30 day shred starts tomoro!



  • My wife and I started this last night as well. She's using two pound weights... I tried to be macho and grabbed 10 pounders... I am super sore and was so tired last night after we finished it... I weigh almost 250 pounds and am not active at all, but I made it.

    As the day rolls on though I am excited to get home and hit it again.

    I'll post on here and stick with it to. Can't wait to see how it changes the wife and I after 30 days. Hopefully we can push through and be strong enough to hit something even a little harder after the month is up.
  • CICI6767
    CICI6767 Posts: 4 Member
    I finished Level 1 - Day 3 today. I am only doing it 3 times a week and I alternate with Les Mills Pump. I just started exercising recently and my knees aren't great, so I use a mini trampoline for the jumping on 30 Day Shred. That seems to have helped as my knees don't really hurt.

    I also can't do full pushups, only the modified one. I previewed Level 2 today and from the looks of it, I will be staying on Level 1 longer than my 10 days before I attempt Level 2.
  • sarabeth120
    sarabeth120 Posts: 172 Member
    I also can't do full pushups, only the modified one. I previewed Level 2 today and from the looks of it, I will be staying on Level 1 longer than my 10 days before I attempt Level 2.

    I've been on level 1 for nine days, today is day ten for me and I still can't do the full push-up either, I can do a few, but I always have to go back down to the modified ones in the middle of doing them.

    I saw level 2 on youtube the other day and it scared me, but I think I'm going to try it tomorrow and see if I can do it and it I can't I'll go back to doing level again.

    It's okay to take longer than 30 days for this thing; you shouldn't move up to the next level until you feel absolutely comfortable with it.
  • sarabeth120
    sarabeth120 Posts: 172 Member
    I started last night! Wow, I am out of shape. Jumping Jacks for 30 seconds! Good to see others out there going through the same thing. I am not giving up!

    That was me too when I first started, but by day 5 I was able to get through all the cardio without stopping! So keep it up! You'll be surprised at how fast your body's endurance can improve in such a short time period (I know I was)!
  • kcwaterbug
    kcwaterbug Posts: 8 Member
    My neighbor and I started doing this together and are on Level 1 day 9.....we were both so sore at first, but it is getting easier. We are nervous to jump to level 2, but we are already seeing a difference in our strength and stamina. Feels great! It is so helpful having a workout buddy to motivate each other to do this each day!
  • just did my first day! i did all of it! im very suprised with myself!! although i started to shout noooo at the tv in the last ab workout!
    im knackered now haha! i used 5kg weights! im going to be in pain tomorrow!
  • katiejo2011
    katiejo2011 Posts: 180 Member
    I started 30 Day Shred yesterday as well. This is my first time exercising sense by second baby who is now almost a year old. I completed the 30 day shred once before and was happy with my results. I did try to stick with the 30 day shred for 5 or 6 days and then take a break for a day. If i stopped too long i wasn't getting back into it.

    I am doing it a little different this time. I am going to stick with level 1 for 30 days and then move on.
  • Bought my dvd today and am starting tomorrow , any advice ?
  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 269 Member
    Bought my dvd today and am starting tomorrow , any advice ?

    stick with it!!! try the exercises for as long as u can, the more days u do the more of the exercises u can do!!! I hate doing jumping jacks! it will be hard at first if u are out of shape like me but keep going!
  • I started 30 Day Shred today. I tried it out last week, but my legs were so sore
    for days after. I've gotten back to it though! Made it through this time even though it was tough.

    I tend to carry my weight in my belly, hips, upper thighs and butt....typical pear shape, I guess.
    So, I started thinking... What if I do 30 Day Shred AND Killer Buns and Thighs in one day
    four days a week?

    I'm wondering if that would be enough strength and cardio combined and then I can do some
    other ab workouts in between to take care of my belly.

