The Fast Diet Challenge

Hey Guys today I bought 'The fast diet' book by Dr Michael Mosley (guy off BBC) half way through and he reckons letting your body essentially starve by cutting your calorific intake by 75% for any 2 days of the week is apparently meant to be amazing for you and your body and states studies have shown things like less chance of cancer, diabetes etc etc..

I know some of you guys are probably thinking, ''Wow, no way! 500 calories a day as if''

But I'm giving it a go starting tomorrow and Monday of every week. I'm only allowed 1400 calories a day now on MFP but struggle to even hit this.

I'm not anorexic or anything far from it but am allowed as much black tea/coffee, water as well as 370 calories for 2 days of the week. Should be interesting.

Oh and of top of this me and my wife are doing the 30 day shred and 6 week 6 pack.

It's all about lifestyle change people not 'fad' diets.

Like to hear what you all reckon.



  • wifeymou1112
    wifeymou1112 Posts: 129 Member
    BUMP :-)
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Hey Guys today I bought 'The fast diet' book by Dr Michael Mosley (guy off BBC) half way through and he reckons letting your body essentially starve by cutting your calorific intake by 75% for any 2 days of the week is apparently meant to be amazing for you and your body and states studies have shown things like less chance of cancer, diabetes etc etc..

    I know some of you guys are probably thinking, ''Wow, no way! 500 calories a day as if''

    But I'm giving it a go starting tomorrow and Monday of every week. I'm only allowed 1400 calories a day now on MFP but struggle to even hit this.

    I'm not anorexic or anything far from it but am allowed as much black tea/coffee, water as well as 370 calories for 2 days of the week. Should be interesting.

    Oh and of top of this me and my wife are doing the 30 day shred and 6 week 6 pack.

    It's all about lifestyle change people not 'fad' diets.

    Like to hear what you all reckon.


    Re the bold. Then why are you considering something that is a fad? I'd want to stab someone (if I didn't pass out first) on 500 calories.
  • Steverino1955
    Sounds pretty radical but modified fasting does give the body a great chance to complete internal chores which leads to healing and repair. I say just listen to your body carefully and let that be your guide. I'd like to hear how it's going on a periodic basis. I'm going to request you as a friend.
  • chimp517
    chimp517 Posts: 185 Member
    Basically all those things you mentioned sound like fad diets. Don't mean to burst your bubble, just being honest.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    Hey Guys today I bought 'The fast diet' book by Dr Michael Mosley (guy off BBC) half way through and he reckons letting your body essentially starve by cutting your calorific intake by 75% for any 2 days of the week is apparently meant to be amazing for you and your body and states studies have shown things like less chance of cancer, diabetes etc etc..

    I know some of you guys are probably thinking, ''Wow, no way! 500 calories a day as if''

    But I'm giving it a go starting tomorrow and Monday of every week. I'm only allowed 1400 calories a day now on MFP but struggle to even hit this.

    I'm not anorexic or anything far from it but am allowed as much black tea/coffee, water as well as 370 calories for 2 days of the week. Should be interesting.

    Oh and of top of this me and my wife are doing the 30 day shred and 6 week 6 pack.

    It's all about lifestyle change people not 'fad' diets.

    Like to hear what you all reckon.


    Re the bold. Then why are you considering something that is a fad? I'd want to stab someone (if I didn't pass out first) on 500 calories.

    So totally agree.... this is one of those fad diets! I hope the least you do is NOT exercise at all on days you eat so little.
  • Mccray225
    Mccray225 Posts: 2 Member
    Oka help me to understand what you are saying. So for two days a week you limit your intake to only 500 calories for that day?
  • chimp517
    chimp517 Posts: 185 Member
    I am interested to know if the book cites any long term studies. I would give a lot of credit to someone who maintained that diet for a year or more and are not incarcerated.
  • Babychris11
    Exactly, for the remaining days of the week you precede as normal with your usual calorie allowances.

    Idea is that it slows the growth of new cells and prompts your body to repair its existing ones. It also encourages fat burning, so you lose weight.

    All of which propose longer life span and reduce chances of Cardio Vascular disease, Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes etc.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Sounds like Intermittent Fasting. Not necessarily a bad thing, depending on how you draw your nutrients otherwise. I wouldn't attempt a huge burn on those low cal days. Not eating already stresses your body.

