*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • Hello everyone! This is my story. My name is Lynn. I am a 43yr old mother of two awesome teenage daughters 17 & 19 and a wife. I graduate May 18, 2013 with my RN degree (yeah!!!). I have always been overweight from toddlerhood until now. Ten years ago I went through a divorce and lost 100 lbs. just from the stress I think. Well guess what? I met a new guy back then, ended up getting married and being happy. Needless to say I got into that comfort zone of having a husband who loved me no matter what size I was and I let my weight go to hell.

    Now I am just plain tired of being fat! I also am not okay with being a fat nurse. How can I talk to someone else about eating healthy and exercising when I don't do that myself. So here I am! My goal is to lose 150 lbs. This is my second week here, loving it so far. I would love to be part of this group if I may because I need all the encouragement I can get.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well a bit of googling has possibly revealed what my problem is (the mystery weight gain). The doctor put me on Naproxen for my wrist pain (due to hoisting baby around). Lots of people report sudden weight gain of 5 -10lbs in just a couple of days when taking naproxen. I'm hoping that's what it is. Essentially it causes water retention (and considering I've been drinking like water is going to disappear this could explain things). I really ohpe that this is what it is and that its not a real gain. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • Hi to everyone. My story is this .. I am single and 57 years into life and I've been heavy for 57 years of it. As a child I was a member of the 'clean you plate' club and was rewarded with more food and sweets when I was good. I have 1 wonderful son in the Marines, and 2 beautiful step daughters from my ex-marriage. I have 8 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. I've had both knees replaced and suffer from lower back pain due to my weight. I work in the food restaurant business and I'm on my feet usually 12 hours a day. Looking to find others who will stick by me and encourage me on my journey .. and I will do the same.
  • mumofsix
    mumofsix Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Tammy(Tam). I am a 41 yr old mother of 6 kids,ages11-21.I have been married to my hubby for 23yrs(March) I have been struggling with my weight since the birth of my second oldest child. It was an up and down experience until i was preggers 15 yrs ago and since then its been pretty much a steady climb.I have tried "dieting" on and off in between and the most i was able to get off at a time was between 18-25 lbs. I finally went to my doctor late last yr and was diagnosed with an under active thyroid and anemic. Which was partially explaining my constant fatigue. I co-own a business with my hubby,so i work 5 days a week along with the daily running of the house and kids.There are definite emotional factors that have contributed to my weight as well over the yrs that if i am comfortable enough someday i might share on here.
    Since i was still growing and my body still changing when i started putting on weight and having kids i am not sure what weight i will be happy to get to. I also was never toned, and i really want to get into weights and have a nicely muscled(just pleasantly so) body. I have my ticker set to wanting to loose 100 lbs. As i get closer to my target weight i may or may not adjust that. I can't remember when i originally started MFP but i have just become reacquainted last week.
    I have some support at home but no one has the same weight issues as i do. I am really looking forward to giving and receiving support .From what i have been able to read the last couple days i think i am really going to enjoy this site
  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm Susan. 52 yr. old mom of 2 girls: 20 and 15. Married to my College Sweetheart for 27 years. Have always struggled wtih my weight, but since beginning menopause it has been the hardest of all. The doctor is warning me of prediabetes and prehypertension and I need to make some lasting changes. Current weight is 231 and I need to lose at least 75 to 100 lbs. Mostly tired of the lack of energy and daily feeling ill. In the interest of full disclosure, I've also got a crappy attitude about it--but I'm the one who has to change and move so that is that.

    On top of all that I am a rep for a natural food company--not looking too professional talking to folks about healthy eating when I am so heavy. Time to pull up my big girl panties and do what needs to be done.

    Thanks for reading. Nice to know I'm not alone.
  • spiritedsaviour
    spiritedsaviour Posts: 50 Member
    HI all, I'm 26, 5ft 4" and 215lbs, most of that weight has been put on in the last year!! I want to get down to about 10st ish and dont care how long it takes me. I suffer with major depression and psychosis so most of the weight came on when I wasn't able to work and the meds I take contribute massively to weight gain. things are much better on planet spiritedsaviour now and I'm ready to get my life back!! starting gym on Monday and watching the calories!
    this isn't my first attempt at losing weight using MFP but this is the most motivated I've felt in years!!! Could do with some log in buddies to help each other along the journey!!!
  • Hi, my name is Kit. I'm a 28 yr old single parent of a wonderful 4 yr old daughter. I am currently a customer service & data manager at a small company. I have around 157-177 lbs i would LOVE to say good bye to. I love working out. It helps to relieve some of the stress and my daughter loves doing it with me. I want to get healthy and lose the weight the right way. I want to be able to look in the mirror and say I look good instead of I look fat. I want to be able to run and play with my daughter without having to stop because I'm out of breath.
    I've always been chunky all throughout school. I lost 50 lbs in high school and then gained it & some back in college. Then when I got pregnant I gained even more. I'm just ready for this to be gone so i can have my life back to spend with my daughter. I started on Jan. 6 this year, no pop or caffine. I drink 8-12 glasses of water a day and watch every thing i eat. I had to reset my starting weight since I quit doing MFP last year and gained more since then. I'm going to try my hardest to stay on track this time. So far, I have stayed on track since Jan. 6.
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Right, so I've had a weird weekend.

