feeling trapped



  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    Don't let the haters get you down. I'd rather be kind and fat than a snotty ***** any day!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I jiggle too, everywhere! Don't let them get to you... you're working hard for what you want and their jibes are just their way of making themselves feel a little better regardless of how they look. They also probably thought that you couldn't hear them so it was easier for them to say.

    You will look as fantastic as you want to in good time, something to look forward to :)
  • lyndalpn
    lyndalpn Posts: 151 Member
    This is why I hate the gym. When I am running on the road if people think anything bad I have run away from them before they can say it HAHAHA!
  • maeveslim
    maeveslim Posts: 69 Member
    When I am in the gym and feeling self conscious I just try and develop tunnel vision and see my goal at the end of it. Other people can say what they want and I can't stop them but they sure as hell aren't going to put me off getting to my goals. You go for it, it's your life, your body they can sort their small mindedness out in their own time! Great job on the running :)
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    It drives me crazy how I feel trapped in this body. I know under all this weight is a fit person that I really want to be!

    Yesterday at the gym I was running my 2 miles and then walked another mile. When walking I turn off my music and have quite time. Its then that I heard the lady next to me tell her friend "did you see her jiggle." I was mortified!

    First, a lot of people, even very thin people without much "jiggle" can not run 2 miles and then walk one.

    Secondly, next time someone says something like that, I want you to confront them and tell them they suck. Maybe say something like "Did you also see me run a mile in 10 minutes?" or whatever fitness accomplishment you're proud of. People like this need to be confronted and challenged. No one deserves to be publically humiliated, especially not someone who is working as hard as you were. At my gym there are actually rules about this kind of thing since it's technically harassment- anyone who several people complain about can be asked to take their business elsewhere if they're creating an environment that makes other people not want to show up.
  • Machdude
    Machdude Posts: 136 Member
    Move on. Some people are just thoughtless. We can't control what others do or say, but we can control how we react to them. Use this to your advantage and don't let them upset you, but rather motivate you to keep working to get to where you don't "jiggle" anymore! Hat's off to you for improving youself!
  • Well this lady is a total a** because she dosen't even know you or your journey and she allow herself being rude! don't listen to mean and bad people they do not worth the time you spend thinking about then , while she is mean you are trying your best , you go there and kick some butts and you trying to change what you don't love while small minded people like her mind bussiness that not even belongs them :)