Am I bloated, lack of muscle or have a health problem?



  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    I have the same and it is frustrating when you work so hard to be fit, trim and slim. I have the same body but this is why I had to do. I know how you feel about running but I concentrated on running and in tandem would do a lot of core and big muscle strength training (squats, lunges, leg press and back exercises) I did lose more weight but my overall body fat percentage dropped and I got rid of most, not all, but most of my pooch so to say and I looke more in proportion.

    I then added slowly more calories to my diet and did primarily weight training and always engaging your core and I put on muscle, toned and looked much better.

    I understand how irritating people ask if you're pregnant because I put ALL my weight on my stomach and when people ask I get really self conscious lol, especially if I'm in off training season.
  • lestabeads
    hey, yoga helps my bulge, but mine is really bad at the moment, as my bowels are clogged, not pooping at all....are your bowels regular?
  • AdelaDi
    AdelaDi Posts: 25 Member
    My advice is DEFINITELY see a doctor! Two friends of mine had this problem (their lower stomach was bloated) and they both turned out to have ovarian cysts. One of my friends was ok after only a small surgery, but the other one's cyst was actually cancer. Fortunately it was discovered and operated on time. This can be serious! Maybe it's nothing, but better safe than sorry! Good luck!
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I think enough of us here have been asked "are you pregnant?" before when we had gained weight but were not pregnant & it made us feel even worse about ourselves. Maybe MFP isn't the place to be asking someone "are you pregnant?" even if they are skinny everywhere else, k?

    Anyway, your tummy could be a perfectly normal shape for you. My tummy is the place where I gain weight first & like many is the hardest to take off. I have a low sodium intake too (< 1,500mg/day usually) so it's not that. You're already small, so I would say weights/ strength exercise & if you have medical concerns talk to a Dr & see if you can do some tests.

    Thank you. I know I am definitely not pregnant for sure! Haha. But it doesn't look right because it's out of proportion I have small arms, chest, rib area, legs, face everything is skinny and then my stomach is massive in proportion
    Yeah I was the same way for awhile too. One person actually insisted I was pregnant: "Oh, you just don't want anyone to know?" Me: "No, I'm really not pregnant." Everything else on me was small. Now the rest of my body started catching up with my tummy haha.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Looks like mine when I bloat
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member


    Please can I have links to weight lifting routines if that's what you suggest

    This does not look like "under weight" to me. Skinny, yes. Under weight, no.

    If you think there's an issue, see a doctor. If there is no issue (says a doctor) then it must be either one of 2 things that it looks like. Either A) you're preggers -or- B) you are "skinny fat" which is someone with a high body fat percentage yet is a small size. Usually, this is caused by diet + cardio without weight training or just excessive dieting (or excessive cardio).

    To fix problem B, eat a reduced calorie diet (calorie deficit) and add in at least 3 days per week of weight training to your normal exercise routine (and if that is something non existant, create one...) Choose compound exercises using heavy weights such as squats, deadlifts, bench press, back rows, push-ups, and pull-ups and variations...for help choosing exercises, someone above suggested NROLW which is a good start. Strong Lifts is also good and so is TNB (The New Bodybuilding Workout). Make sure that you check your measurements including body fat percentage on a regular basis. As long as you are working out and eating at a deficit, you should see that stomach fat (and all other body fat) shrink and some beautiful muscles become visible as the fat goes away from them.

    Not underweight? alright....I'm 98 Lbs and thats underweight for me. I'm posting pictures.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member


  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    I currently have the "male version" of what you have (fairly flat tummy but lower tum has a little "pooch" - but much less than it used to be thanks to incorporating strength training (since July), cardio, and eating at a slight deficit yet keeping the metabolism up.

    I lost about 25 lbs but this past year was different/better than other years because of strength training, continued cardio and increased protein(level out the blood sugar and just good generally) and fiber(helps fill me up) - because this time my body fat percentage (from about 25%(april)-17.5%(november) changed and I could see a difference physically.

    Keep us posted on your journey! THis is a very common challenge! I had a trainer for about six months who is a bodybuilder and said that it's just a very stubborn area and sometimes the last one to go... but I believe it will if you keep going!
  • punkin_p
    You appear to be what we call "skinny-fat". You mention you worked hard to lose weight, and it's great that you were able to do that. But the problem is that as you lost weight, you lost an equal amount of fat and muscle mass, with the result being that your body composition hasn't changed.