    I've felt utterly exhausted and ill all day on friday, so work was a complete chore, made worse by the fact I got an email (and two phone calls) offering me an interview for a job at a different company. I don't have any particular details about the job (I applied back in October) and the admin woman has been thoroughly unhelpful in filling me in, only saying "come in for a chat and they'll be able to tell you about the role"... Thing is I've only been in the current job for 3 weeks and I do like it, and I feel (although the future is not certain) I'm getting a good vibe about my role, the experience I'll get, even if the money isn't great. Speaking to m parents they're completely behind my decision to not take them up on the interview (despite all of mfp suggesting I give it a shot). I just don't feel it'll look professional for either company, I don't think I could explain only sticking out the current place for 3 weeks to the potential place and I'd not cope with. Maybe I'm passing up an amazing opportunity, but I'm thanking my lucky stars that I even have my current job, in a pretty awesome company, and I don't really feel comfortable pushing my luck right now.

    However when I went to my bf's house this weekend (got home from work exhausted about 6.45, had dinner, packed a bag, and then headed off to his at about 8pm to do the 1.5hr drive. By the time I got there (I do this every other week) I am utterly exhausted, and he's still halfway through a video game with his mate over xbox live. He barely says hi until he's finished, and wonders why I am practically asleep on his bed by the time he's ready for me. We have a nice enough weekend, but he's distant all weekend and it all feels a bit weird, and when I tell him about how I think I've made a decision about not taking the interview, he gives me a lecture about how I shouldn't write things off, I should go and see how things are, find out more etc... This really upsets me, I've been finding the whole decision hard anyway, and he'd told me that I needed to think it over and decide what's best for me, so when he starts telling me off, telling me not to be hasty when I've given it a lot of thought it feels like he just thinks I'm making the wrong decision and should do it his way. But when I ask if he thinks I should go he allegedly doesn't have an opinion but just should give it more thought. This really bugs me. He has this thing where he doesn't make decisions and it's always "no, what do you want" but I know often I'll pick the "wrong" thing even though it's meant to be my choice. This happens with food, things to watch, all kinds of things...it's really irritating as though he doesn't want to make the writing decision and upset me, but also has made a decision but doesn't want to let me in on it. I'm not really complaining about him, he's often really lovely, but I just don't know how to handle this, and it doesn't seem to be a problem that is going away as we get to know each other more (we've been together about 15months).

    To top this all off I had a horrible horrible nightmare on sat night so when I woke up from it early I didn't dare go back to sleep as it was so vivid, so I was fairly exhausted today as well!

    Anyways my eating generally wasn't too bad, I stayed within cals, but made some compromises on the types of things I wanted to eat. But I guess that's an overall win, though the weekend has left me with a bit of a weird feeling about the whole thing. Hopefully this week will be a little better!

    I'll reply to everyone else when I'm on lunch tomorrow, but I had to get that off my chest tonight before trying to sleep!
  • I'm Isaac, I have been on a while, but looking to motivate and be motivated. I'm 40 and a Hotel Manager. I sit a lot, work out at Planet Fitness, and have lost some weight. I have about 30 more to go so I've decided to not let anything stop me!
  • foodygirl
    foodygirl Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Donna, have tried some different things not very successfully. I do need motivation and ideas on eating and exercising. I want to lose 75 lbs, I love to cook and eat. Would like to share ups downs and ideas to get to where I want to be!!:wink:
  • Hello I'm Shay,,, a 32 year old woman, who has lived with a heavier body for the majority of my life. As a matter of fact, I can't remember ever feeling skinny. However, as I get older I do have a strong desire to be healthy.:heart: I need to lose 70 lbs to be my idea size.

    The problem is, many of my friends are no longer active on this site. Please feel free to send me a friend request! Thank for taking the time!:wink:
  • lombrica
    lombrica Posts: 1,419 Member
    Hello Everyone!! :) Please, make sure to come back often and start posting comments to others, this is our best way to get to know each other and get the support that we are all wanting! I apologize for those that I'm not responding to directly and individually... just that there are lots of posts, but so many of them are people who come in one time and don't appear to be coming back. Lots of people have "friend" requested others... and please don't fret or worry if people don't "accept" them immediately - for many of us we take those on our Friend List seriously and want to support each person... Also, several have asked what they need to do to "join" the group... it's really JUST posting, coming back, posting, responding directly to people, posting, reading and coming back. LOL. See, the idea is -- that you just come in and talk about what's going on and supporting the rest of the group... eventually - you start getting to know people individually.

