I don't like water...



  • i try drinking water, i don't like it all that much, try flavoured water:)
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I'm not a huge water drinker either, but I'm making a conscious effort to drink more because I can see and feel the benefits of drinking more water.

    Small steps, like for instance half a glass first thing in the morning, keep a small bottle of water handy and have the occasional sip. It soon builds up, I've gone from drinking barely any water to roughly 1.5litres (about 6 cups/mugs) a day most days. I'm better some days than others.
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    Does the water taste bad where you guys live? Just wondering if a filter would help? Other than that, how about Crystal Light or experimenting with different types of tea. Soup and fruit are good too, lots of water in them.

    How about deciding how much you think you shoudl drink and measuring it out in the beginning of the day. I had some home support clients who needed to drink a certain amount of water for medical reasons and this is what they did. Making a habit of drinking a certain amount at each mealtime. I carry a water bottle around all day and take little sips now and then. It really adds up.

    It's really important to drink enough liquids and to discipline yourself if you don't. My father-in-law is one of those people who doesn't like drinking water and he got a deep vein thrombosis in his leg (dangerous blood clot). I know that inactivity played a part, but I suspect also his chronic dehydration contributed. He's on blood thinners for life now.


    "Increase your intake of fluids when traveling in an airplane. People who travel in airplanes for extended periods of time have a tendency to become dehydrated. If you have a history of blood clots, dehydration may cause your blood to thicken, increasing your risk of developing DVT. To prevent dehydration, drink an eight-ounce glass of water every two hours. Avoid drinking too much alcohol and coffee when flying, as they increase dehydration."
  • lillenisse
    lillenisse Posts: 22 Member
    I don’t understand how anyone can not like the taste of water – it doesn’t taste of anything! It’s like sticking your tongue out and saying you don’t like the taste of the air :wink:

    I do however understand that sometimes, depending on where you live, the water can be different quality i.e I live in the city center and our tap water has loads of chalk in it so I don’t drink too much of that. I buy bottled water for home and at work we have a fridge that dispenses water so I get a lot of my water whilst at work.

    As for drinking water regularly, I admit that if I’m not conscious of it, I’m lazy and don’t drink enough. Oddly, I’ve found that if I have a half litre bottle of water at my desk, I have no problem sipping away at that throughout the day and I empty it relatively quickly (+ drink lots of green tea and coffee). For some reason, I find it much easier to drink water that way than out of a glass or cup! Whatever works I guess!

    The benefits I feel from drinking enough water are amazing. My skin is so much healthier, my nails seem to grow longer and whiter (!) and I feel so fresh. So, all in all, man up and drink the water! Soon it will become so much of a habit, you’ll wonder why you ever had a problem with it in the first place.
  • deeksha_s
    deeksha_s Posts: 79 Member
    same problem here, I mostly never feel thirsty and can go days without any water.

    Tips to get over:
    1. Start with drinking half a cup of water first thing in the morning and keep increasing the quantity. First 2 weeks you'll hate it! but then gradually you'll look forward to it. My stomach feels cooler after the first glass of water.
    2. In the evening, put a kettle to boil and add 7-8 cumin/Fennel seeds in water. Let it boil for about 6-7 minutes, by then the flavor would have seeped in water. Sip this water until you sleep, this will greatly help in digestion(a common practice in Southern India)
    3. Very recently, I had read a thread on MFP on creating apple water used in detox diet. Try googling for the recipe or look in the recipe forum.
    4. Drink spiced buttermilk. Simply dilute the yogurt and add salt, ground roasted cumin, crushed coriander leaves or even chopped green chilies if you like.If nothings available, only salt & pepper will also do. Good for digestion & loads of liquid.
    5. Natural coconut water if you can find it.
    6. Savory lemonade - lemon, salt, ground cumin & if possible, a little mint!

    All the above are natural drinks with no sugar and hopefully no side effects :) I hope you try them!
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    I cant drink room temp water or water straight from a tap. I usually bottle some for the fridge or add a ton of ice. Its really refreshing when its ice cold.
  • I love the taste of water. Especially when frozen into little cubes of ice and surrounded by vodka.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    Don't drink for taste. Drink to hydrate your body and lubricate your joints. Change your mindset.
  • agreed with @bdamaster60
    it's not really about the taste; it's about the good it does for your body
    i personally don't really like water for the taste (does water have a taste?), but now it's something i drink and want almost unconsciously.

    one thing i do that helps me is that i have a reusable bottle where the top is similar to a straw. I leave the bottle very easily reached (sometimes right below my chin) so that I simply drink it whenever. I can finish a gallon this way (I usually don't even record daily water and just put 8 cups because i know i get enough)

    so long as you drink it often and daily, i'm sure you'll become accustomed to it quickly
  • loopingcaterpillar
    loopingcaterpillar Posts: 156 Member
    I really never liked water, always tasted a nasty aftertaste. I found it tasted ok after exercising for at least 30 mins +, till i was really thirsty, then it tasted good (chilled), the more i exercised, the more i drank, and now ive gotten used to it.
  • SkyPixie
    SkyPixie Posts: 224
    Try a bobble bottle


    I really REALLY hate the taste of water and have tried all sorts of things this bottle filters as you drink and really does make tap water taste better :-)
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    I used to NOT drink water...until I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Now I drink a minimum of four glasses a day. However, I do NOT like cold water. I prefer room-temperature water.

