What's your weak spot for gaining?

I'm not a big sweet eater, partly because I have sensitive teeth, so when I go to the doctor and she asks about my weight, she tells me to avoid the sweets, lay low on indulgences such as ice cream and snack cakes...

I say, I don't really eat that stuff, and I get a look like, "okay, you're in denial," but, but, but, when I say, "I love veggies. I love them swimming in butter, and I like to go back for seconds and thirds. Oh, and I absolutely love buttery mashed potatoes and pasta. Sometimes at lunch, I'll make a pot of pasta for a quick hunger fix, and I cannot...cannot stop at just one bowl," my problem sinks in.

My BIGGEST weak spot for my weight problem is probably pasta. It's so addictive to me. Of all the foods I crave, that's the one big one that I can easily and usually way-over-do. Not only that, but I think it's an appetite trigger for the rest of the day for me.

On top of that, I have trouble with portion sizing. I eat way too much and go back for more. Just food. Bad food, good food, usually comfort food.

I think there are lists and lists of diet do's and don'ts, but the reason some "diets" work for some and not others is that we all have different "styles" of eating. It might be more important to look at what we do and consider our biggest downfalls before embarking on a journey to lose weight and keep it off.

I have to learn to scale down my portion sizes. and...I should probably avoid pasta (and many heavily carbed-up foods at that).

What's your weak spot?


  • AnjaZ89
    AnjaZ89 Posts: 235
    I was a an addict to pasta, bread and sweets, it made up nearly my entire diet a few years ago!!

    First I cut down on sweets, but I still have double portions of cake lol
    I manage the pasta well now, but I still love bread, so I try to keep it out of the house or I will just snack 6-8 toasts a day!!!
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Fast food ... just too easy to get
  • beejaytee1982
    beejaytee1982 Posts: 1 Member

    (I'm new, be gentle) for me it's portion size too, I LOVE food all food which is why I am the size I am (enourmous). I also love crisps, so tend to buy ones I don't like for my husband and the kids, as I have no stop button for crisps :)

    Bev x
  • gregre04
    Mine is bread or crackers with butter. The only thing I have in my house is sandwich thins because I will load butter on regular bread.
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    Mine is definitely bread! I just feel soo deprived when or if I do not have a least one slice per day!
    I have found, however, that it is the very thing that has my weight going up if I indulge and have more than 3 slices in a day.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Mine used to be toast with marmite. I don't buy bread now. If it's not in the house, it's not in my mouth! x
  • Chanti1620
    Chanti1620 Posts: 92 Member
    Comfort food, I love side orders... Mac and cheese, mash potatoes, veggies no butter or anything... and chocolate
    Cake, i just recently rediscovered CRUNCH and ahhhh man i went thru bags of those...

    so i decided not to buy any of those anymore, if i want to have anything chocolate i make it myself so i include quality ingredients and i just try not to eat my side orders as much now once a week... which is way better than the 3-4 times a week
  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    Fast food ... just too easy to get

    This, especially pizza.
  • lambchoplewis
    Peanut butter anything!!! I can't have it in the house.
  • andersonjo0306
    andersonjo0306 Posts: 304 Member
    HAHAH...You are addicted to sugar, in the form of carbs....That has always been my problem too. I love veggies, I love pasta, I love potatoes.....

    I have not given any of it up I have just learned my portions. I think sometimes being a carb addict is more difficult than being into to obvious sweets.

    Now I measure and log and watch everything.

    Believe me doctors dont know everything
  • kellieym
    kellieym Posts: 8 Member
    Pizza, pizza, pizza and bread of any type is terrible for me!
  • North44
    North44 Posts: 359 Member
    Oh gosh this is an easy one for me. It's potatoes. I love them in almost any form but especially french fries. I saw this show once called Freaky Eaters and some people would actually eat nothing but french fries or potatoes- for years! Instead of being repulsed as most people would have been, I was like, yeah, I could really get into that. LOL, well, maybe not, but almost!

    When i'm eating out I really need to watch myself because even if I don't have any french fries I will attempt to steal them from other people's plates! Only the people I know, not complete strangers. :D
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Potatoes in any form, pasta smothered in cream sauces, and sweets (names one, I probably LOVE it)! Carb-addict here!
  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    Look at yesterdays diary ice cream
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    To the OP: I had the very same weaknesses two years ago--starches, starches, starches!!!! Anyway, I solved this by getting them all out of the house. I refuse to buy them because if I do, I eat them. You will find that the hardest thing is getting them out of the diet, but once you have managed to keep them out of the diet for a few months, it does get easier to deny yourself those things. When I do enjoy them, on occasion such as a birthday or anniversary celebration, I eat them at a restaurant so that it isn't in the house. Many of us have been exactly where you are right now. We have overcome and you can too! Good luck in your journey.
  • devrinator
    devrinator Posts: 79 Member
    These are all awesome replies, because it's good to know that we all have a little in common. I'm seeing that with the carbs!

    Kellieym mentioned pizza. Yeah...that's just too hard to resist when the melting cheese sends vapors to my senses. I think it's easier not to buy it, but when someone else is eating or ordering, It's very easy to cave.

    I like what M-Wilh said, because I've lost and gained weight a few times before...each time crunching up toward a higher weight, but when I stop logging calories I fall off. I think for me, it's good to practice eating "just a little" bit of a thing when the temptation comes my way. I went from 200 to 164 not too long ago (crazy that I'm back near 200 again, right?), and when I was dieting, I was exercising and eating low-carb meals (not Atkis or anything) with veggies and whole foods. I cracked one day when my husband made a big pan of mac and cheese. I was a little loony with how I dealt with it!!

    I tend to go all-in with dieting. It becomes a game for a couple of months, and I do lose. No excuses for me. If I log calories and exercise, I have no problems losing it. It's keeping it off. It's those trigger foods--pastas (and oh yeah, pizza).

    I think I'm in denial about the crisps/chips because I don't crave them, but by golly, if they're there...eeeeeh, I can avoid, but just one in my mouth is problem!!
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    Mine is definitely peanut butter. I can and have eaten at least half a jar of peanut butter straight out of the jar in an evening. I can usually exercise restraint and keep myself to a serving or two per day, but if I've had anything to drink, etc, then I head straight for the jar >>

    Also, the usual cookies, chips (sun chips, omg), ice cream... I just stopped having it in the house because they're more foods that I have a hard time eating in moderation. I will still indulge if I'm going out, or if I'm hanging out with friends, but I just don't keep it around for my personal consumption. And honestly, I don't miss it.
  • tjfrisque
    tjfrisque Posts: 267 Member
    definately carbs. Potato chips (love em), potatoes, bread. And like one of the other posts, if I had anything to drink I find myself eating this.
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Weekend BBQ's. But im not about to give them up. I'd get put on a boat and kicked out of Australia. :tongue:
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    Potatoes. Mashed, fried (garlic and with ranch)... Home fries... In tacos, burritos

    They are my vice.