Doing good until the husband comes home! :(



  • dawnreid2012
    dawnreid2012 Posts: 108 Member
    My husband works in the oilfield also 14 and 14 and when he comes home I tend to slack off on my workouts because he is home and I dont wanna spend all that time working out.. I do eat whatever I cook for him but I weigh it and try to eat the healthier portions..
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    My husband feels like I should eat normal when he comes home. Its extremely hard on me. I try to cook things healthy and try to eat as healthy as possible when we go out but it's extremely hard.

    I can't get him to understand that I will cook him what ever he wants but I just want my shakes or whatnot. Even with that offer he still feels like I should change how I eat because its not fair to him.

    Your husband is right - part of being a family is the sitting down together and the sharing of food made with heart. He obviously misses (and LOVES) you enough to say something, whether or not it's articulated well. You can't sustain a diet of shakes only forever - that's a recipe for failure and self disappointment. Yes, it's hard when you're just starting to learn how to cook healthy meals you can share with your family. BUT...that's a beautiful gift to them and to yourself, don't you think?

    Best of luck.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Oh dear. Well, I don't think that shakes should replace meals. Unless that was just an analogy that you were using.
    Weight loss won't "work" (as in, the weight may leave, but it will come right back on) unless you make it a lifestyle, and I at least, can't see myself having shakes as meals for the rest of my life. So I recommend that you cook healthy meals, stock up on healthy snacks and foods, and watch the calorie content, if he doesn't even like THAT, then just do what you need to do, to get where you need to be!
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Why are these people bugging you about shakes?

    See that's the problem right there. You were asking about getting your husband to support you in your goals, not What do you think about diet shakes? If that's your plan, then that's your plan.

    What you should do is show him how you are tracking your food on-line, and show him how that helps you reach your goal. Then show him what eating one of his meals you do to your goal. Tell him if he keeps bugging you about the two of you eating the same thing, he better get ready to start drinking diet shakes when he gets off the rig.

    Good Luck

    Because her husband has a point. If my partner saw me doing nothing but drinking shakes, he'd be worried and want me to eat real food too.
  • joycelreed
    joycelreed Posts: 17 Member
    I don't like the shakes either. I like the crunch and texture of food. My husbands theory was always that he could bring anything he wanted into the house and it was up to me NOT to eat it! I eventually learned to trick him. I 'd cook lots of his favorites but modify them so I could eat, then I'd take small portions and eat slow and drink a lot of water. At the same time I'd sneak in food I knew I could eat lots of. I learned to boil a huge bad of mixed vegetable and add 1/2 more of corn so it was really yummy. I'd probably eat 2-3 portions during my meal, hopefully without him noticing so I was always eating while he was eating... Salt is a weakness of mine so I always salt them... Sometimes I'd put a bit of butter and learned to love them. Making a huge bowl gave me leftovers for TV at night or during the afternoon.. In the end my husband is worth more than anything to me than losing weight but I lose it and keep it off by cheating (kind of -lol). I also never mention what I'm eating or question him about what he's eating. He has lost weight right along with me. When he showed me his belt had moved a notch over I didn't say a work - I just grinned!
  • lollie_789uk
    lollie_789uk Posts: 9 Member
    i do good till its underwear washing day see i got one loose pair and one tight pair tight pair weeks i eat less because iam aware of the tightness loose weeks well its just nuts everywhere so i know how you feel iiii know

    This made me laugh.
  • slawson091
    You can eat what your husband eats just eat smaller portions and fit it into your calorie count. I eat everything but bread and dairy, and occasionally I will have a couple of chocolates and some cheezies, not in the same day but I am not depriving myself. You need to remember also who you are doing this for.....I have a shake every morning for breakfast but I load it up with fruit, oatmeal, spinach it gives me my greens my fiber and all of my nutrients and then I eat my snacks and meals......I have lost the cravings and I don't sit at home at night wanting more food. You can do this, do this for yourself, no one else.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I usually don't get into this, however, this just bugs me. When people try to benefit themselves, their significant other should be supportive.

    When you do cook for him when he is home, use ingredients that will prevent having a lot of calories - exp, don't use butter, use "pam" on the pan. Instead of having a hamburger, switch to steak (coming from the girl who doesn't eat beef or pork :P). If you have chicken, don't fry it, bake it. Mash potatoes, don't use cream, use skim milk. If he doesn't like it, too bad for him! You're going out of your way to cook for him, he should appreciate what you're doing.

    It's as simple as doing groceries before he gets home and making sure there is enough for him to snack on and enough for you to too small nibbles but not over indulge. another example, get him a bag of chips, get yourself "calorie wise" snacks or get him a bag of chocolates(or a box) and get yourself a 100 calorie chocolate bar. This way, you're still 'indulging' with him, not messing up your lifestyle change (I don't call it a diet - diets are temporary) and you're all happy - or so I would hope!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Because her husband has a point. If my partner saw me doing nothing but drinking shakes, he'd be worried and want me to eat real food too.
    Your point is valid that shakes aren't the best way to go, but I don't think the OP said she's ONLY eating shakes, and not real food. Her diary is closed, so the "nothing but shakes' part is quite possibly just an assumption..
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I don't allow my family members to sabotage my eating. If they want something different, that's fine with me. They are not allowed to pick on, pick apart, or comment on what I'm eating, unless they include an "hey, that looks good, can I try it?".

