Uh no... I did a bad thing :(



  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    It happens.
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    Don't worry about it - it's done - it's over, grab a water, brush your teeth and start again. There are 2 analogies someone gave me: If you dropped your cell phone on the ground you wouldn't keep smashing it on the ground till it's broken would you? Or if you ran a red light, you wouldn't run every red light for the rest of the day right?

    I dunno, they helped me reshift my thinking - LOL.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    My "indulgence" turned into a binge because I ate while I was emotional, causing me to go about 500 calories over my daily goal. Whenever I get like this I just feel like I might as well give up, and that's where it always stops for me. I don't want a bad night to turn into completely falling off the wagon. What do you do to avoid a "snowball effect" when you've gone over your calories?

    500 calories over your daily limit set to 1 pound per week loss = even. MFP set you for a 500 calorie deficit if you are at 1 pound per week so at the very worst you did not lose any weight today. NO BIG DEAL, get back at it tomorrow eat healthy do not starve yourself.
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    brush it off! it happens! were human! if you can, go for a walk? clean, vacuum? jump rope! anything to take your stress out on. at least you see what you did and feel guilty. before this site, 500 calorie binges were nothing for me! i had a BAD day yesterday. live and learn and start over:)
  • KTwalksThePlank
    KTwalksThePlank Posts: 20 Member
    I read somewhere that you cannot have the attitude of "Well, I already ruined my diet for the day, might as well eat whatever I want."
    Because that's the same thing as saying, "Well, I cracked my phone, I might as well smash it to pieces."

    Good luck, and I am right there with you.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    My "indulgence" turned into a binge because I ate while I was emotional, causing me to go about 500 calories over my daily goal. Whenever I get like this I just feel like I might as well give up, and that's where it always stops for me. I don't want a bad night to turn into completely falling off the wagon. What do you do to avoid a "snowball effect" when you've gone over your calories?

    500 calories over your daily limit set to 1 pound per week loss = even. MFP set you for a 500 calorie deficit if you are at 1 pound per week so at the very worst you did not lose any weight today. NO BIG DEAL, get back at it tomorrow eat healthy do not starve yourself.

    Exactly. You didn't screw up that badly. You likely gained nothing, and at the very worst, you simply maintained for a day. Nothing to give up over. Keep going!!! :flowerforyou:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    500 calories is hardly a blip on the screen. Do not let this derail you. If you go over by 2,000 calories don't let it derail you. Just don't make it a habit!
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Press on. 500 cals?? Not to belittle your concern, but when I do that it's like 1500-2000!! Depending on your settings MFP has you on a 500 cal deficit so going over 500 cals isn't really going to do anything but keep you where you are at. To me falling off the wagon is going for broke, eating everything in sight and not logging it. You're still logging.
  • kodom_123
    kodom_123 Posts: 117 Member
    My "indulgence" turned into a binge because I ate while I was emotional, causing me to go about 500 calories over my daily goal. Whenever I get like this I just feel like I might as well give up, and that's where it always stops for me. I don't want a bad night to turn into completely falling off the wagon. What do you do to avoid a "snowball effect" when you've gone over your calories?

    500 cals? You prob still were in a deficit

    exactly what I was gonna say...most people on here have a HUGE deficit on their MFP calorie goal so even at 500 cals over you were prolly still at at a 500 cal deficit and even if not you were prolly at maintenance which means you just ate what your body used...no biggie :)
  • naterar
    naterar Posts: 48 Member
    Remember we are human and not perfect and tomorrow is a new day. These days are just bumps in the road and the best thing is to try and learn from them and do better tomorrow. Never give up and never back down, just dust yourself off and move on. You got this... we are all here to support you.
  • Medic911ETH
    Medic911ETH Posts: 31 Member
    Your goal(s) should always be the first thing in front of you. Missing your caloric goal is in the past, it's behind you. Acknowledge the fact, don't judge yourself, face forward again, and refocus on your goal(s)
  • savingsunday
    savingsunday Posts: 148 Member
    My hubby always reminds me that you can lose a few battles and still win the war. Don't let it get you down! As a few others have said...do a little exercise and drink water. Wash your hands of it. It was an in the moment choice and we all have those. Just start fresh tomorrow...you will be fine!
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    My "indulgence" turned into a binge because I ate while I was emotional, causing me to go about 500 calories over my daily goal. Whenever I get like this I just feel like I might as well give up, and that's where it always stops for me. I don't want a bad night to turn into completely falling off the wagon. What do you do to avoid a "snowball effect" when you've gone over your calories?

    We've all eaten when 'emotional'.

    DO NOT give up. You get a mulligan--a chance to start over. Rest, get some exercise (even if you just take a walk). Start over tomorrow with a clean slate.
  • mamabarton
    a very good friend who lost 100 pounds once told me.. we do not have days where we are good nor bad... its food. It itself is neutral, it is I who make it good or bad... when i have gone overboard, i see it as a chance for my body to maximize its calorie burning potential, i drink lots of water to flush out the toxins and know that I dont do that very often at all, it reminds me also how I feel when i do overindulge (icky) ( I am on my second set of 30 pound weight loss, 8 pounds till goal weight... Keep on Keeping on!!! I will never give up nor ever surrender to being overweight again!!! ) its like missing a day at the gym.. are you going to quit because of one day??? NO WAY!!!!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I remind myself that the only way I can fail is by giving up.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    My "indulgence" turned into a binge because I ate while I was emotional, causing me to go about 500 calories over my daily goal. Whenever I get like this I just feel like I might as well give up, and that's where it always stops for me. I don't want a bad night to turn into completely falling off the wagon. What do you do to avoid a "snowball effect" when you've gone over your calories?

    sounds like you wanna quit and you are just waiting for an excuse. maybe just don't indulge for a while until you have some control over yourself. I don't understand this mindset that "ooh, i fell... oh screw it im not getting up" you must like it down there.
  • lmckillo
    lmckillo Posts: 127 Member
    No problems, we all slide a bit the important thing is to not quite. If I slip, then I shoot for my total weekly goal, as long as I am under no problems. Even if I am over for a bit for my weekly total, I just carry on.
  • mauswood
    mauswood Posts: 137 Member
    It's just one night....do a little extra work out tomorrow, drink a ton of water tonight to flush it through your system, and don't worry about it. Just remember how it makes you feel and try to use that as a motivation in the future to avoid it :)
  • yesmikan
    yesmikan Posts: 98 Member
    500 calories is nothing. I wouldn't even call that a binge; I've done much, MUCH worse. Don't fret about it.
  • HandyASH
    HandyASH Posts: 109 Member
    It is easier said then done but, that was a moment not a reflection of you. What I do is go onto the message boards, which clearly you have and look at the other success stories. Or ask the friends that you have made on MFP and ask them is they have slipped and had a bad moment. Guaranteed most of them will say "YES".
    If you want another friend you can friend me.
    Just remember it was a moment not a refection! :happy: :flowerforyou: