your training and contest prep during techniques and we'll all stop by to compare results.

    Just because you use the phrase "all due respect" doesn't mean you are being respectful. And i don't have to agree with every aspect of someone's program to be able to appreciate them sharing it openly.

    First of all he's trying to sell his Gaspari Nutrition supplement line on MFP. Second, he's posting results and pics of his girlfriend and how she got like that in 6 months through training, diet, and Gaspari supplementation but isn't mentioning that she is on gear. I've been doing this long enough to know that a WOMAN cannot get like that in 6 months, and then I was verified by looking at her in that video at 0:07. She's broader and thicker than most natural men, plus you can see the masculinity in her face.

    Woman take DOUBLE the amount of time to build muscle than men do, but she did it in 6 months? No. Try again.

    I don't have a problem with people on gear, but don't try to come on here and pass it off as natural, hard work, carb cycling, perfect dieting and perfect supplementation. And then say, oh by the way I'm a Gaspari Nutrition rep...come look at my videos and supps.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Feel free what you like to think. I'm not going to engage in debate with you over something you couldn't be more wrong with. Ignore button engaged.

  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Thank you for your comments and feedback. It has been one incredible bedtime read after a long day on duty.

    Your comments have been humbling and motivational, indeed.

    Brought a tear of happiness in my eyes, so I had to stop for a moment.

    Matt and I are very happy to receive such an amazing support and well wishes. We are both humbled and delighted to have you by our side in this personal and amazing journey.

    On our Team Wild Facebook page we post everything from videos of our training, to regular updates on my progress and condition. As you probably know we post my current condition review every Sunday, so if you would like to have the first row seat to my preps progress feel free to join us. We welcome you with open arms.

    I also appreciate I am not everyone's image of 'perfection' - whatever that represents to one, nor do I strive to be. All I do is pursue my dream and share it with you, if you would like. You may chose to give of our day kindly and respectfully and share your own progress and goals with us, or continue in your path.

    Both Matt and I thank you for all your input and look forward to hearing your thoughts!

    You can find our Team Wild Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/TEAM-WILD-Matt-Wild-UKBFF-Gaspari-Rep-Yo-Lazarov-The-Newbie/416793921724418?ref=hl
    This is one classy lady! Both mentally & physically!
  • I'll take her before body and after body! Wow, she looked great both ways!!
  • justgowithit17
    justgowithit17 Posts: 1,392 Member
    I see this video of "Yo" and I don't even have to watch the whole thing.

    In fact, I stopped it 7 seconds in, and had seen enough.


    okay mr. joe smo, since you obviously know everything, can you please give me a good lifting/diet plan so i can achieve similar results to yo's body?

    I actually can if you like, but you won't achieve Yo's body in 6 months. It will take atleast 2-3 years of hard work, a great training regime, and hitting your macros through bulk and cut cycles to achieve it.

    I can put something together for you if you like. I also won't try to sell you videos or any supplements from Gaspari Nutrition. Just take a multivitamin, fish oil, and eat food. =)

    i'd love to hear it, josie smosie!
  • jaweiss1
    jaweiss1 Posts: 71 Member
    First of all he's trying to sell his Gaspari Nutrition supplement line on MFP. Second, he's posting results and pics of his girlfriend and how she got like that in 6 months through training, diet, and Gaspari supplementation but isn't mentioning that she is on gear. I've been doing this long enough to know that a WOMAN cannot get like that in 6 months, and then I was verified by looking at her in that video at 0:07. She's broader and thicker than most natural men, plus you can see the masculinity in her face.
    Yeah I was thinking the same thing after watching that video...