Goal Weight at 5'3"



  • I'm 5'3" roughly, currently about 112 pounds and I'm hoping for a 7 pound loss - purely because I'm a pear shape and I'm hoping to lose some weight from my legs and hips. Reading other peoples comments I feel a like this is a bit too small but I'm not stick thin so I suppose it boils down to body shapes and bone mass.
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    my goal was 105.
  • kcallas88
    kcallas88 Posts: 192
    eh...i originally said 130 but i got there and wasn't remotely happy. My goal now is 124 with muscle!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 110 pounds, it is the perfect weight for me, I'm petite framed. With some muscle of course!!
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I'm 5'1 and my goal weight was 130. Now that I'm 130, I want to lose just 5 more pounds and I'll be fine with that. I'm 58 and I think for my age, 125 is good for me. I have great muscle tone and lots of energy from all the great food I'm eating.
  • My goal weight is 133:smile:
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    If you were 5'3" or around there (or if you are), what would your goal weight be? I'm struggling to find a happy weight.

    Erm, your profile picture is freaking me out. :indifferent: Is that where you are now or is it where you want to be? (You could be in recovery, in which case please ignore my freaking out over your profile picture.)
  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    Wow. Looks like I'm in the minority here! My goal is 150 pounds (that's my weight in my profile picture). I would be a size 8 at that weight (I've been there before). I may try to go as low as 140 - but that will probably be my limit. I remember being 123 in high school and feeling absolutely famished at all times in order to maintain that weight. I'm not interested in living my life that way!!
  • Im 5 foot 3 and at 129 right now. i would like to be 120. doing turbofire and trying to eat right .
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I've been struggling with this too. I'm 5'3" and currently 126 lbs. My original goal weight was 141lbs., then I reduced it to 135, then to 129, and then 125lbs. Now that I'm almost there, I was thinking of going lower, but everyone keeps telling me not to.
  • BranMuffin947
    BranMuffin947 Posts: 104 Member
    Hey thanks for this post, I'm wondering the same thing. Now that I'm getting closer to my goal weight, I'm wondering what I should actually choose to stay at.
    I am currently 134ish but really, I am not happy. I want more muscle definition- something I know I will have to work for. So recently I was thinking about what 125 would look like. I started this journey when I was 160ish, its nice to know that I have a choice about what I want to weigh. Btw I'm about 5'3-5'4
  • I am 5'3"...i'm thinking anywhere between 120 and 140..depending on how I feel about the way I look when I get in that range. Muscle weighs more so my original goal of 120s may be too low, I could look hot and toned at 140 if I have nice muscles. :happy:
  • hofe75
    hofe75 Posts: 1
    I like 128-132!
  • roxbox2013
    roxbox2013 Posts: 95 Member
    If you were 5'3" or around there (or if you are), what would your goal weight be? I'm struggling to find a happy weight.

    Erm, your profile picture is freaking me out. :indifferent: Is that where you are now or is it where you want to be? (You could be in recovery, in which case please ignore my freaking out over your profile picture.)

    I don't think I have an eating disorder. I just want to know what is considered "normal" for someone my height. And I think I have the general idea!
  • roxbox2013
    roxbox2013 Posts: 95 Member
    Wow. Looks like I'm in the minority here! My goal is 150 pounds (that's my weight in my profile picture). I would be a size 8 at that weight (I've been there before). I may try to go as low as 140 - but that will probably be my limit. I remember being 123 in high school and feeling absolutely famished at all times in order to maintain that weight. I'm not interested in living my life that way!!

    I never would have guessed you were 150 in that picture! You look great! And I agree; good idea.
  • fit_librarian
    fit_librarian Posts: 242 Member
    I'm 5'2." My goal weight is 125lbs, but I may stop at 130-135lbs, depending on how I look and feel.
  • I'm 5'3" and my goal weight for now is 140. that's a little over 40 lbs for me to lose, so I'm gonna shoot for that and see how I feel at that point.
  • I'm 5'3" and I'm aiming for 150lbs
  • SamiRose
    SamiRose Posts: 118 Member
    130-135 would be HEALTHIEST... especially if you plan to have muscle and definition at all. I'm 5 feet but very muscular so I shoot for 135. Don't get too caught up on BMI, the shorter you are, the more inaccurate it can be.
  • roxbox2013
    roxbox2013 Posts: 95 Member
    130-135 would be HEALTHIEST... especially if you plan to have muscle and definition at all. I'm 5 feet but very muscular so I shoot for 135. Don't get too caught up on BMI, the shorter you are, the more inaccurate it can be.

    Why's that? I thought it was only inaccurate when lots of muscle mass was involved?