what were you labeled as in high school??



  • tabbykat6802
    tabbykat6802 Posts: 233 Member
    choral/drama geek. A nobody important.
  • Dani76babi
    Dani76babi Posts: 82 Member
    I was the tall nice girl that everyone knew of, but didn't KNOW.

    This! And I was also that chunky girl with the cute face (so I was told) lol
  • The girl with short hair, imaginative, good at art! :)
  • I never really paid attention to labels, but to people who didn't know me I was probably the smart weird girl, and to people who knew me I was the funny, philanthropic girl.
  • Jongfaith
    Jongfaith Posts: 195
    Band geek here!
  • LadyGhostDuchess
    LadyGhostDuchess Posts: 894 Member
    Coach White's Daughter (nothing like being the out of shape daughter of the head football coach oi)
    Triple Chin
    Five Head
    Stretch (from stretch marks)
    The Fat and Unattractive friend
    First Girl to graduate as an Anime Artist from my high school (I don't do anime anymore LOL
  • Saaaam42
    Saaaam42 Posts: 154 Member
    Cheerleader & party animal.
  • Deebug60
    Deebug60 Posts: 62 Member
    B*tch... because I would not put up with anyone's *kitten*. If they left me alone, then I left them alone.
  • i had a reputation for being a harlot. But I was a virgin until my senior year lol.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Ice Princess. Yeah, I would not date the boys in high school. They seemed...imature. I know, I know...we were young and all that...but still....:ohwell:

    The thing that really got me was the senior yearbook thing. The section about so and so will most likely be....Mine was Playboy Centerfold. Go figure. LOL
  • "New kid" "the quiet one" i was pretty much a bit of everything, I changed my label every time i moved schools (definitely entertaining) so I had a field day of what i wanted to be labeled
  • Altruista75
    Altruista75 Posts: 409 Member
    I was the quite, shy, over-weight nerd. =(
  • tigerlinly
    tigerlinly Posts: 219 Member
    I don't think I had a label in high school.

    Ironically, I was a bit slutty but always came across very innocent. A friend of mine who was a virgin and in her entire life has only had sex with the two men she married (not at the same time) dressed slutty so everyone thought she was. Well, I didn't because I knew. But people who weren't her friends.

    i was the same way i always kept to myself and kept my mouth shut. but still i think thye used to judge me because of my older brother i never really had friends becaue of the pratical jokes he always pulled on everyone. it wasnt until 20 year reunion they actually started accepting me because i would show up at reunions and leave my brother at home and they started realizing i wasnt the pratical joker type that he was i was actually more the nerd type
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    I was voted "Most Technical" in the yearbook my senior year... I was a student teacher by Junior year so I guess I was pretty nerdy.

    I was mostly known for the "white girl that sang the national anthem." I sang it every single morning on the announcements.
  • vampee
    vampee Posts: 103 Member
    Freak (I was more Goth but not many knew this term in the 80's where I lived)
    Alternative chick
    Casper (Because I was so pale)
    China Doll (Same reason as above and I wore red lipstick)
    Lesbo (funny because I wasn't)
    Freak in bed (also funny because they were simply going off my scene)
  • AmberB519
    AmberB519 Posts: 336 Member
    I was pretty shy and quiet. So mostly people thought I was a snob or a b!tch :P As an adult now, people always assume I was a cheerleader in HS. Not so much ;)
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    snob/slut, depending who you talked to. Snob, because I wouldn't go out with guys in school, I had a boyfriend who didn't go to school. Slut, because all my friends were guys. at that time i was a bit more of a tom boy. FYI, I only ever had one boyfriend, and we're married going on 18 years.
  • barbiedoll23
    barbiedoll23 Posts: 31 Member
    Miss Charasmatic..... Lol. I had friends in every group so I was always talking to someone.. Blabbering would be a better word... haha! I would even have convos with the teachers O_o I wouldn't shut up in class but because I pretty much did well and knew how to "sweet talk" I got away with it. Some thought I was intimidating.. But hey, once you get to know me, you'd see I'm soo not!!:D
  • rockangel8907
    rockangel8907 Posts: 429 Member
    I had no lable, I was the fat quiet girl everyone tried to ignore, unless they were making her life living hell.
  • The brainy, quiet, fat girl.