    If they feel my food choices are too much of a problem for them to fix, then I fix my own.

    Simple: don't allow others to treat you the way you don't want to be treated. Flat out say "my food, my body, my choice".
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    And I find this happens more with my real life friends than my family members. I can go out for a nice night on the town, and if I end up ordering an unsweetened ice tea as opposed to an alcoholic beverage, I get the "Aw come on, ONE little drink won't kill ya" and "OH LIGHTEN UP, ITS THE WEEKEND".

    I don't hang out with one lady anymore because of this: morbidly obese woman who complains about her weight, sees me doing the right things, and yet gives me crap for watching what I put into my mouth.
  • lilrani
    lilrani Posts: 7 Member
    Hey. So I can relate to what's you're feeling. I have a 4 month little one. But honestly, drinking just shakes won't push you towards your goal, bc as soon as you start "real food" ... You'll gain weight.

    I've been substituting one meal for smoothies, so I pack in fruits and spinach and get a good protein combo going. Favorite one is : 1 banana, 1 apple, 3/4 cup milk, 1/4 cup ice, and 2 cups spinach. And you can't even taste the spinach.

    My husband is the same way about "real food" so I've figured ways to go about it by making healthier versions. For instance, homemade marinara instead of Ragu and adding grilled chicken beast that's marinated with spices to bring more flavor. Look at what's he likes to eat, and find healthy recipes for those specific things. Calorie count for yourself and portion control and honey you'll be totally great!!

    Feel free to add me, and I can give you more recipes I've been trying :). Good luck.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Why are these people bugging you about shakes?

    See that's the problem right there. You were asking about getting your husband to support you in your goals, not What do you think about diet shakes? If that's your plan, then that's your plan.

    What you should do is show him how you are tracking your food on-line, and show him how that helps you reach your goal. Then show him what eating one of his meals you do to your goal. Tell him if he keeps bugging you about the two of you eating the same thing, he better get ready to start drinking diet shakes when he gets off the rig.

    Good Luck

    well - most of us know that shakes vs real food is not a sustainable plan, which makes it harder to help her stay focused when her man comes home and eats real food.

    Ya see... some people on here love to tell a person how to put a bandaid on a situation, and the rest of like to tell a person to fix the source of the problem.

    You break a bone, you go to the hospital and get a cast- you dont kiss it and take an Aleve.

    Shakes - unsustainable diet leading to temporary weight loss and leaves no willpower to fend off unhealthy food while vulnerable. Learn how to eat real food nutritiously and she wont need to come into the forums and ask us how to have willpower around the man she fell in love with and married.

    We dont know anything about their relationship dynamic, but we do know that shakes cause problems like this.

    So we're actually being way more helpful, is that ok with you?
  • kayholt2012
    kayholt2012 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm not on a crazy 10 shakes a day diet. I drink 3 a day along with healthy snacks. The first time I lost a bunch of weight I did that for about 3 weeks, lots 10 pounds and slowly introduced healthy food into my life. It was so much easier for me to lose weight that way. Not sure if it was a mental thing or what.

    Normal food for us usually consists of bread and pasta. While I was pregnant all I wanted was bread.
  • kayholt2012
    kayholt2012 Posts: 12 Member
    So I finished reading what everyone was saying. And there are a lot of good points. Everyone has to do a diet that works for them. Since I have already have experience losing weight with the shake diet then eating healthy food I decided to do it again. I already know it works. I also didn't gain the wait back until I got pregnant, about 4 years later. So I know it works.

    My problem is keeping myself motivated when my husband comes home. I feel like I should change my eating habits because of him. We had a talk and hopefully I won't feel like that anymore. I think he is starting to understand.
  • Alderaic
    Alderaic Posts: 294 Member
    what is a typical day for you foodwise 3 shakes consisting of what? and what kind of snacks?
    having a nice salad and lean meats every once in a while is a good habit, having shakes every day is not sustainable and that's why you cannot resist when you husband is back, i.e. too many cravings for varied foods.

    Remember that we are not animals who can eat the same thing day in day out ;)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I'm not on a crazy 10 shakes a day diet. I drink 3 a day along with healthy snacks. The first time I lost a bunch of weight I did that for about 3 weeks, lots 10 pounds and slowly introduced healthy food into my life. It was so much easier for me to lose weight that way. Not sure if it was a mental thing or what.

    Normal food for us usually consists of bread and pasta. While I was pregnant all I wanted was bread.

    10 shakes a day would be less crazy than just 3. I've done what you're doing. It does not work. After i got off the shakes i would end up heavier than when i started.

    Learn to eat food.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    shortcuts ( for example:to replace healthy food and willpower with a fake food diet chosen for you and no self discipline needed) lead to less than satisfactory results, 100% of the time.

    good luck with the easy way!
  • dgljones
    Get your husband excited about your weight loss and it will probably be easier. Stuff like "I can't wait to show you how good I'll look in this bikini (show picture of some supermodel/actress in a tiny bikini) by the next time you come home, but this time I need to stick to it so I can get there."
    Trust me you won't have to get that Bikini (unless you want to) but the idea you are working towards some fantasy ideal, however silly that is in reality, will probably resonate better with your average guy than most other methods.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    oh yeah lol that's healthy