Anyone else having a hard time cutting out alcohol??



  • I refuse to cut it out. As a brewer, I'd be a shame to society and my craft.

    All things in moderation.

    What do you brew? Beer? I'm a 3rd generation moonshiner! It's a HUGE passion of ours. :-) Brewers unite!!
  • I agree with everyone who says to drink in moderation!!! I have NOT cut out my beer, but just drink less of it!

    I like it.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    i don't cut it out. If I want a wine or two and I have the calories to make it work, I have them. You'd negotiate for something else you really wanted, and for you as for many adults its the enjoyment of the scenario (alcohol for you sounds like it goes hand in hand with the relaxation at the end of the day).

    So I say just have your drink.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I lost weight in about 2003 with plenty of alcohol. It was a different eating plan than i'm on now but this one's worked in the past too. so anyway i lost 50 lbs 51 to be exact it took six months, and about 5 pints of captain no seriously my drink back then was diet cuba libres and i lost all my weight in spite of those that i drank liberally whenever I felt like it. never been an alcoholic either so since my lifestyle allowed it, it was fine.
  • I love a drink a few nights a week. I wish it didn't use so many calories.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    On my days off hubs and I usually go to a bar and get a fine brewski or two or three....if we are planning on going out I do some extra time on the elliptical that day. Sometimes if i go over I come home and work out half drunk at 0200. lol
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    I also get gin and club soda isntead of gin and tonic.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    alcohol and parties ruin it all for me , throws my diet down the drain . alcohol should be ILLEGAL and weed should be LEGAL!
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    I drink about 2 glasses of red wine a week.. if that. It's pretty low in calories and I can always squeeze them in on a refeed day. Although I definitely wouldn't have an issue at all if I had to completely cut alcohol out.
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    Cutting out things you love unlikely to be sustainable long-term. Why create a huge obstacle for yourself? Including those things in your weekly plan is a much better option. Cut back if this is healthier but be kind to yourself and make the struggle a reasonable one. We are living life now not just wait ing for a time when we are thin and can suddenly eat/drink all we want to.!
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    It all depends. If you are losing, then it doesn't matter. If you don't, then I'd cut out the alcohol for a while, just to see if that may be it.

    Personally, I know I will gain weight if I drink regularly, even if it's just a small glass of wine; so for me alcohol is for special occasions only. Others don't react that way. This is really something only your scale and your calorie counter can give you a good answer to.
  • BigJza
    BigJza Posts: 116 Member
    weird,,,i thought thats why i was counting calories?

    I just happened to lose a **** ton of weight along the way

    I am a daily drinker....not ashamed to be,

    Just watch the beer...move on to the big boy stuff lmao
  • BigJza
    BigJza Posts: 116 Member
    And dont hide it in your

    **** that

    Ive logged 135 straight days and i bet vodka is there every single of them..

    but im a rockstar...kinda have no choice :)
  • I guess I'm lucky in this regard... to me, most beer tastes vile and as for wine... I don't understand why someone would take good, fresh, sweet, fruity, delicious grape juice and let it rot. My theory is some guy a million years ago tricked someone into believing it was supposed to taste that way and the human ego took over from there. Can't admit it tastes like paint thinner and rotten fruit mixed together. Must pretend we actually believe it when we say "fruity notes" and "precocious little Chardonnay"... bleah. Now, gimme a vodka, mixed with just about anything, and we're on the same page!

    Fortunately, my gf worked in the bar where I did most of my drinking so she keeps me honest (and on a very short leash!) when it comes to drinking. And a friendly note to the guy who was having " a couple of beers after work, a couple of (large) glasses of wine with dinner and a couple of scotches at night..." if that was every night, I should be seeing you at the meetings... ;)
  • ajfc1971
    ajfc1971 Posts: 258 Member
    I try and use my exercise calories for my alcohol. I only have a drink on weekends if there is something happening which tends to be most weekends.
    Everytime I drink the next day I think I shouldn't have done that but I do enjoy the taste so i have started to add low cal mixers or drink glasses of water in between wine so I don't drink too much.
    Again not because of the alcohol but because of the calories. I have tried light wines just not the same
  • patty1138
    patty1138 Posts: 196 Member
    I neverr knew I had a problem until I tried to quit>
  • DaveHuby
    DaveHuby Posts: 175 Member
    I know it is a sad reflection, but I will stay on the bike / treadmill long enough to burn a cider, or a half bottle of wine. I know the points off by heart!

    It does make the "reward" so very much more appreciated though! (and has reduced my weekly unit intake very significantly)

    Good luck
  • V44V
    V44V Posts: 366 Member
    Thank *kitten* it's Friday!!!
  • You can have one beer or one drink, just more than one and you are risking your diet. Mainly because more than one serving of alcohol can make you hungry, make you feel sluggish and tired and also its high in fat. If you want to have a daily drink, thats fine, but stick to one drink only.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Who says you have to cut it out? Just add it into your diary. If you foresee you want to have a drink with some extra calories, just add some extra to your workout.

    I like my cabernet in the evenings. I have cut it back some though.