Psoriasis question....?



  • rachelljenks
    I have a health food store Natural Health, Nutrition & Cosmetics. which is on f/b, we advise drinking a shot of our Aloe drinking gel a day to balance immune system from within & use our cleansers/moisturisers/shampoo's/conditioners etc which are all naturally healing, nourishing, strengthening, balancing, moisturising & protecting as well as being gentle, safe & effective at being naturally anti bacterial, viral,fungal, microbial etc and they smell nice! :)
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    Coconut oil just rub on a little it really helps (A little goes a long way). My husband has plaque psoriasis and coconut oil and sunlight are the only things that has helped (I am still working on him to go completely gluten free as that can have a positive effect also) Good luck.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Or...go to a Vitamin Shop or GNC (even though I hate GNC) and get something natural. That's what I did and it cleared right up. It also doesn't have a scent.

    What'd you end up finding there that worked? (I'm also not a fan of GNC, if I have to go there, I like to know what I'm getting and get the heck outta there before they swoop down and try to jam their products down my throat)
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    Did you wash your entire head of hair with that shampoo? I only use it on the area on my scalp where i have the problem and I wash the rest with my normal shampoo. The smell isn't too bad that way. I mostly have the psoriasis on my arms and I have various ointments for that. If it gets real bad, I will put some of the ointment on my scalp the night before washing my hair. That seems to do the trick for a couple of months and then I'll have a flare up again. I have also read that taking fish oil helps. I take it every day and I did notice a big improvement right away. Unfortunately that improvement didn't last long but my skin did not go back to as bad as it was before the fish oil so I continue to take it.

    No one else in my family has it. It really sucks!

    I've been taking fish oil for around a year now, who knows if that's helped- just started having problems with this around 6 months ago. Started getting bad the last couple weeks. I did my whole head because I have a couple spots around the rest of my scalp that are giving me problems as well. I didn't go all the way to the ends with it though and I conditioned after to help with the smell. I'm hoping that the doctor will be able to give me some kind of something for when it gets a little out of hand like it is now. Did you end up having to go to a dermo for it? Or just your regular doctor?

    I see a dermatologist for it but because my skin is so bad. My scalp only flares up occasionally and between the Tgel and the prescription ointments, it takes care of it. It's on the back of my head so it's easy to just use the Tgel in the one spot. The next time I go to her I will ask her what she recommends for my scalp because the flareups are happening more frequently now.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I know what you mean about the t-gel shampoo. But honestly my hair looks awesome when I use it.
    I shampoo with that first and then do a second with my nice smelling shampoo.

    I actually rub a little monistat on my scalp and it clears it right up.
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    Or...go to a Vitamin Shop or GNC (even though I hate GNC) and get something natural. That's what I did and it cleared right up. It also doesn't have a scent.

    What'd you end up finding there that worked? (I'm also not a fan of GNC, if I have to go there, I like to know what I'm getting and get the heck outta there before they swoop down and try to jam their products down my throat)

    This is what I used:

    I had it on the back of my head/hair line. I just used this like shampoo in the shower and then a regular conditioner and it worked. It took about a week or so. Sometimes when it gets cold it comes back but I just start using this again and it goes away. The best part is that it doesn't stink.
    xSCiNTILLATEx79 Posts: 245 Member
    :angry: Ive had it since I was 15 starting all over my arms and legs...its pretty much gone now except a little on my hands and elbows but looks more like I punched someone lol. See a dermatologist for sure...I've used coal tar I've used everything possible...over the years(had it for about 18 yrs)...the best help so far has been DR. prescribes steroid creams..clears it pretty much up to non existant. It could be contact dermatitis or really bad exzema possibly too. There is a small hereditary link...there was one other person way down the line in my family that had it...and my sister had sever contact dermatitis.

    Thing with Psoriasis is it can start one place - dissapear, then come back somewhere else. Winter time is soon as the temp drops I prepare myself..2 winters ago I broke out like I had Chicken pox..DR. gave me 2 steroid creams, went right away...unfortunatly Tanning works wonders I try to keep it minimal, but if It gets bad, i go straight to the tanning bed.

    Tea tree oil works grat and I love the smell I get a tea tree oil shampoo it make my scalp and hair feel great! also mix up your treatments,,,its smart and gets used to something really fast then is immune to it for awhile.

    Good luck, be happy its just on your head, psoriasis sucks.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I am basically allergic to my own sweat, so showering right after a workout helps.

    However, I just don't use shampoo any more. At all. Sometimes I just rinse my hair and give myself a good scalp massage under the running water, sometimes I use conditioner and rub it all the way to the roots. Both my hair and my scalp have been healthier since adopting this regime, but I am pretty sure it only works because I don't use any other hair products, either. I can now go all the way from chopped off to long enough to donate to Locks of Love without worrying about split ends.

    As someone who has suffered from a number of skin problems since puberty, I have also found that a sensitive skin liquid body wash is one of the few products I can use. Since Oil of Olay discontinued theirs, I use CVS. And I only wash when I am feel a film or see dirt - I don't wash my face at night and in the morning just because it is supposed to be done, although I do rinse my face every morning. Again, this regime assumes no make up. I do use Aveeno lotion as needed. The important thing is no dyes and no fragrances.

    The final thing that helped, but is less transferable, was moving south of the Mason-Dixon line. We don't use the furnace as much down here, so that helps too.

    Most people think these routines are lazy and/or disgusting, but I often get complements for my hair, as well as for my blemish free, even skin tone. If you hang out with a lot of people who won't leave the house without makeup, you will get a lot of peer pressure.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Thanks for the help guys :happy:
  • FloridaBlues21
    OMG I'm not alone @ this since I gave birth to my son I developed this terrible drandruff than never goes away. I came to think also that this might be psoriasis and like you it gets worse in winter. The other day it had only past two days since I washed my hair and I noticed on my way out that I had so much dandruff that I could not leave the house without washing my hair. I hope that you will find help and I hope that I too can learn from others.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Oh, for those suffering on other body parts, I highly recommend Aveeno baths, as well!

    I have used this for my scalp, but in that case you have to take the bath at night and you will need shampoo the next day to get the gunk out of your hair.