    As for my update? I'm finally off the steroid - but I went up 26 pounds in 10 days... 7 of those are gone. I hope to see more and more of those go relatively quickly. LOL. My moods are better also - which is wonderful! And, I'm not thinking I'm starving all the time! I've been back to the gym and love it. Perhaps went too hard, but that's me! So, here we go getting back on track and doing this thing HARD. My focus is where it needs to be... so my body better keep up! Overall, I'm feeling much better - but my throat is still swollen and vocal cords irritated and rough. Had an awesome time at the Murder Mystery -- felt self conscious with the costume, but everyone thought mine was the best so... the guy I've been seeing and I stayed that night - and it was... well, plain and simply wonderful!!

    Steph: You asked me way back about why hold back from the guy? And, well, because that's safer. I guess that heart crushing that I had not so long ago is just still too fresh! Great job on heading towards your lofty goal of 10... you ROCK!! :) And? I don't believe that it's all been put back on - so there! So, you have to accept my compliments because, well, you do rock and you will be where you need to be. I'll cross my fingers that it's just horrible TOM messing with your system or the NSAID... goodness knows I put on 26 pounds in 10 days... so, here's crossing my fingers for you! And, sending a hug because sometimes we need one. Becasue even when we "know" that it'll come right back off? We also know just how much it SUCKS!! I do!

    Penny (just because there are so many Laura's I thought Penny would be easier, lol): Reseting my ticker just felt like a huge relief. I'd avoided it for so long... and I still hate the number on it when I know that the number HAD been over 100... but, it's gonna get back there. So, glad that you could finally do yours and be OK with the number. Your attitude is spot on where it needs to be with it. And, clothing is funny like that! For sure! Sorry about the tough call with the interview... I think that whatever you decide to do? Will be the EXACT right decision for you... if you decide not to, there's a reason why and if you decide to, there will also be a reason why. Don't let everyone else fill your head or your heart... because only YOU can know what is right for YOU. Relationships can suck sometimes... even when we love them! :) Glad you got some time with him, just wish it would have been better. And, I hear you on the nightmares - taht's usually what/how mine go and you just can't "chance" going back to sleep... Hugs to you as well! :)

    Julie: I had to laugh, slightly and with empathy, as you posted about TOM being a Debbie Downer! Funny enough? I get off the steroids and my moods start to stablize and TOM arrives. Never really had PMS or Impacts beyond - just well - TOM... but as I've lost, I find that I am affected... but, decided? I don't care this time - because at least it didn't interrupt my Murder Mystery & Mansion night with the guy... so, well, I'll deal. But, I had to slightly laugh at your post! :) Also? We all deserve a comfy, lazy'ish, cozy day at home! :) Hope that the jean shopping went well.

    MrsG2: I'm a very confident person... in every area except physically... So, I hear you and understand! :)

    Patticakes: I have a 20 year class reunion this summer too... over 4th of July weekend! I didn't go to my 10 year... but, I'm ready to have people say "Damn, you got hot!" So, that's part of my goal over the next several months... though, it puts an urgency to it that I hope will work in my favor vs against me... ha, ha, ha.

    Amanda/misspinkshort: I've actually USUALLY been good with most boundaries -- with work. Family? Not so much. My biggest problem was just that I didn't eat... I wasn't hungry so I didn't eat. Maybe I'd eat at the end of the day - and not necessarily sooooo much, but when you eat one time a day? Well... here I am - I sometimes still have to eat becasue the clock tells me it's time to - but I am putting those things into my schedule to ensure that I don't ever fall back. You CAN do it... :)

    MTJessi_Marie: YAY MONTANA!! I hope you keep coming back... :)

    Sandy3313: I have changed the word "diet" to mean what it truly is supposed to mean... my diet? is about the food that I intake. I don't look at this journey as a "diet" in the way most people use that term... I have a diet that I eat - which is heavy protein focus, along with fruits and veggies, and I make the most out of my carbs by focusing in on fiber and keeping clear of too much sugar. That's my "diet." As humans, so much of how we appraoch our lives is determined by our messages which is greatly impacted by our words... you might want to take away the power and depravation that you associate with "diet." if that makes sense?

