ChaLEAN extreme

Hi everyone! I'm starting ChaLEAN extreme sometime within the next week (waiting for my adjustable dumbbells to come in the mail) and I was looking for a couple people who were also just starting the program that want to keep each other motivated to finish. I've never finished one of these types of programs all the way through, so I'm definitely going to finish this one! I really like lifting weights so I think this program will be a good fit for me.

Any tips from those who have done it would also be appreciated!

Let me know! Thanks!


  • katkrak
    katkrak Posts: 92
    Feel free to add me. I am doing the program for the 2nd time around, and am currently on the 3rd phase. Feel free to ask me any questions as they come up. It is an awesome workout program and I think you will enjoy it and love the results that you get! ;)
  • kelmax
    kelmax Posts: 55
    I should get mine in the mail tomorrow. I have yet to complete a workout all the way through. Any and all motivation to help keep accountability would be great.
  • kelmax
    kelmax Posts: 55
    Feel free to add me. I am doing the program for the 2nd time around, and am currently on the 3rd phase. Feel free to ask me any questions as they come up. It is an awesome workout program and I think you will enjoy it and love the results that you get! ;)

    What were your results like the 1st time? I started turbo fire and did it for like 2 weeks, but some of the workouts are so long, I am struggling to complete. Any tips/advice? Do you follow a strict meal plan? I just ordered the regular program, I didn't do deluxe. What size weights do we need? Sorry to bombard, just have a lot of questions. :)
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    I'm on my second week and I am loving it!! I don't have the adjustable weights though so I have a bunch of equipment (weights) I had the weights already and am needing to up my weight for this program. It's nice, the workouts aren't too long except one day a week) and I love the way I feel when I complete a workout.

    Anyone who wants to add me, feel free :)
  • Hi all, I am on day 17, well 18 tomorrow, I have the weights and i am really enjoying it. I have noticed some small changes already..not on the scale though:( but the way my pants fit!!
    Can we try to support each other here:)
    also how to you calculate calories burned?
  • aprp86
    aprp86 Posts: 5
    Hi everyone!!! I'm on wk 2 of the program (Burn). This is the 3rd time I start this program and I'm planning on doing the 90 days this time! I did P90 (not P90x) back on 2011 and had good results. Before that 10 min trainer for 60. After that I started CL XT and was doing really good until I got a new job and "couldnt find any time to do it". I got pregnant, had my baby girl and now im ready again to do it. You can add me if you want and we can keep ourselves motivated. It's nice to have someone that's doing the same thing that you are doing as a friend lol.
  • mylifemychoice1985
    mylifemychoice1985 Posts: 20 Member
    I did this program last summer and just started it again 4 days ago since I fell off track. I love it and felt so strong. I can't wait to get to that point again. Feel free to add me.
  • Good luck all! I've done this program twice and loved it. I was a Finalist in Beachbody's Million Dollar Body game two years ago thanks to this one.
  • lfcutie
    lfcutie Posts: 103 Member
    I did the program during the summer..i am glad I did that before turbo fire...slow at first...highly recommend u take measurements...i lost a ton of inches on it...just started turbo fire then I will hybrid the two...good luck!
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    I did some of the program within the last year and I'm starting up again with Insanity, feel free to add me!
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    I did 2 rounds of CLX between Jan 2009 and July 2009 in prep for my sister's wedding. The first round I did pretty much as written (had to re-arrange the schedule a bit to do weights on Sun/Tu/Thur and the cardios on Mon/Wed) and lost about 10 pounds...not bad, since every Fri/Sat my boyfriend and I were away snowmobiling and eating out. Plus I had major strength gains. The second round, I added extra cardio - I did CLX exactly as written, but added either a Turbo Jam cardio or I biked to work (9 miles each way) 6 days a week. I lost 25 pounds during round 2. :)

    Right now, I'm finishing up week 3 of Les Mills Combat (my am workouts Sun-Fri), and I'm adding CLX strength workouts 3 days a week after work and adding biking/running for my triathlon training 2 days a week after work. only doing my am workout on fridays and saturday is my rest day, since my fiance and I go away every weekend to snowmobile. :) This week is my first week of "doubles" - weeks 1/2 of Combat I didn't add pm workouts, so I could get used to working out in the morning, since I'm normally a pm exerciser. :) I lost 5 pounds in the first 2 weeks of doing Combat....although I'm not expecting much, if anything of a loss for this week when I weigh in tomorrow morning, because I added weight training this week, and I always retain water in my first week of two of starting a new lifting program (especially after having been concentrating on primarily cardio recently - did Turbo Fire prior to Christmas, and Insanity prior to that). :)

  • RoxyBaroque
    RoxyBaroque Posts: 40 Member


    I've just done day 1 week 1 and am buzzing! I really think I'm going to like this work out - definitely going to have to up my weights tomorrow though - was only using 2kgs as I didn't know what to expect. I've only done 30DS before (and think I only lasted on that for about 8 days!) so am really keen on making this through to the end to see what happens!