    I am not sold on the body repair science that this diet claims to promote.
  • pamwhite712
    pamwhite712 Posts: 193 Member
    There is no way in H E double hockey sticks I could survive two days on only 500 calories. My husband would have me thrown in jail, for whatever crime I would have committed.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    I am interested to know if the book cites any long term studies. I would give a lot of credit to someone who maintained that diet for a year or more and are not incarcerated.

    The book is referring to intermittent fasting and there are a lot of studies that say it is healthy. Keep in mind that there are many ways to fast. There's alternate day fasting, 16 hour fasting, or the 5:2 day fast which is what Mosley does. Whichever you choose is up to you and your lifestyle. Link below is to the wiki article that has papers cited at the bottom if you want to learn more.

  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Exactly, for the remaining days of the week you precede as normal with your usual calorie allowances.

    Idea is that it slows the growth of new cells and prompts your body to repair its existing ones. It also encourages fat burning, so you lose weight.

    All of which propose longer life span and reduce chances of Cardio Vascular disease, Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes etc.

    HUH? Just by NOT eating, the cells suddenly stop going through mitosis? REALLY? Does the cancer treating industry know this?
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    ~is fascinated~
    370 calories + 30 day shred + 6 week 6 pack + caffeine overload = ?

    Do me a favour and let me know how you two feel after doing this?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    This is 5:2 fast. Two days you fast and 5 days you are supposed to eat at maintenance, not what mfp is suggesting with a weight loss goal added. Set you account to maintain.... that is what you should eat 5 days a week. Its no better than a deficit over the week though.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Exactly, for the remaining days of the week you precede as normal with your usual calorie allowances.

    Idea is that it slows the growth of new cells and prompts your body to repair its existing ones. It also encourages fat burning, so you lose weight.

    All of which propose longer life span and reduce chances of Cardio Vascular disease, Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes etc.

    HUH? Just by NOT eating, the cells suddenly stop going through mitosis? REALLY? Does the cancer treating industry know this?

    Yes they do. Fasting is use to help treat cancer patients just before they go into therapy.
  • chimp517
    chimp517 Posts: 185 Member
    I am interested to know if the book cites any long term studies. I would give a lot of credit to someone who maintained that diet for a year or more and are not incarcerated.

    The book is referring to intermittent fasting and there are a lot of studies that say it is healthy. Keep in mind that there are many ways to fast. There's alternate day fasting, 16 hour fasting, or the 5:2 day fast which is what Mosley does. Whichever you choose is up to you and your lifestyle. Link below is to the wiki article that has papers cited at the bottom if you want to learn more.


    Thanks, Im familiar with IF, but this seems like it would be a completely different experience.....For myself at least.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    Exactly, for the remaining days of the week you precede as normal with your usual calorie allowances.

    Idea is that it slows the growth of new cells and prompts your body to repair its existing ones. It also encourages fat burning, so you lose weight.

    All of which propose longer life span and reduce chances of Cardio Vascular disease, Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes etc.

    HUH? Just by NOT eating, the cells suddenly stop going through mitosis? REALLY? Does the cancer treating industry know this?

    National Cancer Institute link below
  • Babychris11
    Thanks for the feedback guys, obviously a controversial topic, none the less I'll give it a go.

    I hope to train on the 500 calorie days also, but will listen to my body.

    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Thanks for the feedback guys, obviously a controversial topic, none the less I'll give it a go.

    I hope to train on the 500 calorie days also, but will listen to my body.

    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

    Not if you lose muscle from under feeding your body, lol. Large deficits lead to muscle loss. Why dont you look at a program like leangains, its a better form of IF.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Exactly, for the remaining days of the week you precede as normal with your usual calorie allowances.

    Idea is that it slows the growth of new cells and prompts your body to repair its existing ones. It also encourages fat burning, so you lose weight.

    All of which propose longer life span and reduce chances of Cardio Vascular disease, Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes etc.

    HUH? Just by NOT eating, the cells suddenly stop going through mitosis? REALLY? Does the cancer treating industry know this?

    Yes they do. Fasting is use to help treat cancer patients just before they go into therapy.

    I did not know this! Interesting.