For the newbies: here is what losing 80 pounds is like



  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member

    3rd month - Um.... hello??? What happened? Why aren't we losing weight now. I didn't change anything. I even worked out more. Why do you hate me?!?!? I want cake!

    Hahahaa!!! I so want some cake!
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 896 Member

    YEP, YEP, THAT'S ME...........well at the first part, cause I still have a ways to it!!

  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    Loved this!!!
  • jpenticuff
    jpenticuff Posts: 4 Member
    Wow!!! Thank you so much! I really needed to read this. I have 170 pounds to lose so this is great. I really appreciate this post. You will probley never know what it has ment to me./
  • jessipatra
    Thanks, fabulous. And congratulations! :)

    One question: When you say "BMR and TDEE all the way!" does this mean your calorie intake was at/above your BMR? MFP has my daily allowance at about 200 cals less than my BMR and I'm wondering what to do...
  • changingmystory
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Love it :)
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
    Love this
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
    Fabulous post & so identifiable.
  • Neraks
    Neraks Posts: 30 Member
    This was great....I'm printing this off and keeping it close!!!
  • dmj28
    dmj28 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for keeping it real! I have 120 yet to go ( how I let myself get so bad, still boggles my mind!) Thanks for sharing how it goes...slowly! I stayed the same my third week, but still plugging away..before this I hardly even made three days! So, I'm pleased with having MFP and those that are willing to support one another on this journey to better health! I do feel better already, love that!
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    I like your post but I'm curious. I started sometime in October by halloween. Not sure exactly when. Only cut out fast food soda and in between meal snacks. Gave up fries and chips before that. Got sick in Nov. Went to doctor and he asked me to try walking 10 min a day and quit fast food. I lost 5 lbs. Didn't know if id lose any more. Went to dietician and she said I should only eat 45 grams of Caribs per meal and 30 grams for snack. I lost 2 lbs on this visit. Went back about a month later and I had lost 12 lbs. My goal weightiest is 230 for my Jan 28 app. I know weigh 25 give or take a few lbs because my scale Sucks. I got sick again but I still tried to work out. I believe I was probably at 268 or so. Didn't really keep track off my weight so well. I am now a size 16 reg and wear Xl in shirts. I wore a Xl and 20-24 pant. I was really big. Lots of people tell me ive lost really fast. I eat a lot and try to exercise daily. I don't feel its too fast what do you think. First time I ever lost or tried too thanks
  • dmorales99

    Starting the process, wanted to lose 60lbs, so far have lost only 5lbs. It’s hard with all the temptations, but i am being pretty good. Is hard to find time to exercise, I work very long hours, but am walking to every place I am able to, and all kinds of crazy movements to stay as active as I can. I work all day sitting, lots of stress and that does not help.

    Confident I will make it to the goal even if is little by little.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    So ... when you say you started to LOVE exercise, what exactly was it that flipped that switch for you?

    What I loved were the results - not the weight loss, but how good I felt after working out. I work out in the morning and the rest of the day I'm so energized. When I'm having a bad day, 30-60 minutes of hiking in the sunshine help me turn that frown upside down. And there are some classes at the gym with instructors I enjoy so much that I can't wait to workout with them again. (I live for my Saturday morning Spin class with Gayle who plays awesome music and pumps me up for the rest of the weekend.) And I love a long bike ride with friends to go downtown for lunch or across the city to hang out at the beach.

    If you view exercise as a chore then you won't enjoy it, but if you find an activity you love and make time for it, then it is so easy to enjoy it.
  • JP4LQR
    JP4LQR Posts: 12
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Wow!!! Thank you so much! I really needed to read this. I have 170 pounds to lose so this is great. I really appreciate this post. You will probley never know what it has ment to me./

    So glad my little post was what you needed. Good luck. I look forward to you posting your success story here some day.
  • Fit_Mel422
    Fit_Mel422 Posts: 6 Member
    Bump- This is exactly how the journal goes it's really a roller coaster....Congrats!!!!
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Thanks, fabulous. And congratulations! :)

    One question: When you say "BMR and TDEE all the way!" does this mean your calorie intake was at/above your BMR? MFP has my daily allowance at about 200 cals less than my BMR and I'm wondering what to do...

    I used to let MFP choose my calorie limit, but after I learned about BMR and TDEE, I manually changed my calorie limit to the BMR of my goal weight. I try to eat most if not all of my exercise calories depending on how hungry I am, but aim to stay below my TDEE.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Bump. cause that's exactly my weight loss goal, and also to check if I have a ticker now....(why can't I see my ticker?:explode: )
  • agoofynut
    agoofynut Posts: 101 Member
    Love it! It's all so true!