    How's everyone else doing??
  • 000WhiteRose000
    000WhiteRose000 Posts: 266 Member
    I am starting Chalean Xtreme next week!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    how do you think results will be for someone who is pretty much at their goal weight but still wants to lose a few inches? will i get much results from it? how long is the program?
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    Hi everyone!!! I'm on wk 2 of the program (Burn). This is the 3rd time I start this program and I'm planning on doing the 90 days this time! I did P90 (not P90x) back on 2011 and had good results. Before that 10 min trainer for 60. After that I started CL XT and was doing really good until I got a new job and "couldnt find any time to do it". I got pregnant, had my baby girl and now im ready again to do it. You can add me if you want and we can keep ourselves motivated. It's nice to have someone that's doing the same thing that you are doing as a friend lol.

    how was 10 min trainer?
  • Starting ChaLEAN in 2 weeks!
  • spanglevie
    spanglevie Posts: 63 Member
    You have all inspired me! I'm going to start w/c 11th Feb.

    I part did the 90 days last year, I did about 6 weeks of it and was really enjoying it. Then we got a puppy and my whole routine went out of the window.

    He's well trained now and in the exact routine of my other dog so time to get my fitness levels back up.

    Add me as a friend and lets help motivate each other :-)
  • meaghanrocks
    meaghanrocks Posts: 19 Member
    I just started chalean extreme i am in my second week.... i find im getting muscle definition but not really losing any weight or inches... more gaining inches.... im only using 7.5 pounds for each exercise not quiet sure whats going on but feel free to add me!
  • RoxyBaroque
    RoxyBaroque Posts: 40 Member
    Just finished my first week and my arms are still shaking! Looking forward to next week though!
  • DorisR184
    DorisR184 Posts: 471 Member
    Starting Chalean tomorrow, can't wait!
  • JHart0816
    JHart0816 Posts: 58 Member
    I just started today. How does everyone like the program?
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I just started chalean extreme i am in my second week.... i find im getting muscle definition but not really losing any weight or inches... more gaining inches.... im only using 7.5 pounds for each exercise not quiet sure whats going on but feel free to add me!

    In your second week your muscles will still be swollen from being used in ways they aren't used to. This accounts for any increase in size - just water.

    You do need to make sure your diet is on point though, it doesn't matter how much exercise you do or how much muscle you build - you have to burn the fat on top of that muscle to look smaller - which means eating at a sensible calorie deficit. Around 500 a day I'd say.

    you also definitely need heavier weights. The entire key to this programme is increasing your weights so every single exercise is TOUGH. Tough to the point of failure.

    Damn, I want to do this programme again now. It's really good fun.
  • I am doing Turbo Fire right now...I am hoping to get CLX for my next program and Hybrid them. I think it looks like a great Strength training workout, which is kinda where I want to head next!!!!
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 306 Member
    I'm on week 3 of the program (Burn) and LOVING IT. I have lost 1 lb a week so far. I'm happy with that. I love that the workouts are shorter. The longest I think is 37 mins or so. I do add in Turbo Jam 20 min workout when I want a boost. Also, do the Turbo Jam Fat Blaster that is included. I think it's great! Good Luck Ladies. Feel free to add me.
  • liannesimpson
    liannesimpson Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm starting CLX on Monday 11/2/13! I already go to the gym but was looking for a program with weights! Can't wait to start! I weigh every Thursday and have just taken my measurements Thursday just gone and will do them again in 4 weeks! Feel free to add me!
  • playprettie1
    playprettie1 Posts: 66 Member
    I am doing Turbo Fire right now...I am hoping to get CLX for my next program and Hybrid them. I think it looks like a great Strength training workout, which is kinda where I want to head next!!!!

    This is precisely where I am. I'm doing Turbo Fire now and love it. When I'm done I want to move to the hybrid CLX program. Please feel free to add me, I want to get insight on both programs as well as support. :happy:
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I am on day 11 of chaLEAN extreme and Brazilian butt lift hybrid. I love chalene but only have weights up to 20 lbs right now so I really need some heavier ones (at least 25-30). Trying to save up some money for them. In a dream world is have bowflex selectTechs, but for now that's certainly out of the question.
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    I am on day 11 of chaLEAN extreme and Brazilian butt lift hybrid. I love chalene but only have weights up to 20 lbs right now so I really need some heavier ones (at least 25-30). Trying to save up some money for them. In a dream world is have bowflex selectTechs, but for now that's certainly out of the question.
    I hear ya. I'd love selectechs, they are just so expensive. I do occasionally keep my eye on them on Ebay and Craigslist but even there it's too much money right now.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!! I started the program again today. I did it about 2-3 yrs ago and saw great results. i've done them all. :laugh: I was looking for a more structured workout video to get myself back in gear so I said why not do it again. It's been in a drawer all this time. I had forgotten how good it makes me feel. My arms are still shaking. :tongue: Love it!!! Is there an official challenge CE thread or this is it? :flowerforyou:
  • RoxyBaroque
    RoxyBaroque Posts: 40 Member
    Day 16 DONE! How's everyone feeling??