    Has anyone done this? Results? Ideas?
  • I've done it about 4 times now within the week. I am going to try to commit to once a day. The first day killed, the second left me sore, the third I knew I had worked out & last night barely fazed me after I was done. I am about 70 - 80 pounds overweight & in no way an athlete, but the brevity of the workout is motivational. As soon as I get into full swing cussing Jillian out, it's over. I use 4 lb weights. I think 2 pounders would be better for beginners, but the 4's are what I had laying around. Good luck!
  • The wife and I completed day 2 on Level 1 last night... Yesterday I was a little sore after doing it one day, but by mid day I was looking forward to hitting it again and pushing through... and I was able to give it a lot more the second go around, we both were. However this morning I am feeling it big time. My soreness yesterday was NOTHING compared to this morning.

    So far I have done about 95% correct. The first day I did stop a few times and catch my breath. Yesterday there were only a few times I couldn't keep going with the intensity, but I never stopped doing something. If I couldn't do a few full squats, I kept curling my 10 pound weights till I could go again, and just skipped a few. That and a few of the side lunges I had to do some over head presses on just to keep moving while I caught my breath.

    Also, I saw some women feeling bad about doing modified push ups... I use to be 220 pounds of muscle, worked on a shipping dock throwing freight for a living and consumed about 5000 calories a day... imagine how I feel having to do girl push ups! haha.. but at least I am doing SOMETHING.

    Day 3 TONIGHT!!!!!
  • I started 30 Day Shred today. I tried it out last week, but my legs were so sore
    for days after. I've gotten back to it though! Made it through this time even though it was tough.

    I tend to carry my weight in my belly, hips, upper thighs and butt....typical pear shape, I guess.
    So, I started thinking... What if I do 30 Day Shred AND Killer Buns and Thighs in one day
    four days a week?

    I'm wondering if that would be enough strength and cardio combined and then I can do some
    other ab workouts in between to take care of my belly.

    Has anyone done this? Results? Ideas?

    I've been doing 30DS and 6 week abs every day for the last 3 weeks and I've seen huge results. I think you will probably see the same results if you do 30DS and killer buns & thighs. I looked at the workouts for the killer buns DVD and they look tough so I imagine you will see big changes if you do both.
  • The wife and I completed day 2 on Level 1 last night... Yesterday I was a little sore after doing it one day, but by mid day I was looking forward to hitting it again and pushing through... and I was able to give it a lot more the second go around, we both were. However this morning I am feeling it big time. My soreness yesterday was NOTHING compared to this morning.

    So far I have done about 95% correct. The first day I did stop a few times and catch my breath. Yesterday there were only a few times I couldn't keep going with the intensity, but I never stopped doing something. If I couldn't do a few full squats, I kept curling my 10 pound weights till I could go again, and just skipped a few. That and a few of the side lunges I had to do some over head presses on just to keep moving while I caught my breath.

    Also, I saw some women feeling bad about doing modified push ups... I use to be 220 pounds of muscle, worked on a shipping dock throwing freight for a living and consumed about 5000 calories a day... imagine how I feel having to do girl push ups! haha.. but at least I am doing SOMETHING.

    Day 3 TONIGHT!!!!!

    You should stop feeling sore after about day 4. The first 3 days of 30DS were brutal for me, I could barely walk up the stairs haha! It's amazing how strong your body gets after just a few days of the workout though. It's awesome, I know you and your wife will see huge changes from the workout soon!
  • lolainlondon
    lolainlondon Posts: 160 Member
    30 Day shred begins tonight! Gulp! Wish me luck!
  • Thanks!!!
  • AmberB519
    AmberB519 Posts: 336 Member
    How's everyone doing? I completed day 2 last night, will do day 3 later this evening! I'm not feeling too bad, just a little sore and shakey! I did feel a little nauseated after last nights, though! Guess it's working! Haha
  • AckieJ
    AckieJ Posts: 199 Member
    I start 30DS on Sunday. Skipped a day but did one this morning and will do another tonight to catch up to Day 4. I pushed myself too hard last night that I thought I was gonna pass out. So this morning I didn't push as hard. I hope to finish it this time around. I get to day 10 and give up. Never moving to Level 2. NOT THIS TIME!! :glasses:

    Good job all!!
  • starryk
    starryk Posts: 53
    I just finished day 1 level 1 and I am sore. My intention is to keep with it... so its good to see I'm not alone.
  • what is the 6 day 6 pack...jillian's dvd?