Any "Stepping out of y/our comfort zone" Success Stories?



  • conidiring
    conidiring Posts: 230 Member
    I was not a runner, never ran, never wanted to run. Last February I decided that I'd think outside the box and train myself to run a 5K. I did the C25K program and at the end of May I ran my first 5K. I did 4 others last summer. Still not much of a runner (14 min/mi) but I did something that I thought I'd never ever do!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I was always too embarrassed to workout in front of anyone, and as a mom with a whole lotta kids (LOL) I could either got over it or just not workout at all. Eventually I chose to get over it. That was 23 months ago and it was all I could manage to do 10 minutes on the wii fit. I kept at it till I could do bigger and better things and 3 weeks ago I was offered a job (they approached me, I'd have NEVER asked for it!) instructing a low impact cardio class. I also instruct a bootcamp style class, which is what I *really* love to do, but I don't get paid for that one.

    It's no longer an issue for me to workout in front of people, but it sure has been a stretch to be the one leading it. With all the rewards I've reaped by working out (losing the weight, feeling good about myself for the first time ever, gaining confidence I never thought possible), I can't wait to see what will come of this new step out of my comfort zone.

    I'm so very proud of rock!
  • denisek80
    denisek80 Posts: 82 Member
    I live in France but don't speak the language very well, but in spite of that I have joined a Zumba class, which is full of skinny french women, but I have been able to keep up with the class and I absolutely loved it and am going back tonight!
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    When I started this, I had to make myself get up and exercise. Then, I was supposed to have a rest day a couple of Sundays ago. I sat on the couch to watch a movie, and about halfway through, I started wondering how long was left because I was itching to get up and exercise a little! I was thinking, "WTH? When did this happen?" lol.

    And that's great about your Zumba workouts. I have it for the Wii, but was intimidated the first time I did it because I'm not what you would call coordinated. But maybe, thanks to your post, I'll give it another shot!

    These posts are all great... congrats to everyone!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Going for a less than perfect weather!

    Yep! Well, today I wanted to go for a walk and the weather isn't all that terrific (perfectly warm and sunny it AINT), heard that naysaying voice in my head--put on some appropriate clothing and took my tail outside and it was wonderful. Talk about stepping out of my comfort zone--literally! I only went for a short walk--but it was much faster than usual--because of the weather, AND I've decided I'm not going to let the (FEAR) of the less than perfect weather keep me indoors all the time anymore.
    :drinker: :glasses: :drinker:
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Zumba class this past week. I lack rhythm, but made it through 2 classes this week and am looking forward to classes this week .

    This! I wasn't the best dancer but I did 2 classes and can't wait to go back!!! So much fun. Also waking up early too :)
  • Stella_Leigh
    Stella_Leigh Posts: 189 Member
    Well, the two big "out of my comfort zone" things that I've done recently have been joining the local Y and taking up swing dancing. The Y was an issue for me because I always felt way too self consious to work out in front of others, especially people who are already in fabulous shape.

    As for swing dancing, it was something I always wanted to do but was always way too afraid of being that fat chick that nobody wants to dance with. I started attending lessons and social dances regularly a few months ago and last week, lo and behold, a friend and dance partner dipped me AND picked me up! After that, I didn't feel quite so much like the awkward and overweight geek in a room full of svelte and athletic college girls :bigsmile:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Well, the two big "out of my comfort zone" things that I've done recently have been joining the local Y and taking up swing dancing. The Y was an issue for me because I always felt way too self consious to work out in front of others, especially people who are already in fabulous shape.

    As for swing dancing, it was something I always wanted to do but was always way too afraid of being that fat chick that nobody wants to dance with. I started attending lessons and social dances regularly a few months ago and last week, lo and behold, a friend and dance partner dipped me AND picked me up! After that, I didn't feel quite so much like the awkward and overweight geek in a room full of svelte and athletic college girls :bigsmile:

    That's soooooo tremendous...I'm proud of you!
  • theCoke
    theCoke Posts: 27 Member
    I started a beginner's weightlifting class for women on Monday. Big step outside my comfort zone but I'm so glad I did it! I've seen so many awesome success stories about women weightlifting and I'm bound and determined to be one!
  • MarshaMole
    MarshaMole Posts: 142 Member
    bump to read later
  • yourgirlbribri
    yourgirlbribri Posts: 20 Member
    Today, for the first time, I ran without music. I lost my ipod and finally built up the guts to run without it.
  • volleygirl1980
    volleygirl1980 Posts: 121 Member
    I started swimming laps at our local pool...swam 750M (distance for a sprint triathalon) last plan is to go every Sunday night once my son (9 months) is in bed..

    Got rid of my scale (it's at my parents) - until the end of the month when I'll weigh in..I'd get discouraged if I wasn't losing weight everyday..which would lead me to give up. I'm eating so much better and working out so much more now that I'm not stepping on the scale! And NSV - down a pant size since Jan 1:)
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    My entire journey has been a step outside my comfort zone; walking into a gym and taking part in classes at 252lbs with other people (often a lot slimmer and fitter than me) was a huge step for me when I started 7 months ago. Even doing a spin class for the first time was scary! I started New Rules of Lifting for Women last week and it was a major step outside my comfort zone, setting up my own 'gym' at home and working through the exercises was daunting, but now I love it so much, I wished I had started strength training much sooner.

