Break Room Etiquette and Fish?



  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    Obviously I would be mindful if people had an allergy, they just don't want to smell the fish.

    Let's hit the other end of the spectrum.

    What if someone complained about food smelling TOO good? Like pizza, and they are on a diet, and they don't want to smell the goodness??

  • Ladykills82
    Ladykills82 Posts: 11 Member
    Totally gross to make it in the break room, IMHO.
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    Obviously I would be mindful if people had an allergy, they just don't want to smell the fish.

    Let's hit the other end of the spectrum.

    What if someone complained about food smelling TOO good? Like pizza, and they are on a diet, and they don't want to smell the goodness??


    If I smell bacon, you better have enough for me :laugh:
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Totally gross to make it in the break room, IMHO.

    What exactly is gross about heating up leftover food?
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Doesn't matter to me.. You can heat up your fish over here anytime. :smile: Besides, how rancid does their lunch smell?
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Actually, everywhere I've worked there's been an unwritten rule about certain foods being heated up at work, fish being one of them, except around Easter.

    Edited to add: I, personally don't mind food scents, unless it's kippers, but I do have a huge problem with some perfumes, colognes, some scented cleaners, and lilies due to allergies/asthma. Thankfully, I've always worked for places that have been kind enough to make changes to accommodate me, but at my present job I've had to excuse myself from dealing with certain customers due to their scent choices.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I reheat fish in the office microwave regularly. No one has ever complained to me.
  • dmurphy1975
    dmurphy1975 Posts: 45 Member
    When I heat up my leftover fish someone usually comments on how good my lunch smells. Of course I am in an office with many people who cook and eat healthy real foods.

    :noway: WHERE do you work??? I didn't think that was possible...

    I work for the local cooperative extension service. We have nutrition and agriculture educators in our office.
  • Sljames1202
    Sljames1202 Posts: 3 Member
    The smell of reheated Fish only last for about 15 minutes. Trying spraying some Lysol in the kitchen to kill the odor more quickly. As for burnt popcorn, take the bag & put water in it. The water instantly kills the smell! Speaking from experience
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    The smell of reheated Fish only last for about 15 minutes. Trying spraying some Lysol in the kitchen to kill the odor more quickly. As for burnt popcorn, take the bag & put water in it. The water instantly kills the smell! Speaking from experience

    People keep saying spray lysol. I would be PISSED if people went around spraying lysol in our break room. Who the hell wants to eat lysol? Lysol smell lasts for hours. I say to tell people not to worry about what you are cooking and worry about themselves.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Where I used to work there was this one woman who was annoyed about EVERYTHING. She took it upon herself to make a "friendly" sign and hang it on the microwaves outlining the items that should and shouldn't be cooked in it as well as putting another "friendly" sign about the noise level in that room around lunch time.

    I took her "friendly" signs and tossed them in the garbage :smile:

    While I agree that some food is smelly when you microwave it whose business is it to tell someone what they can and can't eat or heat up for their lunch? There was never a time where I walked into the lunch room and gagged because of someone's food. Heat up what you and ignore the people who give you the stink eye over it.
  • cleomouri
    cleomouri Posts: 51 Member
    As someone very allergic to fish and shellfish, just smelling the fish smell could make me extremely ill. (My throat will start to swell shut just from breathing it in.) Leave it at home.

    I also don't like burnt popcorn smell, but that is just an annoyance, not a life-threatening odor.

    I guess no one should bring a peanut butter sandwich either because if they touch someone allergic to peanuts it could cause a reaction.

    This is nothing to laugh at. I have a friend that can't even smell peanuts or her throat swells. They have a no food, no perfume, no air freshener policy in thier office. Allergies can be life threatening.

    Agreed. I'm allergic to all seafood. All of it. If it came from the water, I can't eat it. The smell of seafood makes me ill. If it was my office I'd take it as a kindness for people to not heat up/cook seafood in breakroom.

    Peanut allergies are also something to not be toyed with. My husband has a co-worker that is so very allergic that just peanut dust residue on ones clothes or hands can cause her to have a severe reaction. I am very careful about what snacks and treats I send with him to work.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Heat up what you like. I presume you work with grown ups who can deal with something that smells "yucky" to them

    My coworkers bring in KFC quite often. I really do not like the smell if KFC. I put on my big girl panties and deal with it.