    Carla: YAY!! I'm glad that you are back... at whatever level that is! Love ya Sister Skinny Chic! :)
  • dareacceptor
    dareacceptor Posts: 58 Member
    I'm Nat (or dare) and I've lost my first fifty, with about 70 to go. No spouse or children, but a successful career, and extended family. I stuggle feeling like I have to do it all myself, and wish I had a better support group in place. The first 50 have come off surprisingly well. However, now the same old things aren't working, and I've been stuck at the same weight for about 4 months. The past month I've gotten discouraged and started letting my nutrition slip. I'm pulling myself out of the winter doldrums and trying to get back at it, cause I'd love to lose another 50+ and like myself a little bit more as I improve my fitness.
  • dareacceptor
    dareacceptor Posts: 58 Member

    Anyways my eating generally wasn't too bad, I stayed within cals, but made some compromises on the types of things I wanted to eat. But I guess that's an overall win, though the weekend has left me with a bit of a weird feeling about the whole thing. Hopefully this week will be a little better!

    I'll reply to everyone else when I'm on lunch tomorrow, but I had to get that off my chest tonight before trying to sleep!

    Ugh! Kind of makes you glad to start a new week, doesn't it? Hope your Monday goes well!!
  • MartialAngel
    MartialAngel Posts: 64 Member
    Had a slight scare this morning. Thought I had gained but I thought I had done a better job than that this past week. Last week I weighed in at 183.2. This morning, it was 184. That didn't seem right so after about an hour of feeling horrible about myself, I weighed again (three times to take the average, this time.) all three times, I weighed at 183.2. So while I didn't lose any this week, I am glad that I at least maintained. I DID, however, still lose a quarter of an inch in my hips, a quarter of an inch in my bust, and half an inch in my stomach this week. I've lost a bit more in other areas, but those were my main ones. Total of 1.75 inches this week.
  • hmayo86
    hmayo86 Posts: 81 Member
    Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've posted but I have been popping in and keeping up with all the new posts. Is it bad that sometimes when I go to the success boards it just makes me mad? Lol especially the women who start out at like 160 (my goal weight) and are like "yeah I lost 30 lbs and now I'm ripped and it only took 3 months! " Seriously? I've been kicking my butt for 3 weeks and haven't even lost a full pound yet. I did go a little crazy this weekend with my food and didn't work out, but nothing went as I thought it would. I especially didn't plan on spending my Saturday at a car dealership and yesterday I had a serious case of the munchies.. I could NOT get full.. I'm glad to be back to work. I have more structure and I can only eat what's in my lunchbox so that helps. On a happier note: I did manage to lose an inch from my waist, hips, and thighs; so 4 inches total. Woohoo! I just keep trying to remind myself that it takes time and even though I don't see it on the scale I am making changes and being healthier. Great job to all of you who have lost weight lately and to those of you who are struggling just remember that you ARE trying and you ARE changing for the better and it will eventually show on the scale! Hope everyone has a great week! Keep fighting! :-)
  • StephanieStC
    StephanieStC Posts: 59 Member
    I have a question for the more experienced people on here (those who have released 25 lbs or more).

    I know that initial weight loss is usually water - which about all I have been able to accomplish in the past - and then, it hits me. This feeling in my body - it's as if I can actually feel the fat cells shrinking. (I know that sounds ridiculous, but that's the best way I can describe it).

    I can take 3-5 lbs off no problem, then it gets hard.

    So, I'm wondering if that's what it is. Now that I feel hungry 24/7, I'm having a harder time turning down sweets, I'm even dreaming about food, that that means I've hit "real" weight loss.

    My first 4 lbs (this time) was easy. This week's 1 lb (weighed in this morning), took a lot more effort.

    Any thoughts?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Find me when yall are serious!
  • dareacceptor
    dareacceptor Posts: 58 Member

    So, I'm wondering if that's what it is. Now that I feel hungry 24/7, I'm having a harder time turning down sweets, I'm even dreaming about food, that that means I've hit "real" weight loss.

    My first 4 lbs (this time) was easy. This week's 1 lb (weighed in this morning), took a lot more effort.

    Any thoughts?

    My secret? Don't deprive yourself, but do limit quantity. If you're still hungry, go for things that help fill you up (foods high in fiber like fruits and veggies) and help you feel full longer (like lean protein). I try to do my "filler" first.
    Yesterday was a luncheon at a friend's, I added veggies to my plate, and made myself eat them first... then rewarded myself by having a couple of cheetos.

    My second secret? If I feel like I can't get over wanting that handful of M&Ms, I make myself exercise *first* to increase my metabolism, then have my treat. And I'm always annoyed if I get back from working out and no longer crave the sweets.
  • MrsG2
    MrsG2 Posts: 56 Member
    On a happier note: I did manage to lose an inch from my waist, hips, and thighs; so 4 inches total. Woohoo! I just keep trying to remind myself that it takes time and even though I don't see it on the scale I am making changes and being healthier.

    I love the upside!!!