    Not sure if anyone else has experienced this, but the biggest step outside of my comfort zone was wearing better fitting clothes. I've been so used to wearing big, baggy t-shirts, jeans and hoodies for years than when I started wearing better cut and more fitted clothes, it was a huge shock to my just felt wrong. For months I had to 'mentally' fight against buying shapless, baggy outfits, and force myself to wear clothes that actually fitted me, it's only now I'm adjusting to having clothes properly fit me and not hide away behind huge shirts and tops.

    I'm typing this wearing a pair of size 14 (UK) skinny jeans.....I still can't believe I'm saying that...from an unflattering size 24 7 months ago. I'll continue to step outside my comfort zone if it means staying on this path to health :drinker:
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    My entire journey has been a step outside my comfort zone; walking into a gym and taking part in classes at 252lbs with other people (often a lot slimmer and fitter than me) was a huge step for me when I started 7 months ago. Even doing a spin class for the first time was scary! I started New Rules of Lifting for Women last week and it was a major step outside my comfort zone, setting up my own 'gym' at home and working through the exercises was daunting, but now I love it so much, I wished I had started strength training much sooner.

    Not sure if anyone else has experienced this, but the biggest step outside of my comfort zone was wearing better fitting clothes. I've been so used to wearing big, baggy t-shirts, jeans and hoodies for years than when I started wearing better cut and more fitted clothes, it was a huge shock to my just felt wrong. For months I had to 'mentally' fight against buying shapless, baggy outfits, and force myself to wear clothes that actually fitted me, it's only now I'm adjusting to having clothes properly fit me and not hide away behind huge shirts and tops.

    I'm typing this wearing a pair of size 14 (UK) skinny jeans.....I still can't believe I'm saying that...from an unflattering size 24 7 months ago. I'll continue to step outside my comfort zone if it means staying on this path to health :drinker:

    Fabulous post and sooooo true about y/our entire journey's being a venture in stepping out of comfort super is for me too. It's funny and amazing how the "mental" issues for me "seem" to be the biggest and hardest part of stepping out too.
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    Joined a gym and walked into one for the first time last week was a biggie for me. I have never joined a gym and had only done a treadmill and exercise bike in physical therapy for my knee. Since Fri I have been back there to work out on Sun, Mon, Tues and going tonight after work. I love it! Doing weight machines Tues and Thursday then cardio and Cardio only on M, W and F. Will go on the weekends too if not busy. The time flies by and I have alot of energy after my workouts too. I still do home workouts at 5:30am and walk a mile on my lunch hour in 20 minutes and do the gym thing too. I was a little nervous when I walked in the door on Friday morning but once in the door I was ok.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I was not a runner, never ran, never wanted to run. Last February I decided that I'd think outside the box and train myself to run a 5K. I did the C25K program and at the end of May I ran my first 5K. I did 4 others last summer. Still not much of a runner (14 min/mi) but I did something that I thought I'd never ever do!

    I so want to run or actually jog myself, but I constantly hear that naysayer voice, telling me..."SORRY" runnings not for you, you can't do it because you're too old, too outta shape and if you'll be curtains for you:devil: SO JUST SAY YOU CAN'T RUN and add a "yet" to it--but you know you NEVER will be able to:sick:

    This is such an inspiration post--WTG on running--WOOT!
  • PrettyMindy14
    PrettyMindy14 Posts: 70 Member
    I love sleeping in too :) My friend asked me last July if I'd go hiking with her, I wasn't sure about it but said yes. She told me she wanted to go at 7am (on a saturday...ugh). Well, I got up and we went. Since this I've gone almost every weekend and usually both saturdays and sundays. I've even got to the point that I go by myself. A year ago I would never have done this and now I love it!!! I'm glad I went outside of my comfort zone otherwise I would have never found this love of hiking.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Good for you. I too, am NOT a morning person. I never have been and when I do get up early, it feels like the day drags on forever, but like you, I get a lot more done. :)
    A year ago I could barely walk 10-15 minutes without getting out of breath. Yesterday I jogged for 60 minutes straight. Yeah it's been uncomfortable at times, mentally and physically, but I wouldn't change a thing and I'm proudddd of myself!!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I was not a runner, never ran, never wanted to run. Last February I decided that I'd think outside the box and train myself to run a 5K. I did the C25K program and at the end of May I ran my first 5K. I did 4 others last summer. Still not much of a runner (14 min/mi) but I did something that I thought I'd never ever do!

    I so want to run or actually jog myself, but I constantly hear that naysayer voice, telling me..."SORRY" running not for you, you can't can't do it because you're too old, too outta shape and if you'll be curtains for you:devil: SOJUST SAY YOU CAN'T RUN and add a "yet" to it--but you know you NEVER will be able to:sick:

    This is such an inspiration post--WTG on running--WOOT!
    Hey I'm 51 and I did it, you can too!
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    I used to be painfully shy in a baggy t-shirt at the back of the zumba class I would attend.

    Now? I'm an instructor with my own regular class, shouting encouragement to girls like me.
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