How on earth do you stay motivated to work out?



  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    Sounds like you aren't doing the right stuff. Personally, I find 30-60 minutes of staring at a wall while I'm walking in place (i.e. your average cardio session) to be mind numbingly boring. I find strength training to be much more enjoyable. Others find classes work well for them.

    I also find motivation comes out of seeing results as well. If you incorporate some challenging exercises and see progression, either in your abilities or how you look, it can be exciting and motivating.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    It can be hard at first but once I started making progress (getting stronger, getting faster, and building endurance) I actually started to enjoy it.

    At some point you just have to make a commitment to yourself...

    You can lose weight by eating less, but we all know that exercise is an important part of the equation for overall health. Its not only about longevity but quality of life. Exercise helps with so many physiological processes. Its great for improving moods. It helps you get a great night of sleep. Weight bearing exercise is the best thing you can do to prevent osteoporosis. All these things AND It improves your sex life!
  • try zumba is sooo mood uplifting , fast ,you lose a lot of calories in a short period of exercise and its like dancing around 750 cal per session, you re with others so you comunicate and its less boring . you could also try team sports or any dance class seems less boring and helps you feel better with your body
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    I have this pic as my background on my cell of a beautiful voluptous woman in a bikini. She is curvy yet obviously fit and healthy looking. That is my goal and everytime I feel like not working out I look at that pic and remind myself I'll never achieve my goal if I don't get up and move. It's a constant reminder. I workout everyday too. At least I have consistently since Jan. 1st. I've not missed a single day of exercise with a minimum of 20 mins/300 cals burned each day. I usually do about an hour though. I've learned I have to workout first thing in the am before I have a chance to think about it. I have a treadmill at home which makes it easier cause i dont' have to worry about looking decent I also have a calander in my kitchen and each night before bed if I have met my exercise goal and not gone over my caloric goals on MFP I give myself a big black checkmark for the day. Every sunday I write on the calander how many mins of exercise I put in, how many calories I've burned for the week and how many lbs I lost. I have 22 of those checkmarks (23 after tonight) and I'll be dang if I let myself slip's a visual thing. You just have to find the prompts and rewards that work best for you. I also started getting 2 hour full body massages every two weeks so long as I don't miss a day of exercise and don't over eat....major treat!! When I was going to the gym pre-home gym I would take all kinds of classes...water aerobics, zumba, kickboxing ect to keep it exciting. I still do this at home as I have treadmill, stat. bike, and numerous workout DVD's. It's all about finding your own way and motivating factors. Wishing you the best!!
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I think of all the medications I won't have to live on for the next 20+ years.
    Given the choice between spending an hour a day exercising or spending a few seconds downing pills, I'll take the exercise.
  • MouseTmom
    MouseTmom Posts: 201 Member
    I find working out at the gym rather boring too - I did like the weight machines but hated cardio!!
    I walk or ride my exercize bike for my cardio and have started doing kettlebells for weights. I think the
    secret is to find something you LIKE to do.
  • I plan trips or events every other month I look forward to getting in shape. I also keep a picture of myself where I started, 60 pounds ago, next to a current picture to remind myself how far I have come. A lot of people use this technique for beach trips but seeing relatives, big parties, whatever works for you.
  • brandyanne0204
    brandyanne0204 Posts: 45 Member
    I have not joined a gym but I will be soon and my motivation is for me to become healthy and being able to shop for new clothes. Also my daughter is my biggest motivation and tired of being fat.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    Ask a man who goes to the course and plays gold every saturday how does he stay motivated to go every saturday ... he will tell you it's not motivation that gets him up every saturday to play golf. Because he loves to play golf, that's what gets him up every saturday to play. It's the same with exercise.
  • watergallagher
    watergallagher Posts: 232 Member
    Read a book

    Book of five rings

    Autobiography of a yogi.

    Tao of jeet kun do. Start there.

    Namaste, to all who may see this.
  • I think it's all about finding something that you enjoy doing. I don't have a gym membership (yet) but I do work out at home with Zumba for the wii. I also have done EA Active for the Wii and had fun with that too. I also get really bored doing the same things over and over. I think the key is to find something you like doing and don't be afraid to switch it up if you find yourself unhappy with your workouts. There are about a hundred different workout options out there. Try things out. Look up different videos on youtube. Have fun with it. Also, set a goal. What is one fitness-related thing you want to be able to do in the future? Work toward that. Working out doesn't have to mean hours in the gym. 20 minutes of activity a day has major health benefits. You can do this!

    BTW, I know what you mean and where you come from. I was a true couch potato. Once I committed to eating within my calories and eating good quality calories (whole foods, cleaner eating) I found myself with much more energy and was eventually wanting to get up and work out. And as of a couple days ago I found myself motivated enough to start the Couch to 5K program (which is big because previously I "didn't" run and I often got really bored just going out for a walk/run on my own...the structure of the program keeps it entertaining to me) and today I went to my first ever boot camp. It just became part of life.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    I used to struggle to get to the gym three days a week, much less stay for 30 minutes. Now I go there 5-6 times a week for at least an hour and I love it. For me it took finding a gym that I loved and where I enjoyed working out, plus i love how good working out makes me feel, but everyone has different motivations.

    Try different things and see what inspires you.
  • altinker
    altinker Posts: 173
    I have found some things Iike to do, and I work out from home. I have some DVD's and do barre workouts, and I enjoy the workouts.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Seeing pics of people who weigh almost the same but look like they are 30 pounds lighter, those are pretty motivating to me. I wish I could link one that I just saw 2-3 days ago but I have no idea what the title was. Also, the success portion of this forum can make me get out the running shoes, or the kettle bells.

    If it's the gym, check out you tube and fine a plethora of body weight exercises. Or get some free weights or kettle bells and find some good routines online. I'm not a fan of gyms, though I go from time to time to get a machine workout in and change up my routine from time to time.

    Ummm, getting to eat more if you do work out? That helps me too. Days I don't workout, I feel a way greater urge to overindulge.

    I hope this helped, if not, I hope someone else can give you that little push you need!
  • citygirl04
    citygirl04 Posts: 286 Member
    When your body starts changing trust me you'll be motivated.
  • itsallyson
    itsallyson Posts: 24 Member
    I joined crunch and they have all these random and awesome classes like anti gravity yoga, silks, surfset, TRX...the list goes on and on. Does your gym have classes? I find these keep me motivated! GL!
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    This fat ain't just gonna surrender and fall off on its own.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Find someone to workout with...

    Be accountable to Someone...

    my friend Mike and I are 7 hours apart but text our workouts to each other daily. We tell each other when we do, what we did, and if we didn't, why we didn't. Atta girls way to go's, And your a beast Keeps me going.
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    You need to find some exercise that you actually enjoy. A workout partner makes it more fun...

    I got into exercise by playing a sport and taking cardio classes. I HATE endless running on a treadmill, I get bored out my mind. But a step/class/spin/kickboxing class? YES Sign me up. I love it!

    The challenge of working out with a group, fun instructors, busy mind... love it all!!
  • azwen
    azwen Posts: 237 Member
    Well, since I usually go to the gym by myself, I enjoy the chance to improve myself, and I listen to music or an audiobook on my iPhone. I feel good about the improvements I can measure, like lifting heavier weight or being able to last longer on the treadmill! I know that I am improving my health for the long term. Since my gym is only 5 min. from my house, and I don't have to arrange for childcare or anything, it's not a chore for me to get there.

    I also am working on finding activities outside the gym. I love hiking and horseback riding. So I am glad that my weight lifting has made me strong enough to lift the saddle onto the horse myself, and that my cardio means I don't have to stop as often when hiking.