My big obese life



  • Blossom59
    Blossom59 Posts: 81 Member
    Wishing you the best with this new journey. Everytime you think "What the Heck"........whip out your phone and look up the nutrition value of a hamburger....etc....and then decide "Is it worth it" .... as the doctor stated other night on Biggest Loser.....if you were diagnosed with a serious would do whatever it took to take care of your illness.....even if it took two hours out of your can do this! Good Luck!
  • itsnoterrible
    Wow I didn't realize I'd get this many kind and wonderful relplies but I can tell keeping up with this website and my food progress is going to help with so many that want to help others.
    I want to reply to all but opening sending and closing then reopening the message is a pain lol so I''m going to do the twitter thing and use @username to reply

    @KenosFeoh - I totally agree, its kinda weird to look at something you have ate your whole life and then investigate it and say "dam thats got a lot of" insert lots of calories here. I do realize at this point being dead accurate is not as important as just making better choices

    @Showmm - Thanks for the tip with recipe calorie counter :)

    @orangelobster - When I take a step back and look, yes its mindful to remember one day at a time. As much as I'd love to drop 100lbs in a week I do have to remember I didn't get this way overnight either :)

    @punkin66 - I totally hear you on watching the world go by, so many things you see people do and I WANT to do them too.
    Thank you for understanding the airplane/amusement park rides. Even when I was a healthy 5'11 215lbs It was still a tight fit but I knew it was because of my frame and not my huge butt lol.

    @bpwparents - My mom who is in the mental health field had said the same, that loosing weight helps with the mental aspect and with the mental part you really cant control. I know some of my new meds haven't helped with weight loss but that's just something I need to get over as they are meds that I really do need.

    @carriem73 - lol ocd is a big part for me, but maybe if I continue to do things like cook right and get out more it will become an odc :)

    @geminjai - I think reading other success stories will help as well, kinda will give me a light at the end of the tunnel feeling :)
    HA! and I LOVE swimming!

    @tekwriter - Totally agree, even if someone wants to do something, if they are not ready it just wont happen yet.

    @fusion777 - Thanks for the encouraging words :) It always does feel great to shed a few and realize weight loss isn't rock science :)

    Please excuse if I have spelled anyone's scree name incorrectly lol I think I need to clean my glasses.

    Thank you all again for the encouragement and I will keep up on replying to everyone replies.

    Thanks again :)
    CHELLET31 Posts: 13 Member
    i hear ya larry i to have bipolar and feel like a huge outcast sometimes and i to am obese i have neve said this until i read ur post i have always said i'm fat till i read ur post and it gve me the confidence to say i am obese so i thank u feel free to add me if u wish or i could jus send u a friend request
  • betsz1
    betsz1 Posts: 81 Member
    Hey Larry...

    Yes you do have an uphill battle...but I think it's awesome that you found MFP because you will meet a whole lot of understanding and supportive people. I understand wholeheartedly the feeling of not doing the things that you used to enjoy doing because of being so overweight. You can totally do this and get your weight down before your Florida trip. I'm excited for you! You're gonna feel like a new man! Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like! :smile:
  • Isrn2
    Isrn2 Posts: 160
    Welcome to the family!! I've been where you are too. At my heaviest I was 450 lbs ... but like you, nobody would have guessed I was that heavy. I've lost 120 lbs so far, but it's taken me 5 years of losing and gaining and losing again ... so I've actually lost FAR more weight than that.

    I'm getting older and I'm tired of feeling older. I'm almost 50, my mind feels 30 but my body feels 90. I get frustrated at how many things I "should" be able to do that I can't because of my weight.

    Just take it one day at a time. Forgive yourself for the mistakes that you make along the way, don't try to lose it too fast or change how you eat too drastically. Make small changes every day. This is a lifestyle change ... trust me, you don't want to ever have to lose this weight again!!

    You've got a lot of support here. Use it. Read a lot, take a lot with a grain of salt, but most imporantly find out what works for you, your body and your lifestyle. You can do it!!
  • T33NUH
    T33NUH Posts: 8
    Options!/p/about-me.html Just read this the other day. Talking to him couldn't hurt. At very least, read his blogs. They are pretty inspiring. Best of luck to you.
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    Hey ! Its great you wanna change your lifestyle .
    I know that depression , anxiety and obesity sometimes go hand in hand. When you are heavy you have no will to go out and spend your energy. The less you do, more tired you get , the less u wanna do ,more are troubles in our minds.
    If you quit smoking , you will be able to do this too ! Good luck !
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Welcome! Congrats on taking the first step. You sound really motivated, and you can definitely do this! If you haven't already, please check out Ed's story:
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member

    You took the first step and that's huge, now you've got to get momentum going.

    Tracking what you're eating and seeing the numbers can be a real shock but it gives you a darn good base to work from.

    I'm a good half food shorter than you and started at 410. Eating was relatively easy to get under control, but exercise... there was another story. But it's like the eating, you start small and keep trying to do more and more, in the end you'll find you can do so much more than you ever thought you could. Somehow we manage to convince ourselves that fat means weak, it doesn't, it just means that we're scared.

    I'm doing things slowly, but if you want another friend, you're welcome to add me.
  • SusanDoesIt
    SusanDoesIt Posts: 73 Member
    I let stress and anxiety, and million other things keep me from being healthy, so I know where you're coming from.

    Remember that it's not a race, and you want to change things forever. I kept stressing myself at first, thinking I wasn't losing fast enough, and certainly not as fast as others I see on the success stories board, but so what? As long as I was still doing the right things, it would come, and I had the rest of my life to figure out how to keep myself there when I got there. I've not been perfect, not by any means, but I picked myself up and got right back to it. THAT is the key to success.

    You can do this.
  • Canderson58054
    Canderson58054 Posts: 132 Member
    Hey Larry- glad your here to take the first step! Everyone's journey is different here, some are shorter then others, but we will all get there by working towards our own goals. Personally I set mini goals for myself so I don't have to look at the "big picture" because it can be overwhelming. I myself am type 1 Diabetic and I'm also a below the knee amputee, so I can't do every type of exercise out there either! But I do go for walks and lift weights. For me the important thing is just to keep moving! :) There are groups here you can join to- one I use is I believe there is one for 200+ lbs to lose also. Good luck on your journey and you can add me if you'd like! :)
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    What sucks is that I look back on my life and think of how many things I wasn't able to do because of my weight. I love roller coasters but haven't been able to go to an amusement park since just after high school. I love the outdoors, sports, shopping and skiing but I haven't done any of that for over 10 years.
    I look back and say is eating and not exercising really worth my happiness... obviously it was.

    I feel your pain. I've missed out on so many things (because of my weight) that I'm ashamed to even talk about it. Tried to lose weight about 100 times over the years, but I could never stay motivated for long. Now I'm starting over after failing countless other attempts.

    I'm in no position to give you advice, but one change I'm making this time is weekly weight goals. I bought a weekly planner and recorded my desired weight each Friday for the entire year. I'm also working with a dietician, and work out with a trainer twice a week. So far it's working and I have lost 16 pounds this year. Good luck man, I know how hard this is.