Uh no... I did a bad thing :(



  • Just remember that tommorow is a new day. One day is not going to make you fat, but remember that one day is not going to make the weight come off either ! so just keep going. well all mess up and make mistakes
  • Jongfaith
    Jongfaith Posts: 195
    I have been reading the Beck Diet solution... Mostly about how when we beat ourselves up about what we eat we then feel bad about ourselves and then do it again. Just think about every time you binge and if it is typically emotional eating then someone being hard on you for what you eat would get emotional again. Its a vicious cycle! Be kind to yourself and it could stop the cycle and then you binge once rather than saying "screw it I'm going to eat myself into oblivion because I can't control myself anyway".

    You are fine but being human you make mistakes and sometimes that means over eating. HUGS
  • Don't feel so terrible!! My 'splurge day' today (it's my one day a week where I can eat some goodies) yielded about 2,000 calories over my limit of 1,000. But I've done perfect for a whole week... so one day is not going to derail anything... just work out at least every other day or so and shave back a few calories here and there throughout the week and you'll be fine!!! If you give up, well, what's that going to do??
  • ajourney2beme
    ajourney2beme Posts: 181 Member
    I had a really bad binge the other night. I've been having some sleep issues so I found myself up at 3am and just eating whatever I could. It ended up being 1500 calories in that one binge. Yep 1500. What did I do? First I felt depressed, I got down on myself, and then I told myself to put my big girl panties on and got on MFP. I logged in every single bite that I took in that binge and I added it to my diary for the next day. Now, the only thing I really track (sometimes) when I eat are my carbs but the following day I was strict with those calories. I still ended up eating a bit over my limit that day, I mean I wasn't going to starve myself or anything. But I ended up only over by around 200.

    I think the most important thing to do though, is come up with a plan for when that happens again. I know what my trigger is. It's my lack of being able to sleep and being bored. My plan is when I know I can't sleep and I start feeling restless and ready to eat something is to start watching fitness videos on youtube or fitness shows, like biggest loser or something. Anything to do with weightloss that keeps my mind on the fact in the long run I AM trying to lose weight because I realized during my binge that the thought of losing weight or getting healthier wasn't a thought at all. Not only did this keep me from eating last night but it also gave me the motivation to do something today. My boyfriend and I took our dog for a five mile walk/jog/hike and I burned almost 1000 calories.

    It isn't about going over your goal, it's about what you do afterwards that really counts. Good luck :) You can get past this and next time I'm sure you will be better prepared!
  • Bbwnomore2
    Bbwnomore2 Posts: 225 Member
    take it one meal at a time
  • Helenov
    Helenov Posts: 56
    500 calories over your daily limit set to 1 pound per week loss = even. MFP set you for a 500 calorie deficit if you are at 1 pound per week so at the very worst you did not lose any weight today. NO BIG DEAL, get back at it tomorrow eat healthy do not starve yourself.

    ^^ This
  • akj_25
    akj_25 Posts: 244 Member
    dont ever give up!!
    for christ's sake this weekend i drank in excess, i ate brats and brownies like crazy, and i have not worked out.

    yeah i feel like crap for doing it.
    but i have no plans on giving up on my diet.

    i did good earlier in the week to make up for it.
    losing weight/ changing your lifestyle/ dieting is not easy - there will be several great days and just as many bad days. just take them in stride and remind yourself of why you want to lose weight and get your *kitten* back on track.
  • That is an absolutely, fantastically, amazing idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • MimiCro
    MimiCro Posts: 96 Member
    have a good night sleep, drink a cup of water in the morning, start off the day with a workout, clear ur mind from the negativity (thats on u and only u to do), and keep positive
  • I went over my calories once by about 1000....my mom made some yummy food. :smooched:

    And I feel really down for a bit...I only allow myself 5 minutes of this. And then I go for a walk...usually between 30 minutes to an hour, if not longer. And while I'm on my walk, I figure out what happened, how to avoid it, and what I can do now to change it. Then when I'm done with my walk, I plug it into my exercise diary and call it a day. Just because I ate 1000 more calories than I should have doesn't mean I'm not going to reach my goal. 2013 is my year! It IS going to happen!

