Any PC gamers out there? :3



  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    I'm an LoL addict and I say it proudly haha. I played WoW for years but gave it up, and I play minecraft, got the beta for DOTA2 so I think I am going to give that a go as well.
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    What server are you on? I'm on Stormbluff Isles. I didn't do Wow, but I loooove GW2. I've done SWTOR, but since I can't hide my helmet, haven't been on as much (f2p) and I do LOTRO as well. I did Everquest 2 for 4+ years.

    Blackgate. :D

    I did SWTOR, but the "world" drove me nuts. It was such a pain to do any quests, or get anywhere.
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    Also, can I just say - how awesome was Rift? Like, the gameplay. The story was "meh", but oh man, the PVP was great and the artifacts were addicting to collect.
  • BradHallFitness
    BradHallFitness Posts: 152 Member
    Guild Wars 2 here. Just canceled WoW to spend more time playing for free in Guild Wars 2. :)
  • Rixx31
    Rixx31 Posts: 220 Member
    Long time PC Gamer, back to the time of 286's.
    Everquest / Everquest 2 veteran, GW1, Vanguard. Recently played Torchlight 2, Skyrim. Currently stuck on Rift right now.
    Seems like there are a lot of MMO addicts here also.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    Also, can I just say - how awesome was Rift? Like, the gameplay. The story was "meh", but oh man, the PVP was great and the artifacts were addicting to collect.

    I *loved* Rift when it first came out. Played it obsessively. Then they went and ruined the crap out of it. I renewed my sub for a month a little while ago just to see all the changes and uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.

    Also, there is a gamer group:
  • mtamashiro
    mtamashiro Posts: 14 Member
    Was a WoW addict for 4 years and healed for a guild that cleared Black Temple, Sunwell, 3D Sarth, Yogg 0 Light, HM Anub, and 25 man HM Lich King. Also did a lot of Arena/RBGs toward the end of Lich King. After that, I was done and haven't looked back since. I do like the Kung Fu Panda movies, though.

    Played SWTOR (garbage) then played GW2 on SoS server (better but it didn't hold my attention). Now I play a lot of NES/SNES rpgs that I played 20+ years ago. Working my way through FF1 and 2, Dragon Warrior, Secret of Mana, Legend of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, and eventually Secret of Evermore (once I can find a copy of it).

    I heard Xenoblade Chronicles is good and eventually I'm going to open my copy of The Last Story.
  • Sindaelys
    Sindaelys Posts: 37 Member
    Checking in! Formerly WoW, moved on to single player, got a sweet laptop, spilled water all over sweet laptop. :frown: Now I play whatever will fit on/run on/not overheat my old laptop.
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    Guild Wars 2 here. Just canceled WoW to spend more time playing for free in Guild Wars 2. :)

    Oooh, server? And what class are you playing? If you just-JUST started, you should know that Warriors are OP and Necros are really warlocks that like to melee. ;)
  • 220hereicome
    220hereicome Posts: 3 Member
    Working on Hitman: Absolution now. Quake 3, Left 4 Dead, long live the PC gamer! LOL
  • SlickFootAnna
    SlickFootAnna Posts: 611 Member

    The Elder Scrolls ONLINE!!! omgomgomgogmgomgomgogmgomgogmgomg

  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Gamer rage here! Errm... Yup! PC gamer here.
  • Puggy33
    Puggy33 Posts: 300
    I play alot of league of legends, I used to play WoW back in the fireland days but it consumed so much of my time I needed a game that was fun yet not as addicting, so I chose League. Always looking for more people to play with so if you need a Mid/Top/Support beast hit me up :)
  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    PC gamer here!

    Been playing a long time. Currently building a new gaming system.

    I play WoW, SWTOR, Star Trek Online, Starcraft 2, and a whole lot of old and new stuff on Steam.

    Love the FPS's Doom, Quake, Bioshock, Dead Space, Halo, on and and on

    Feel free to add me to talk gameage and of course MFP related stuff
  • BrittanyErica
    BrittanyErica Posts: 74 Member
    <3 WoW
  • PC Gamer here. Ex-Wow Junkie.. Stupid Pandas.. and they killed PvP. I'm on and off playing GW2 and SWTOR. Minecraft usually and occasionally Steam FPS games.
  • Not so much anymore... I played WoW from its release up until about a year and a half ago... That game is freaking crack!
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 102 Member
    Yes! I mostly play one or two MMOs at a time and, if I am feeling less industrious in non-gaming areas of my life (current project is actually getting the house organized and obsessively clean... we'll see how long that lasts), I also spend time in single player games, usually RPG or Adventure a la TellTale Games, etc. I've run the gamut of MMOs, but I'm currently playing The Secret World.
  • Former WoW Junkie (since 2006! 11 85+ on on server...3 85+ on another, semi-hardcore raider in ICC through beginning of Cata) now playing The Secret World and a little Far Cry 3. Was into Raiderz for a little bit (yay free!).
  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    I use to be till I changed to a laptop and it couldn't carry my games.

    But LOVED Quake/ Quake Territories as well Unreal Tournament was like crack to me. :smokin:
    I watched my Dad play DOOM,... too scary for me to play.. won't get anywhere. :laugh:
    Was not much into COD or Modern Warfare... not much of a military game player...

    I still play UT!