Not allowed to diet! arrgh

So I've been the same weight for about 3 years now, always around the 141 lbs mark. I'm 5'9...

Just before Christmas I got down to 137 lbs and was feeling pretty pleased with myself. Fast forward 3 weeks of holiday and festive eating and I've come back 9 pounds heavier. 146lbs. I feel so annoyed and not happy with myself. Hubby signed me up to a gym just before Christmas and I started weight training. I'm back in the gym now picking up where I left off.

The problem is, normally I would have just gone on a diet, maybe Dukan or something to lose the weight but he is banning me from doing any form of diet! Apparently I need the calories for training etc. Which makes sense but it's driving me crazy as i'm not losing anything! In fact, i've gone UP another pound in the last few weeks.

I need some motivation/support to keep going with the weight training. I know it will be worth it in the end but is it possible to change my shape but stay the same weight? Or even weigh more?


  • ejha77
    ejha77 Posts: 63
    How about not letting your husband 'ban you' from doing what you like? I'd start there.
  • stephl21uk
    stephl21uk Posts: 123 Member
    How about not letting your husband 'ban you' from doing what you like? I'd start there.

    ^^^^^exactly, ur body, do whay you like.....its not up to him!
  • terilou87
    terilou87 Posts: 328 Member
    dont weigh yourself if your doing weights because a pound of fat is a bigger quantity than a pound of muscle try measuring instead you may be losing fat gaining muscle but size can still be going down :)
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    How about not letting your husband 'ban you' from doing what you like? I'd start there.


    HOWEVER, you almost certainly did not gain 9 lbs of fat in 3 weeks. Most of it is probably water weight. And 146 lbs is perfectly normal for someone at your height.
  • subconscious_ink
    subconscious_ink Posts: 194 Member
    I know it will be worth it in the end but is it possible to change my shape but stay the same weight? Or even weigh more?

    Absolutely. I've been (somewhat) muscular at 140 and "skinny" at 130, and I looked much better and thinner at the muscular 140. Also, when you first begin lifting weights, sometimes it takes your body a bit to adjust before it starts shedding lbs, especially since you don't seem to have much to lose.
    How about not letting your husband 'ban you' from doing what you like? I'd start there.
    True, but the advice he gave her wasn't bad, unless she's eating A LOT of cals a day. If you take it as advice and not an ultimatum :tongue: If I were her, I'd still log, but make sure not to under-eat.
  • juliesmithdiet
    I'm just wondering what would happen if my husband banned me from doing anything or I banned him - yep nothing we would do exactly what we wanted and still love each other and support each other.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Um...yes, I have to agree with the people who have suggested you immediately correct this weirdness with your husband telling you what to do with your body. It's your body--you have to be in control of it.

    Apart from than that, you seem far too fixated on the scale, which is pretty counterproductive when you're lifting weights. Take measurements with a measuring tape, go by the way your clothing fits, etc. Don't get caught up in some arbitrary numbers on the scale. It's just not the best way to measure progress, especially when you're talking about a few pounds in either direction. Scales are notoriously stupid. Who cares what you weigh if you're feeling and looking better? I have been the same clothing size at 135 and 150. However, I was way hotter at 150 because I was really strong, muscular, and curvy as opposed to what is known as "skinny fat". If I had been all hung up on the scale, it wouldn't have happened for me.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    How about not letting your husband 'ban you' from doing what you like? I'd start there.

    I think her husband is being sensible to be honest.....You DO need the calories whilst training at the gym, and going on some silly crash diet is a batty idea, so good for him being sensible.

    Eat healthily, workout, and you'll get results. Do some crazy diet and its likely that you'll put it back on anyway.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member

    I need some motivation/support to keep going with the weight training. I know it will be worth it in the end but is it possible to change my shape but stay the same weight? Or even weigh more?

    And also YES, yes it is possible. Take measurements.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I would love to be 146lb and I'm 3" shorter than you! Do your clothes fit nicely? Do you look OK in a swimsuit? If you've got any "loose" bits then keep on with the weight training but don't weigh yourself - as others have said its how you look that matters more than what you weigh!
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I agree with your husband. You're just going to hurt yourself by under eating and over exercising.

    You need to modify your diet to eat healthy within appropriate calorie amounts for what you're exercising. Not some fad diet.

    Also throw the damn scale away and buy a tape measure and a mirror both are much better indicators of progress than a scale.

    You may not lose weight or possibly even gain weight with a weight training program but you'll look a hell of a lot sexier and healthier. Forget the scale.
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    How about not letting your husband 'ban you' from doing what you like? I'd start there.

    I think her husband is being sensible to be honest.....You DO need the calories whilst training at the gym, and going on some silly crash diet is a batty idea, so good for him being sensible.

    Eat healthily, workout, and you'll get results. Do some crazy diet and its likely that you'll put it back on anyway.

    ^^^ THIS^^^^

    Also as another poster said, put the scales away and get out the tape measure for a while.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member

    I need some motivation/support to keep going with the weight training. I know it will be worth it in the end but is it possible to change my shape but stay the same weight? Or even weigh more?

    And also YES, yes it is possible. Take measurements.

    Staci proves you can.

    Also Loretta Lynn on these forums, maybe do a search on lifting success stories.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I agree with your husband. You're just going to hurt yourself by under eating and over exercising.

    You need to modify your diet to eat healthy within appropriate calorie amounts for what you're exercising. Not some fad diet.

    Also throw the damn scale away and buy a tape measure and a mirror both are much better indicators of progress than a scale.

    You may not lose weight or possibly even gain weight with a weight training program but you'll look a hell of a lot sexier and healthier. Forget the scale.

    What he said. (Thanks for saving me having to type.)
  • vpsorrels
    vpsorrels Posts: 35 Member
    Keep telling yourself that muscle weighs more than fat. When you have more muscle you will be toned and more solid. Muscle mass is healthier than fat.
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    you need to concentrate in toning and sculpting and not what is on the scale. your weight is not the problem cause your size seems right for someone your height. im not going to put you down for wanting to look better. but going on some diet is not the answer and wont work for the long term. do you want to try some diet and get the results you just did? these changes are lifestyle changes. not temporary ones. work as a team with your husband to become more active and eat healthy? maybe you two can try biking or swimming? work together to make some changes to your diets? that is going to promote long term results.
  • beautmel
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone.

    nz_deevaa- thanks for posting that link, that's exactly what I needed.

    And to everyone worried about my husband "banning me" - don't worry, I do very much what I like, when I like. I'm listening to him in this instance because he's been going to the gym for years and doing weights etc. I don't know what I'm talking about yet so I will reluctantly follow his advice.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Another vote for lifting. I'm only 7lb lighter than I was than this time last year, but I'm a dress size smaller and in much, much better shape. All because of lifting.

    Also, to those ranting about hubs - so what? He's not married to you. And frankly, there's worse advice out there.
  • beautmel
    Thanks moglet!

    I've made poor hubs sound like Hitler when he's just trying to help- haha
    Another vote for lifting. I'm only 7lb lighter than I was than this time last year, but I'm a dress size smaller and in much, much better shape. All because of lifting.

    Also, to those ranting about hubs - so what? He's not married to you. And frankly, there's worse advice out there.
  • MogwaisGrandma
    MogwaisGrandma Posts: 196 Member