Absolutely Devastated



  • Kutchka
    Kutchka Posts: 14
    We have all had problems with our weight and some of still do... emotionally things do upset us at times and some of us eat to make us feel comfort which we are missing... You go girl look at your son and believe in your self, you are not on this journey to become a fitter person alone... life gives us curves now and then, so get back on the straights young lady... and go for Gold :wink:
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    I would get some counseling, about being attracted to an abuser (been there done that). I want you to know, you will be able to refocus on you even better now. You son is going to have a better life with out the abuse going on. It does affect them even that young. So you making him your world is great. I know it is devistating to have an abuser leave?? when you are the better person, but just think of how much ugly fat you lost the day he walked out. (mine left then married a girl he used to delver news papers to her house when she was in diapers lol).

    You are a wonderful person and great things are going to come to you in your life. You have lived through this and can do anything.
  • curejenn
    curejenn Posts: 70 Member
    Please feel free to add me! I was with an abusive boyfriend for 10 years. He actually left me (which he did often but always came back after whatever fun he had was over) and I didnt take him back! 6 months later I met my now husband. This is such a hard time... your feelings get all mixed up and even though it seems like its for the best it takes a while before it actually FEELS like its for the best. You will get there. I am working on losing 40 or 50 lbs and would love an extra friend :) You can do this!
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    I'm with you. Fighting the same 10lb for an entire year and I just can't get myself out of this rut. Got down 65lb, but the holidays got in the way and I got complacent. Every day became a reason to 'enjoy' the holiday spirit, not saving it for the special occasions. I'm slowly getting back in the habit, but I'm finding it's hard to be as gung-ho as I was a year ago...
  • Amy62575
    Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member
    Sorry to put it this way, but brace yourself. Here are some of the amazing things that came out of this situation:

    -You have a child you care dearly for who loves you more than anything, who is depending on you right now
    -You only gained back 30 pounds - although it has devastated you, which I understand, it could have been far more
    -Your husband, who is dating an underage girl and who was abusing you, has now done the best possible thing he could - leave you and force you to live for yourself and no longer for him

    Take this as a sign that your life is now in your own hands - don't buckle under the pressure of life. Use this as motivation to change yourself for the better. Talk to a counselor because you are probably VERY vulnerable right now and susceptible to your ex-husband's antics, should he try and get back into your life.


    You may not see it now, but you will look back one day (soon) and thank him for getting out of your life. You deserve better! Sending a request.
  • cnelsdesigns
    cnelsdesigns Posts: 11 Member
    You will do it again. You have been through a lot, but are on the way up again. I have been up and down in weigh and have found out that you just have to forget the past and keep your eyes on the future of losing weight. You will be able to trun it around.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    You will get past all of this and be a much stronger person for it. Losing weight is such a bore BUT getting healthier is exciting! So I don't even think about "losing weight". (I only step on the scale every few weeks.) I think about it as getting healthier (and stronger). And THAT feels REALLY good. You will get there! I've lost 50 pounds and 8 inches off my waist and I never thought I could. :smile:
  • playprettie1
    playprettie1 Posts: 66 Member
    I will offer as much support and motivation that I possibly can! Feel free to add me!

    Stay strong, you can absolutely do this!