Why I love MFP (to combat the moaning threads!!)



  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I love MFP because I have met some of the funniest, wittiest, snarkiest (in the good way) people here that can absolutely commiserate with the horror of weight loss. We all know what the good things about dropping weight are..... but there's a lot of unsaid things that come along with it and it's so nice to have a group of people that "get" that.

    I love MFP because it has completely changed my life. I saw a friend (who was loosing a lot of weight) mention that she used this site. I signed up and haven't looked back since. Thank goodness for MFP.
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    I love MFP because it gives me the opportunity to learn and grow. To connect with like-minded people that drives me to be stronger and better. I love the fact that I can find answers to my questions from pros and experienced members without having to pay hundreds of dollars in nutrition and training sessions. When I’m feeling like is too hard all I have to do is read the stories of those that have accomplished it. The fact that I’m hearing every day to be patient, strong, and courageous helps me tackle my day with hope and purpose. My Fl is awesome and I thank them for the kind words that I receive every day, but I will like to take the opportunity to say thank you to those, that even thou are not part of my FL, take the time and the “heat” to impart their knowledge and experience. THANK YOU MFP!!!!!!
  • caroleannlight
    caroleannlight Posts: 173 Member
    Because it works - I am losing weight. I was not so much a special snowflake as an entire snowdrift. MFP is a snow plough lol.

    The free phone app is awesome as I can log in real time using barcodes great for busy people.

    Some of the forum posts really make me laught
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I love the forums - the good, the bad and the downright ugly of it.

    Most of all I love the android app. It's rather splendid.
  • TheKeithEllis
    TheKeithEllis Posts: 155 Member
    It's made tracking calories so much easier, especially with the iphone/android app to assist, and I've gotten to know some rather lovely people into the bargain. The forums could do with a bit of an overhaul in terms of stuff like 'liking' comments etc.., but they are functional and do the job so not a biggie - something along the lines of the Xenforo forums. Certainly need to be integrated into the mobile apps better. Other than that, perfect site, the fact I visit daily and have done for over 200 days means it's helping with my dedication too. Now to combat that plateau, but no app can help with that! ;)
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Being on MFP saved me from myself, and my obsession with food...I have learned so much here from reading, and listening. Ive come a long way, and cant wait to see what this year will bring.

    The friends I have made here have been inspiring and amazing. This experience has made me see myself in a better light.

    thank you.
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    I too love MFP! Even though I've hit somewhat of a plateau, I'm MAINTAINING and in the mean while I'm inspired and motivated every time I log onto this site. I'm CERTAIN that I would not have lost the weight I have lost without the support and valuable resources of this site :):):)
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I've learned SO much, and met the most awesome amazing inspiring people on here.

    With my body issues I remember when I started using the site. I'd literally eat maybe 700 calories, burn all of those or more and be so proud of myself. After research and time on here I've realize that's wrong and I was hurting myself.

    Now, I pretty much eat reasonably as I'd like and maintain a happy and healthy weight and spirit.
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    Being on MFP saved me from myself, and my obsession with food...I have learned so much here from reading, and listening. Ive come a long way, and cant wait to see what this year will bring.

    The friends I have made here have been inspiring and amazing. This experience has made me see myself in a better light.

    thank you.


    ♥ my FL, big time! They've all taught me to love myself, and to know that it's okay to be a little weird, quirky and "me".

    Oh, and cat gifs.
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    Because in the 21st Century, people who lose a ton of weight are this generations rockstars. And honestly who doesn't like groupies.
  • shelleyspots
    MFP makes it easy to log my eating by using my iphone. I never would have gotten into the habit before. Also, now I have endomondo to track my walks and it puts my calories earned into my log for me, which is very encouraging! It's very educational and people are always willing to share tips, recipes and encouragement!
  • ajfc1971
    ajfc1971 Posts: 258 Member
    I LOVE MFP and this thread.... I am for the 1st time realising that this is a life time goal..oh I new the mantra and use to say it to everyone 'its not a quick fix it has to be for life' but I couldn't get that to stick really until I found MFP. It helps me with everything to do with a healthy lifestyle. Even now when I have lost 46lb altogether because it is now slowing right down my weightloss and I feel like giving up I log on here and it is full of support from all of my MFP family who remind and encourage me along the way, and I can give my help and advice.
    Never had anything like it before. AMAZING

    My days in a row tracker is my lifeline. It is better than all of the 1/2 stone certificates and claps I use to get from Weight Watchers or Slimming world.
    Thanks everyone

    Feel free to add me to your friends list. x
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    My top three reasons for loving mfp:

    1. My awesome FL full of strong (mind and body) men and women, including the OP

    2. That it works and helped me lose weight without trying anymore nonsense diets

    3. That it let me fulfill my lifelong dream of being part of a mean girls clique
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    MFP showed me exactly how much crap I was putting into my body. I could have worked out all day and gotten no where if I did not acknowledge this.

    My FL and other people I met here are awesome people who are amazingly knowledgeable and supportive without sugarcoating things and telling me only what i want to hear.

    I love that there are people here that tell it like it is rather than just holding my hand and saying, "there there." I need that because I am too good at rationalization lol.
  • heypurdy
    heypurdy Posts: 196 Member
    I use MFP because it's really easy to track food. There is seriously everything in that food list! It's also easy to keep track of your weight loss with the tracker. I hopped on SparkPeople recently to see what it was like and it's nowhere near MFP. The interface is so jumbled and confusing. MFP is simple and easy to use and I like that. My MFP friends don't hurt either! Seeing them track their workouts gives me motivation to work out as well.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    In the begining, it was an eye opening experience and told me the TRUTH about what I eating vs. burning when somehow my internal logic had it all wrong.

    Now that I'm where I want to be and may go weeks without logging in, it's still a great tool for a reality check when I catch myself slipping into an old habit or see an extra pound on the scale.

    I also enjoy the community and helpful advice of others and hope that I can be of support to some who are where I was a year ago.

    And, it's so great to share success with people who get it!
  • gvdoliver
    gvdoliver Posts: 106 Member
    I love looking at the stats for the week. Once you've done it and feel you've had a few off days you look at the overall and feel good, seeing that the odd, 'eat what tastes good 'is no bad thing in the long run! But also I find I'm graving the healthier foods more as my body get used to it and I feel my increases in power at the gym from week to week
  • gvdoliver
    gvdoliver Posts: 106 Member
    My top three reasons for loving mfp:

    1. My awesome FL full of strong (mind and body) men and women, including the OP

    2. That it works and helped me lose weight without trying anymore nonsense diets

    3. That it let me fulfill my lifelong dream of being part of a mean girls clique

    And this, spot on!
  • kmcguirelmt
    kmcguirelmt Posts: 3 Member
    I love the accountability, especially when your diary is public!!! I love the encouragement I see from the forums and blogs..I am fairly new, I started tracking again in Jan so I am trying add new friends to give encouragement to and receive back!! I also love that you can add recipes and it breaks down the calories, fat, protein etc!! The site being free is just a huge BONUS!!!!!!!
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    My top three reasons for loving mfp:

    1. My awesome FL full of strong (mind and body) men and women, including the OP

    2. That it works and helped me lose weight without trying anymore nonsense diets

    3. That it let me fulfill my lifelong dream of being part of a mean girls clique

    I'm really glad you are on my FL. there was a time after I'd had a few days off and just couldn't get back into it and you posted on my wall about bad days really didn't matter, just get back into it etc and I can honestly say if it wasn't for people like you and others on my FL I would of chucked in the towel months ago. It's a true story! You guys really are great! Urgh, I've give all mushy now...sorry...puts mean girl face back on...grrrrr lol