    As for trying to increase your water intake...eat something spicy! That always works for me. I eat a bag of Lay's Southern Sweet Heat Barbecue Potato Chips every day, and it literally forces me to drink an entire bottle of water (16.9 oz). For dinner, if there's anything with ginger root in it, that spice will make me drink more water as well.

    When I go exercise, I drink water. I've gotten so used to it it doesn't bother me anymore.

    On some days, when I do want a little flavor, I take the little Propel powder (particularly the lemonade mix) and use that in a bottle of water. Strangely, I like the powder mix with water MORE than the actual drink! (Weird, isn't it?)
  • wickedwendy6
    wickedwendy6 Posts: 117 Member
    Try drinking it cold and after eating something minty (chewy, tic tac) or after brushing your teeth. After a while you won't need the mint anymore - I did this and now I drink mostly water and only the occasional herbal tea. Persevere - you'll get there. Good luck. :smile:
  • annie7hudds
    annie7hudds Posts: 199 Member
    I used to hate drinking water too.

    However, I now can get through much more than the eight glasses a day. Each time I go into the kitchen to make a coffee/make lunch/wash up - I drink a large glass of water. Either straight from the tap, or I do keep a bottle of tap water in the fridge - i like it cold.

    On the days that I don't drink so much water I feel more sluggish.

    Agree that a filter system - a jug or one of those bottles may make a difference.

    Weirdly I like a cup of hot water too. I got into that when I worked in an office- and instead of constant cups of tea or coffee, a few of us just had a cup of hot water - on its own or with a slice of lemon. It's comforting because it is warm, but is just water.
  • It was a struggle with me as well. I used to hate water. Now I drink about 8 bottles a day.
    What I did, is I took those little "Mio" water flavoring products and I would start with making it taste nothing like water.
    I gradually squeezed less, and less. Until it was just colored water.
    Eventually I didn't even need the Mio, unless I was thirsty for something with flavor.

    It works just fine, because Mio has no calories.

    Water is a very important thing. I realize that now. Especially since my muscles are harder than ever. lol
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    I am not a fan or water either and can go a whole day only drinking a couple of cups of tea but what I do to make myself drink more is when I get to work I pour myself a large water and have it sitting beside me at my desk and just keep sipping at it throughout the day. When I get home I pour a glass of water and leave it on the kitchen worktop and just takes sips everytime I go by. I find now that I do feel thirstier and will actually go and get myself a glass of water to drink. I am still not a massive fan but if I can manage about three glasses then I am happy. I am never going to manage 8, so I don't stress about it. 3 seems to work for me anyway :smile:

    ^^^ This works for me too.....just don't stress about it as long as you drink when you're thirsty.
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    same problem here, I mostly never feel thirsty and can go days without any water.

    Tips to get over:
    1. Start with drinking half a cup of water first thing in the morning and keep increasing the quantity. First 2 weeks you'll hate it! but then gradually you'll look forward to it. My stomach feels cooler after the first glass of water.
    2. In the evening, put a kettle to boil and add 7-8 cumin/Fennel seeds in water. Let it boil for about 6-7 minutes, by then the flavor would have seeped in water. Sip this water until you sleep, this will greatly help in digestion(a common practice in Southern India)
    3. Very recently, I had read a thread on MFP on creating apple water used in detox diet. Try googling for the recipe or look in the recipe forum.
    4. Drink spiced buttermilk. Simply dilute the yogurt and add salt, ground roasted cumin, crushed coriander leaves or even chopped green chilies if you like.If nothings available, only salt & pepper will also do. Good for digestion & loads of liquid.
    5. Natural coconut water if you can find it.
    6. Savory lemonade - lemon, salt, ground cumin & if possible, a little mint!

    All the above are natural drinks with no sugar and hopefully no side effects :) I hope you try them!

    Good tips. Thanks for posting them. I'm not a huge fan of water, but will implement a few of the suggestions.
  • ajstewart20745
    ajstewart20745 Posts: 14 Member
    Use the Crystal light flavor packages, it will really help get your fluid intake. FYI makes me go to the rest room alot flushing kidneys which is a good thing.:laugh:
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Tea, coffee, fruit juice, milk, soup... your body nether knows nor cares where the H2O molecules come from or what they're mixed with.
  • ebonypixie
    ebonypixie Posts: 61 Member
    but water likes you! :)

    I love water but only in the last few years have I really started to love it! Until then I mixed it with a little orange squash just to give it taste. If the tap water doesnt taste good, try buying gallon drums of filtered water which is much more pleasant in taste.
    Your body needs water and without drinking it you will find it very hard to lose weight. Dehydration leads your body to hold onto every single bit of water it can find and makes you bloated and lethargic.

    So the only answer is to make yourself drink it! ;) You can do it!