I cheated today



  • dee_bee
    dee_bee Posts: 36
    Firstly, well done on taking the first step.

    I don't have cheat days.

    I don't diet.

    I'd rather make CHOICES than cheat. I CHOOSE to have that chocolate mudcake with strawberries and cream or I CHOOSE to have that slice of pizza. And you know what, tonight I had both. Homemade pizza (496 cals) and that delicious dessert (300 cals.) It's just all about moderation and learning to control your portion sizes.

    I 100% admit that I have days where I don't make the best choices food-wise, but that's all part of the journey. It helps you keep your sanity.

    I am never going to give up all of life's luxuries so why would I do it now? I am making sustainable changes to my lifestyle that I can, and will, be able to continue for the rest of my life.
  • roguex_1979
    roguex_1979 Posts: 247 Member
    HAHAHA! 400 cals over 1200? That's not a cheat! That's sensible, unless it was pure fatty stuff.

    As some others have said, don't beat yourself up. I have found that I've been eating more and still losing weight because my body couldn't handle 1200 cals a day and so I would not lose anything.

    And as others have said, a planned 'cheat day' can be good. I have one a week, and I don't intentionally over indulge, but I do have something that I've been craving, like KFC or Burger King. It helps me to feel that I'm not depriving myself because this isn't a diet, this is a lifestyle change, and having 'cheat days' will always happen!

    And well done so far!
  • briznik
    briznik Posts: 32 Member
    I've started treating my calorie goals as a weekly thing, rather than a daily thing. Makes life so much easier and from a pure mathematical (in-out) point of view works just as well.

    By all means go over every once in a while, especially if you enjoy it :-)
  • choncho007
    choncho007 Posts: 20 Member
    What I do is I have one "Bad Day" a week. I personally don't plan a specific day it just usually happens. I am always over on that day but you know what:? I love it!! It helps me stay good and on track the rest of the week and I just usually add another 30 min workout somewhere in my week. I would not be able to diet well without this and I still hit my 2 pounds lost a week.
  • Happens to most of us!!! Happens to me about once per month. I usually end up in a full blown binge - sorry to say. Yesterday for the first time, I almost started a binge but stopped - a VICTORY!! I was bored and hungry and had a protein bar (love them), veggies and one scoop of p'butter. Sat down and thought about how I would feed tomorrow - like crap. I went and took a long bath in middle of day, sat in the bed and relaxed. Time passed and so did mood to eat.

    Nothing tastes as good as being thin.
  • Wow! I feel the same way. Thanks for this.
  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    It was good to read this. I feel somewhat better about my pizza hut overdose last night :/
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Don't worry about a mere 400 calories if it happens once.

    If you are losing a pound a week then you are creating a deficit of 3,500 calories. 400 isn't so much in that context.

    You can add in an extra exercise day to your schedule and burn off that number, if you want.

    (feeling less guilty about that Chik Fil A sandwich from yesterday...)
  • I have a "cheat dinner" once a week, usually on the weekend. Last night I had 4 slices of pizza from pizza hut. I was very satisfied. I try not to have entire cheat days because then I feel gross. Now for the next 6 days I will be at or under my calorie goals.
  • themrs3
    themrs3 Posts: 1 Member
    you need a cheat day -to help keep your cravings at bay and as motivation to do well the rest of the week. However, soon, I think you'll see that you won't even want to have a "cheat day" because you'll want to make good choices because they make you feel good.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    At least it was only one slice and one roll. Could have been five of each. :)
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    If I couldn't indulge once in a while, I'd never stick to a normally healthy eating plan. It would make me miserable.

    Saying that, 400 calories over isn't going to wreck you. Even 7 days straight of 400 over isn't going to wreck you (that's not even a pound of weight, just don't use it as excuse to keep overindulging, because then it will add up). Just stay on track (consider upping your calories and activity so you can enjoy more food).

    Slow and steady with more indulgences that still keep you losing is the most sustainable way to deal with eating. It isn't all or nothing. You don't have to starve yourself to do this. There's no rush to the finish line with health and nutrition.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    If I couldn't indulge once in a while, I'd never stick to a normally healthy eating plan. It would make me miserable.

    Saying that, 400 calories over isn't going to wreck you. Even 7 days straight of 400 over isn't going to wreck you (that's not even a pound of weight, just don't use it as excuse to keep overindulging, because then it will add up). Just stay on track (consider upping your calories and activity so you can enjoy more food).

    Slow and steady with more indulgences that still keep you losing is the most sustainable way to deal with eating. It isn't all or nothing. You don't have to starve yourself to do this. There's no rush to the finish line with health and nutrition.

    ^^ This! Well said :flowerforyou:
  • RipperSB
    RipperSB Posts: 315 Member
    I have been doing great for 10 days, perfect under my calorie goal. But today I had a piece of pizza and a pizza roll from pizza hut along with ranch. I was 400 calories over today. Is this bad?

    No, it is not!
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    Last Saturday i went way over my Calorie intake. Worked hard all week and lost 2.2kg.

    Today i went 1624 calories over my limit. Its a lot lol, but i don't go kicking myself over it.

    I allow myself to relax, eat yummy food, drink a few ciders and forget about my weight loss woes.

    Tomorrow ill focus on burning it all off all week.

    I look at it like a challenge.
  • tsamples23
    tsamples23 Posts: 33 Member
    I plan having a cheat day once a week, however on my cheat days, I still make sure to log my calories and try to ask myself if I'm hungry before I eat. I try not to eat a whole bunch of something because I just want a taste of it. (I fail quite often at this) but no matter how badly my week ends on Mondays I always say I'm starting over at this and get back on the wagon and don't beat myself up about the previous week.
  • ebr250
    ebr250 Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks everyone. I appreciate it. Is it okay to cheat once in a while?

    To me it depends on how I will feel about what I eat afterwards. If I think I will feel remorseful about eating whatever it is, I don't do it. Also if I think I will feel physically ill, I definitely don't do it!! For example, I know I will SO regret eating stale brownies in the break room at work so I don't do it. But the occasional small hot fudge sundae from McDonald's or DQ satifies me and doesn't make me feel guilty. I steer clear of DQ Blizzards though just for the fact that I feel sick to my stomach after eating them. Just really think about what you are eating - "mindful" eating, the big buzzword right?
  • paulaspoole
    paulaspoole Posts: 17 Member
    Firstly, well done on taking the first step.

    I don't have cheat days.

    I don't diet.

    I'd rather make CHOICES than cheat. I CHOOSE to have that chocolate mudcake with strawberries and cream or I CHOOSE to have that slice of pizza. And you know what, tonight I had both. Homemade pizza (496 cals) and that delicious dessert (300 cals.) It's just all about moderation and learning to control your portion sizes.

    I 100% admit that I have days where I don't make the best choices food-wise, but that's all part of the journey. It helps you keep your sanity.

    I am never going to give up all of life's luxuries so why would I do it now? I am making sustainable changes to my lifestyle that I can, and will, be able to continue for the rest of my life.
  • paulaspoole
    paulaspoole Posts: 17 Member
    Great outlook!
  • I did the same thing last week, but I am starting overtoday. Forget about the past! We are all human! just do better next time!