Looking for friends in their late 20s!

Anyone else blame 'metabolism slowing down' for putting on weight?! Would to love to have some friends on here to motivate each other. I'm 28, have about 20lb to lose, vegetarian, love horses and do running (I'm not going to say I love it!)


  • lanapoo
    lanapoo Posts: 57
    I'm 28, too! I have about 30 pounds to go until I reach my goal. I have 4 horses! Just don't have them with me right now unfortunately. They're with my family in another state, but I hope to find a place to board a horse eventually that isn't too expensive.

    I've been trying to build up on my running ability. Last summer, I couldn't even do half lap on the track. I'm able to run for a mile now, but I want to run longer than that so I can do marathons.

    My metabolism slowed down years ago and I also blame my college years of bingeing, drinking and my very Italian ex who was a chef. Carbs ahoy! :P Actually, I only have myself to blame. I could have watched what I eat, exercised more regularly. I learned my lesson and strive to improve myself now.

    Edit: Anyone else feel free to add me as well. :) I log daily.
  • Hi there! I will be 31 this year but I'd be happy to be your friend. :) And yes, I understand. It's very hard for me to lose weight, so much so that I went and had my thyroid checked because my weight loss is very slow. It's taken me almost 4 weeks to lose the 3.6 lbs that I've lost. :(
  • aakokopelli7
    aakokopelli7 Posts: 196 Member
    I will be 28 in Feb. I have about 50 maybe 60 to loose. I blame me. I am the one who put the food in my mouth and sat on my @ss. I am losing weight now before my metabolism really does slow down.
  • sassy_sadie
    sassy_sadie Posts: 36 Member
    I'm 28! I blame my own laziness for gaining weight. I'm back on track right now, logging daily, and exercising regularly again.

    I'm signed up for a 10K run in May.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • danthedeacsfan1
    danthedeacsfan1 Posts: 16 Member
    from a 36 year old...when people say it's even harder to get it off after 30...they are telling you the truth!! do it now & good luck!!
  • ZombieBubbles
    ZombieBubbles Posts: 110 Member
    I'm 27 years old. Had my daughter before my 21 bday and went down to my normal size within a week. I had an amazing metabolism back then. Then I had my son at age 22 and have been struggling since. Feel free to add me.
  • ryblueeyes
    ryblueeyes Posts: 257 Member
    Added you! I'll be 27 in April. Shooting for a loss of 27" by #27!
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Oh Oh Pick Me!!! I'm 27 and need more friends too!
  • meghan6867
    meghan6867 Posts: 388 Member
    27 here and always looking for friends. :flowerforyou:
  • lumstead0317
    lumstead0317 Posts: 85 Member
    going on 26! I feel like my metabolism started to slow in college... Getting older sucks!
  • emzerkate
    emzerkate Posts: 27 Member
    Ditto to that... Having more friends keeps me going.. So feel free to add.. I'm 27..
  • liannesaut
    liannesaut Posts: 34 Member
    Ditto, almost 27, have about 40 lbs to lose (my goal, should be 50-60 probably). Focusing on clean eating and more exercise (which I hate!), and always looking for new friends and motivators!
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    I'm 26, gonna be 27 in June :) Feel free to add me~

    I blame myself, depression and injuries for gaining waaay too much weight. I've lost 15kg since September, but I still have 25+ kg to lose...
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    I'm 27. Feel free to add me.
  • P90XBowler
    P90XBowler Posts: 152 Member
    Why am I so old? :P
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    I'm 28 and have about 13 more pounds to go. Feel free to add me if you like!
  • Im Sarah and Im 27. I have about 115 pounds maybe to lose. Im looking for friends as well. Im back on the site for real this time and Im going to to do this! :)
  • Boom! 27 year old stud, here :laugh:

    Feel free to send an FR! (please send a message along with it though... amuse me)
  • harr3mi
    harr3mi Posts: 87 Member
    Anyone else blame 'metabolism slowing down' for putting on weight?! Would to love to have some friends on here to motivate each other. I'm 28, have about 20lb to lose, vegetarian, love horses and do running (I'm not going to say I love it!)

    If you think your metabolism slowed at 28 just wait till you enter your 30's. Thats why Im here.
  • I'm 28, but I have a completely opposite diet of the OP. I've lost all my weight and am now here to just maintain and build muscle. I don't think my metabolism slowed down much, I just stopped moving. My weight gain was 100% my fault and I took full responsibility for it, which is part of the reason it was so easy for me to lose it. As far as running goes, I HATE it. I gave it up and started using bodyrock.tv for my workouts, its way more fun and easy to stick to because they post a new workout every day.