Sugar... How do you do it?



  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I was the same. I thought I would not survive mood swings without sugar. It is the exact opposite, I went cold turkey on fast release carbs. I do not have high and low blood sugar and that means that I stay calm. I do not crave any food and never feel desperately hungry.

    Did you know that cereals and bread release glucose into your blood so fast that you may as well eat sugar? Avoid processed cereals. Eat oats, weeetabix with seeds. Dried fruit.

    Cut out white flour if possible. Do not drink coffee if you associate it with sugar - switch to tea or herbal.

    You give terrible advice ALL the time! Do you really believe all the junk you type out? I'm honestly asking....
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member

    LOL! Win!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    at fear of sounding stupid why would i want to exceed fat?

    Because dietary fat =\= body fat. Fat is really healthy for you. It provides satiety, improves skin, hair and brain function and a wealth of other benefits as already discussed.

    Btw, sugar doesnt make you fat.. calories do. If you arent eating a surplus you aren't gaining fat. It truly is that simple.

    Half agree! Fats are essential, after all.. you'll literally die if you don't have them, protein too! But not all dietary fats are good for you in excess! Especially if you're already having problems with weight control. Just like sugar, when abused, fats can lead to weight gain. the problem with fats of course they are more than twice as calorie dense as sugar, 9cal per gram...

    The only fat to avoid is transfats since a body can not process them. You can limit saturated fats but i havent seen conclusive evidence on that one.

    But no matter how much fat you eat, regardless of age, if calories in < calories out, weight loss will occur. Its not to say the other macro nutrients arent important because they are.. but its all about calories for weight loss.

    Full Agree =) I am a great supporter of cal IN cal OUT...I have been for 11 years! We don't have to get into the science. I really hate debating about ghrelin, leptin, GH, and gluconeogenesis to a 17 year old girl trying to lose 5 to get into a bikini. Trans fats arent necessarily bad if you have it in slight moderation. Just like alcohol...just because the body doesnt know what to do with it exactly, doesn't mean it's messing your body up (unless of course you are abusing it).

    Good! so it's settled, let's not exceed anything, but eat everything, but just a little bit, or else you may get fat.

    Agreed :drinker:
  • From someone who has been on a low carb diet to a vegan diet, a raw diet, etc, and has lost ninety lbs (in the past. Prior to baby number two) I feel the need to stand up for the 'reject'.

    Veggies and fruits are essential and prevent cancer in addition to just being healthy. There is a point with the cereal, bread comment. It's processed. And even fruits can be considered simple carbs (according to my doctor). I try to cut out high sugar fruits but eat things like apples, lemons, avocado, tomato, cucumbers, etc and a whole plethora of veggies. It all depends on what works for you.

    I agree that the fat and protein levels should be met if not exceeded when we are talking about healthy fats (avocado, almond) bc they keep you feeling full.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Wouldn't you like to know, you pervert.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member

    So. Much. Win.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    From someone who has been on a low carb diet to a vegan diet, a raw diet, etc, and has lost ninety lbs (in the past. Prior to baby number two) I feel the need to stand up for the 'reject'.

    Veggies and fruits are essential and prevent cancer in addition to just being healthy. There is a point with the cereal, bread comment. It's processed. And even fruits can be considered simple carbs (according to my doctor). I try to cut out high sugar fruits but eat things like apples, lemons, avocado, tomato, cucumbers, etc and a whole plethora of veggies. It all depends on what works for you.

    I agree that the fat and protein levels should be met if not exceeded when we are talking about healthy fats (avocado, almond) bc they keep you feeling full.

    May i ask why you would cut high sugar fruits? Bananas never made anyone or obese. In fact some of the highest sugar fruits contain some of the most critical micronutrients... such as potassium and magnesium, aka your electrolytes.
  • Everything in moderation, The tables on this site are mainly guidelines. So long as you're eating healthy carbs from veggies and sugars from fruit. Keep added sugars minimal or nix it completely. I've found great help and loads of energy in drinking juiced veggie drinks in the morning with one- two fruits mixed in for sweetness. Always remember fat and carbs are good for the body and needed for energy when incorporating daily exercise.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Fruit sugar doesn't count. I look at added sugar.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Eat your fruit and don't worry about it.

    This! I eat 5 to 6 servings of fruit a day, and I believe it accelerated my weight loss.
  • Wow.

    Thanks so much guys! I was expecting maybe one or two responses and feel like I've had a major education. Really interesting on the Paleo stuff too.

    What I'm going to take from this is if the scales are shifting don't stress over the sugar target numbers as long as it is from natural sources. Thanks once again.