    Stay positive! It helps! :wink:

    That is an absolutely, fantastically, amazing idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry just getting a hang of these boards)
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I can't salvage a day once I've ruined it. If I'm over calories at lunch time, I'm eating what I want for dinner. I just start fresh the next day. I refuse to feel guilty about it. It isn't permanent, it's not how I eat every day, and it happens. Get it all out of your system and start fresh tomorrow.
  • CakePlate
    CakePlate Posts: 27 Member
    You are going to get a lot of the same advice, but here it is. Eat 5-6 times a day: it keeps your blood sugar even and keeps you from getting too hungry. Eat enough!! I think sometimes we just are trying so hard that we go to extremes - this is a journey not a race. Don't have any forbidden foods, and forgive yourself if you go over every once in a while. 500 calories - not the end of the world. Try again tomorrow and keep trying.
  • CakePlate
    CakePlate Posts: 27 Member
    OMG, I am laughing so hard!! Thanks for this. I wasn't even looking for inspiration and I found it.
    dont ever give up!!
    for christ's sake this weekend i drank in excess, i ate brats and brownies like crazy, and i have not worked out.

    yeah i feel like crap for doing it.
    but i have no plans on giving up on my diet.

    i did good earlier in the week to make up for it.
    losing weight/ changing your lifestyle/ dieting is not easy - there will be several great days and just as many bad days. just take them in stride and remind yourself of why you want to lose weight and get your *kitten* back on track.
  • sensitivegirl
    sensitivegirl Posts: 15 Member
    The difference between reaching your goals and not reaching your goals is to KEEP TRYING! Any path towards a goal will involve obstacles. Accept them and then move on. Start fresh tomorrow. Use the many ideas listed here about doing more exercise or trying to catch up on calories a bit. As long as you are having good days for the majority of the time, you will be making progress towards your goals! Tell yourself you will be on track tomorrow, and then make it happen. Good luck!
  • It happens to everyone. I don't think you need to try and "undo" what happened...but what you need to focus on is why you did it and to have a game plan when you are in this situation again. You can't change what has happened but you can be prepared if it happens again. The numbers mean nothing. Just realizing that you are an emotional eater is a victory in itself:smile: . We all come up against challenges with everything in our life...it's important to not beat yourself up over it. Good luck!
  • bjm21866
    bjm21866 Posts: 5 Member
    Weight is gained a little bit at a time.........your "mistake" was only one little bit........it takes many little bits to equal being overweight......just realize that you either choose to be the "mistake" or you choose to be a healthy weight, making that decision each and every day.....BTW......there are far less mistakes if you offset your calories with intense exercise every day:) Good luck. The sure way to continue the mistake is to dwell on it. So.........let go and move on.
  • 500 calories is only one-seventh of a pound. I wouldn't sweat it.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 638 Member
    I weigh myself.

    Go "Oh My God! No No No No No No No No No!!!!"

    Spray windex all over the leftovers, and fill my fridge with so much fruit and Veg i cant even fit a lollipop in there.

    Na, just savour the moment, and start fresh the next day.

    Its all good. :wink:

  • This happened yesterday -- I binged and ended up eating close to 3,000 calories in total. Eeek way over my limit.
    Anyway, I told myself to shake it off, learned from the experience (honestly I've never experienced anything so painful or uncomfortable, it was my first binge in almost 3 months so my body didn't like it!) and wrote about it. I thought about the trigger (stress, thinking about food ALL the time, also I have an eating disorder) and what I could have done instead.

    Today I woke up, went to the gym for an awesome cardio session and now I'm ready to eat healthily today :]

    Don't restrict the next day after you binge because that can lead to another one. Make healthier choices, like today I am not going to have any dessert unless it is small and I feel up to it because my poor stomach is bloated. I'm choosing lots of fresh vegetables and fruits and good protein sources.

    Also, DON'T weigh yourself! You're going to be heavier because of bloating and water weight, so there's no point. In the long run this one binge will NOT affect you at all. If you get right back on track it will be fine :]. I always try to drink lots of water the day after a binge and definitely exercise a little more -- more walking, etc. Don't over exercise to compensate for the binge because that can lead to a cycle of binge-purge through exercise.

    Basically just keep following the routine you followed pre-binge. I was eating very healthily and exercising regularly before I binged, and that's what I'm doing. You're always going to have little slip ups along the way and it will be fine in the end. In the long term this binge will be meaningless. It's only when you binge repeatedly that it becomes a huge problem and weight is really gained.
  • I wouldn't worry about it. We all have those days, here and there, as long as they are not frequent, it's A-OK.