Beef Jerky



  • jgollnick
    jgollnick Posts: 73 Member
    Jerky is way to good to pass up. definately a domino food for me so i have to buy a small bag at a time. They probably have lower sodium versions. If you have good heart health the salt is mainly sucking up your bodies water so make sure you take in some extra fluids.
  • gabriellejayde
    gabriellejayde Posts: 607 Member
    i bought a food dehydrator on amazon and make my own. I have it every day and i LOVE it. I barely add salt - mostly hot sauce and cajun spices and tons of black pepper.

    I have a long commute and have gotten into the (bad) habit of taking an ounce or two on my car ride, to hold me over until I eat breakfast at my desk.

    mmm. now I want a piece.
  • Cherese1983
    Cherese1983 Posts: 211 Member
    I eat it from time to time and LOVE it!
  • konswela
    konswela Posts: 137 Member
    love beef jerky. they do have a low sodium kind . delish either way
  • rhall9058
    rhall9058 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi all,

    Just discovered a delicious and low fat snack - beef jerky! Does anyone here eat it? I really like the Wild West Honey BBQ one.

    One 25g serving has only 0.85g of fat (1.2% RDA), 10.3g of carbs (3.8% RDA) and only 78.5 kcal (3.9% RDA) - but a massive 7.5g of protein (15%)! Perfect for those on the Dukan.

    I think the only downside to having this everyday as a snack is the levels of salt/sodium...

    What do you guys think....?

    If you are going to go this route, go for the OS Trim Ostrich Jerky. 80 cals, 1.5 fat, 2 Carb, 14 Protein and 310 Salt. While the salt is 13% of your RDA, it's counter balanced by the 550 (16 RDA) of potassium, so they essentially cancel each other out. Enjoy.
  • healthy4heidi
    healthy4heidi Posts: 113 Member
    Do you know how many calories there are in one ounce?

    Oops forgot that number. Calories 57 per 1 oz serving.

    I usually pack 2oz. for a snack at work. Gives me plenty for snack.
  • iampam4399
    iampam4399 Posts: 81 Member
    i love jerky so friggin much, but its so dang expensive! high in sodium too, but nothing extra water intake wont be able to handle. i'm thinkin of getting a dehydrator and making my own low sodium jerky

    You definitely should get yourself a dehydrator. Makes jerky sooo much less expensive. And you can have the grocery store meat department slice up your roast (or whatever you choose to jerk-ify). You can control the sodium with your own recipes as well. But, the dehydrator is good for so much dried fruit!!! And dry your own herbs! Yum!
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    For the days I am on the road all day I stick to jerky. Love the stuff. All time favorite is Trader Joes Turkey Jerky. But recently I found Bridgford jerky has no sugar in it. Love that.
  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    Jerky is my go-to snack if I'm on the road and have planned poorly, thusly requiring a service-station snack stop. Or chocolate milk. Mmmm.
  • renjams
    renjams Posts: 1
    I really like eating beef jerky as it is so delicious and I need to eat a lot of it in order to gain weight. Buying ready-made ones or those in packs is quite expensive, so, I just make my own beef jerky recipe at home with the help of one of the best beef jerky dehydrator that i bought from an online shop that my best friend suggested. I first found out about the dehydrator from this site:
    I then tried to look for online shops that sell the dehydrator at an affordable price.
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    Great!! Love the Hot Pepper Jerky.... The less sugar and the more Capsaicin the better it is! :bigsmile:
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    Thank you for reminding me to put Beef Jerky on my grocery list! I love that stuff!
  • col443
    col443 Posts: 17
    I love jerky but only eat wild bills. It is the only jerky that I like. Gotta portion it out though or I will eat the whole bag. I want to try alton brown's recipe. it looks similar to wild bills. He makes it without a dehydrator. Uses furnace filters and a box fan.
  • gothikgrrl
    gothikgrrl Posts: 23 Member
    I love beef jerky. Both the sort of cruddy stuff, like Slim Jim, and the real stuff. The jerky at my local meat market is addictive. The sodium is a draw back, but it fills me up as well as a cupcake and I adore it, always have. When we get our own place I plan on making my own. My friend does, and it is also good. I say love it in moderation, I guess like everything else.
    BIRDIEBL8 Posts: 155 Member
    I've been wanting to try making my own! It's a great snack to carry when I'm hiking.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    LOVE it and don't tend to worry about my sodium, but the thing that stops me eating it all the time is the PRICE!! It's so cheap in the USA, over here it's like $4.50 for 25g. That's $180 a kg (approx $81 a lb, for the Americans ;))
  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    Hi all,

    Just discovered a delicious and low fat snack - beef jerky! Does anyone here eat it? I really like the Wild West Honey BBQ one.

    One 25g serving has only 0.85g of fat (1.2% RDA), 10.3g of carbs (3.8% RDA) and only 78.5 kcal (3.9% RDA) - but a massive 7.5g of protein (15%)! Perfect for those on the Dukan.

    I think the only downside to having this everyday as a snack is the levels of salt/sodium...

    What do you guys think....?

    If you like Jerkey you might liked dried Squid! Look for it at any Asian Mkt.
    Look one small pkge up on MFP "Squid Shreds Hot"
    High in Protein, 0 fat.
    I only wish it had less sugar, it's Ocean Jerkey! :bigsmile: :tongue: :laugh: