How do you feel about V8?



  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I want food, not to drink my calories. Unless it's a green smoothie to get more vegetables, with the fiber and not just the juice. Naked Juice Green Goddess is in the grocery store by the produce. It's a green smoothie prepackaged. Also Boldhouse Farms has one. They taste like fruit juice but have green stuff, natural and goodness. Consider it an addition, high sugar and maybe high sodium, not your "food". Eating "clean" is a better way to go than juicing your way to eating better. I treat juice as a treat. I buy the green smoothies I mentioned because my husband and daughter will drink them and hate vegetables. I need water, so when I drink, I drink water.

    That said, I'm not against V8 (the lower sodium one). I have recipe's with it, but I can't stand to drink it. I tend to get plenty of tomato in my diet no matter what. I don't need to drink it, too. I definitely need to be drinking more water instead.
  • Serendipityunt
    Serendipityunt Posts: 120 Member
    I'm feeling like I have a lot of "junk" in my body and I want to kind of flush it out... I know obviously water is great, and I love drinking water and loads of it (although for the past couple of weeks I've been hardly drinking any). Just trying to figure out what is the healthiest route for getting the sludge out of my body. :)

    I know the feeling, where you feel like you're lugging around the extra crap you've eaten recently, and you feel like you need to flush it out. When it hits me that hard, I usually do Dr. Oz's 3-day cleanse. It's a lot of veggies in three different smoothies. I'm never hungry on it, but I feel better after having done it. Best part, your body feels so good that the thought of putting something unhealthy in you is disgusting. The smoothies are thick, so it keeps you fuller (as your body still has to digest it) than a juice cleanse would.
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    I'm feeling like I have a lot of "junk" in my body and I want to kind of flush it out... I know obviously water is great, and I love drinking water and loads of it (although for the past couple of weeks I've been hardly drinking any). Just trying to figure out what is the healthiest route for getting the sludge out of my body. :)

    There's no sludge in your body that needs flushed out. Your body is a wonderful machine that is very good at keep itself clean without any help from us but eating nutritious food and staying hydrated.

    Thank you. Geez! I get so tired of the body cleansing stuff it's such total BS. That's what the bodies entire function is. Lol.

    This might be true if people only ate a natural, whole food diet.....but I'm pretty certain the body wasn't designed to "filter out" all of what is added to some of the processed foods. There is nothing wrong with going to a whole, unprocessed food diet for a period of time to rejuvinate your "system". I'm sure most of our bodies would thank us and many of us may see results (reduced or no acne, less bloat, less restlessness etc) that we didn't even anticipate. I'm not suggesting go to a store of a 24 hour colon cleanse, a strictly liquid diet or anything like that, but there is nothing wrong with cleaning up your diet for better/improved health.
  • crazyola26
    crazyola26 Posts: 109 Member
    Thank you everyone for your input! I had a feeling V8 wasn't the way to go in the long-run, it's just so tempting because it's so easy to just scoop it off the shelf and drink it. :) Sounds like fresh fruits and veggies and water will do the trick even better than premade V8. Excited to pick up some fresh produce and take a break from all the carbs and sugar and salt!
  • nre820
    nre820 Posts: 77 Member
    I don't think you necessarily need to do a juice fast, although juicing is a good way to get rid of junk in your body...

    Honestly, you should just eliminate processed foods. It's cheaper to make things from scratch and you have control over exactly what you are eating. An example? pre-flavored rice/soups-tons of sodium and weird other ingredients. Just make your own rice or soup with a low sodium-all natural stock (veggie stocks are really easy to make, too!) and add in your own flavoring-this automatically cuts down on sodium and all that "junk" you're talking about.

    My husband and I don't eat a lot of processed foods to begin with, but we did the Daniel Fast not long ago, it's basically a vegan diet with more restrictions. If you're hesistant about juicing, something like this fast may be the way to go. You're still eating whole foods, but you're cutting out sugar, meat, dairy, processed foods, all that good stuff.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I have a juicer at home, and I'm wanting to drink more juice, maybe do a cleanse. However, I love V8 Fruit Fusion. Can't stand the tomato kind, but love the fruit. What do you think -- is v8 also healthy to drink for the majority of the day?

    Juice counts as one serving towards your seven to nine a day regardless of how much you drink, fibre and other nutrients are lost in the juicing process and the sugars are concentrated. It's healthy if you can get all the servings of all the other healthy foods you should be eating into your daily diet, stay at a sensible macro split and healthy weight. Not healthy if it's replacing nutrient dense wholefoods in your diet. Contrary to popular belief vitamins are not more healthy than minerals or essential fatty acids.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I'm feeling like I have a lot of "junk" in my body and I want to kind of flush it out... I know obviously water is great, and I love drinking water and loads of it (although for the past couple of weeks I've been hardly drinking any). Just trying to figure out what is the healthiest route for getting the sludge out of my body. :)

    There's no sludge in your body that needs flushed out. Your body is a wonderful machine that is very good at keep itself clean without any help from us but eating nutritious food and staying hydrated.

    Thank you. Geez! I get so tired of the body cleansing stuff it's such total BS. That's what the bodies entire function is. Lol.

    This might be true if people only ate a natural, whole food diet.....but I'm pretty certain the body wasn't designed to "filter out" all of what is added to some of the processed foods. There is nothing wrong with going to a whole, unprocessed food diet for a period of time to rejuvinate your "system". I'm sure most of our bodies would thank us and many of us may see results (reduced or no acne, less bloat, less restlessness etc) that we didn't even anticipate. I'm not suggesting go to a store of a 24 hour colon cleanse, a strictly liquid diet or anything like that, but there is nothing wrong with cleaning up your diet for better/improved health.

    Clean diet is one thing.

    Juicing or "cleansing" is another.
  • reneegee23
    reneegee23 Posts: 233 Member
    What I'd really like to know is how V8 feels about me.
  • RobfromLakewood
    Thank you everyone for your input! I had a feeling V8 wasn't the way to go in the long-run, it's just so tempting because it's so easy to just scoop it off the shelf and drink it. :) Sounds like fresh fruits and veggies and water will do the trick even better than premade V8. Excited to pick up some fresh produce and take a break from all the carbs and sugar and salt!

    Excellent conclusion, at least I think so, because I feel the same. I use them as a healthier snack than a doughnut, but not for everyday.
    not fuel efficient, i prefer a V6
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What do you think -- is v8 also healthy to drink for the majority of the day?

    Are you asking is V8 healthy to drink as your main source of liquid? As in drinking several a day. I really have no idea, but it doesn't sounds like a great idea to me. It's very concentrated in some vitamins.

    I love the low sodium tomato based (old school) V8. I drink one 5-6 days a week. It's a great source of potassium for me since I don't eat bananas or potatoes.
  • seventieslord
    seventieslord Posts: 59 Member
    low sodium v8 is so awesome. If you're going to drink something from a bottle you simply can't do better. It is very low in calories, high in taste (once you get used to the fact that vegetable juice should not be very salty) and very high in potassium.

    compare to tropicana orange juice.

    - less than half the calories
    - over double the potassium
    - more fiber and protein
    - has some vitamin A, OJ doesn't
    - has a lot of other nutrients listed, although I can't say 100% for sure since OJ doesn't list them and V8 chooses to
    - more "substance" so it's more filling
    - believe it or not, it keeps up in vitamin C, the only thing OJ really has going for it