    That's why even though you've hit the number on the scale that you were aiming for, you still aren't happy with the way your body looks. Body composition is a lot more important for self-esteem than overall size.

    So what you need to do is gain muscle. All over your body. And the best way to do that is to lift heavy. I like Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe, but other popular programs for beginners are Stronglifts 5x5 or New Rules of Lifting for Women. You'll do a handful of large compound movements like squats, press, and deadlifts, and increase the weight every time you lift. The good news is you will also get to eat more. Since you say you're already underweight, and at 98 lb I believe you, you'll get to eat more, the number on the scale will go up, but you'll look different and be happier with your body.

    Basically, you'll look more like a sprinter than a marathon runner:
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    i have this exact problem and as a result wear a much larger pant size than i want to. ugh. all the people asking you if you are pregnant, man I KNOW how this feels!!!!!!!!!!!

    i have not seen a doctor either, and am hoping it goes away with the strength training i am doing. i also hear yoga helps, and as this forum has declared as well, so i am going to up that.

    i wish you luck. please let us know in this post if you figure it out!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Should I visit my doctor or no?

    95% of the responses in both this thread and the other one you created before this suggested to see your doctor. No one is going to be able to diagnose you through photos.
  • angleu
    angleu Posts: 140 Member
    Should I visit my doctor or no?

    95% of the responses in both this thread and the other one you created before this suggested to see your doctor. No one is going to be able to diagnose you through photos.

    I agree you posted the same thing a few days ago and are getting back the same responses..go see a Doctor ;)
  • veggieluver2
    veggieluver2 Posts: 70 Member
    As others have said--I you're concerned about a possible health issue, make an appointment with your doctor. You must have a valid concern since you posted it.

    No one here is in a position to make a diagnosis by looking at a photo of your belly. Call your doctor to rule out any health issues.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I am less than 110 lb and I have more belly fat than you do. I think I'm an apple or banana shape so I guess that it will be the last to go.

    Just keep losing body fat by exercising and creating a deficit. If you work out your ab muscles you will start to see some more definition in the upper torso where you are more lean, and that will make you look a bit skinnier too.
  • AmandaW01
    AmandaW01 Posts: 138
    I'd agree with the others, (most of them) - the very best thing you can do right now is to go to see your doctor - just get yourself checked over to put your mind at rest that there is nothing wrong with you - if you don't you'll be worrying. Get yourself checked, I'm 99% certain they'll give you a clean bill of health which removes any concerns, and then you need to follow the advice of the very wise people here who say to forget the number on the scale, just get working. Lift, lift heavy, you won't end up looking like a body builder, but you will lower your body fat %, raise your lean muscle and get rid of the pooch. So many women have this fear of muscles, of bulking and its crazy - a runner's body, an athlete's body is a million times more beautiful than a model's....
  • andersonjo0306
    andersonjo0306 Posts: 304 Member
    Most of us are not doctors and are not qualified to judge if you have a health problem. Make an appointment to see your doctor if you have concerns. Regular check ups are a great idea either way.

  • Sunflowergirl1
    Sunflowergirl1 Posts: 33 Member
    I have had a similar below navel bump my whole life. Years ago I asked my doctor about it and he said it was partially due to having a tipped uterus, totally harmless, but mostly just because that is how I'm built. It does get better with core strengthening work, but I will always have a roller coaster instead of a flat board, and I'm fine with that.
  • Celuwen
    Celuwen Posts: 80 Member
    Is this sudden, OP? If it's sudden, or come on gradually, I'd say: sodium, babies, menstruation.

    Otherwise, it could be swayback, which is a posture thing. Certain yoga poses can help; I'm not nearly as thin as you are yet, but by doing these as part of my stretches, I don't ever have the "lower girl pooch."

    Fabulous link, thank you!
  • artesano13
    I think you just need to strengthen your core muscles. I suggest pilates and regular use of the weights (esp. the ones that work your abs) at your gym. I bet after 3-4 weeks of these exercises you'll start to see a difference.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    See the doctor and if there is no problem, do weights and make sure you are eating the correct amount of calories using the 'in place of a roadmap' post
    For weights you could start the stronglifts program. Look online and at the stronglifts group on here!

    All the best :)